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Module 2 The Renaissance .情景默写 1.The police are _(呼吁) to the people to be very careful. 2.Whatever the _(结果) of the war is,there will be no winners. 3.Having been _(责备) several times,Bill made up his mind not to watch late night movies any more. 4.We _(寻找) an answer to the question,but couldnt find one. 5.A piece of _(令人不安的)news came that an unknown disease was spreading in the area. appealing outcome blamed sought disturbing 6.Einstein,as well as being one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known,was also a _(有技巧的)violinist. 7._(大体上来说),I agree with your suggestion,but there are still a few points Id like to discuss with you. 8.Each small achievement will keep us _(激励) to gain the final goal. 9.This wounded soldier was unconscious because of his _(失去) of blood. 10.I want you to choose the _(主题) of my picture. 11.During the war,thousands of people _(逃离) the country. skilled Basically motivated loss subject fled 12.I never _(抱怨) failuresthere are too many complicated situations in life. 13.While shopping,you should make your own decision.You cannot simply _(依 赖)what is advertised on TV. 14._(代表)my corporation,let me propose a toast to you! Thank you again for your generous help. 15.There are so many books! It is not easy for us to decide which to take and which to _(留下). 16.After retirement,Mike _(从事)drawing,which he had always loved but had not had time for. blame depend on On behalf of leave behind took up .词性转换 1.The police _ that two of the _ caught yesterday were connected with another case.They were more _.(suspect) 2._, his income only meets _ living expenses.So he only chooses a simple lifestyle _ on his limited salary.(base) 3.The drug has a bad effect on humans so the government should take _(effect) measures to prevent it from spreading. suspectedsuspects suspicious Basically basic based effective 4.It is generally accepted that people are _ by success.The stronger the _ is,the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.(motivate) 5.The _ news _ the familys peaceful life and the family all felt _.(disturb) 6.Even if you are a _(gift) man,you should not take your gift for granted.Make full use of it and youll succeed. motivatedmotivation disturbing disturbed disturbed gifted 1.句型公式:Sb/Sth is believed to do/be.某人/物被认为做/是 建这座博物馆是为了纪念被认为发现 了这座岛的探险家。 The museum is built in honor of the explorer who _ the island. 2.句型公式:beof抽象名词 他知道这些书对接手这份工作的人有很大帮助。 He knew the books could _ to whoever took over the job. is believed to have discovered be of great help 3.句型公式:“介词where”引导的定语从句 她爬到东方明珠塔的最顶部,从那里可以饱览全市风光。 She climbed up to the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower, _ of the whole city. from where she could have a good view 1.effect n.结果;效果,效能;作用,影响 高考必刷题练题练 透 单句语法填空/一句多译 Its reported that this regulation will come _ effect from October 1,2019. It wont be easy to put the changes _ effect,so we must spare every effort to do it.(2018南通市高三调研) into into Developing a good habit of learning can help you improve your learning _(effect). 吸烟对你的健康有很坏的影响,因此你最好戒掉它。 Smoking _,so youd better give it up.(effect) Smoking _,so youd better give it up.(affect) effectively has a bad effect on your health affects your health badly 状元笔记记全记记牢 (1)have an effect/influence on/upon对有影响 bring/carry/put.into effect 实施,使生效 come/go into effect 开始生效,开始实施 (2)effective adj. 有效的 (3)affect vt. 影响 2.seek v.(sought;sought)寻找;追求;企图;征求,请求 高考必刷题练题练 透 单句语法填空/单句改错/完成句子 Taking drugs has become part of every sport where athletes seek _(achieve) beyond their natural limits.(2018重庆巴蜀中学模拟) Dont just wait to be informed.You should try to seek the information you need._ 很多年轻人离开家乡到大城市寻找成功的机会。 Many young people leave their hometown _ in big cities. to achieve 在seek后加for to seek their fortune 状元笔记记全记记牢 (1)seek to do sth 试图/设法做某事 seek for/after 寻找;追求;寻求 (2)seek ones fortune 寻找致富及成功之路 seek advice/help/fame/support/an opportunity 征求意见/寻求帮助/追求名利/寻求支持/寻找机会 3.blame n.过失,责备 v.责备 高考必刷题练题练 透 单句语法填空/单句改错 Albert didnt react effectively when the company was in financial difficulties, _ which he was blamed by the manager.(2018浙江联考) Dont always blame your own failure _ others.You should take the blame _ failure. for on for Blaming for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits._ 用blame的相关词语完成下面片段 The parents _(正在为互相责备) the childs education.Who _(该受责备) and who will _(为承担 责任) the wrong education? BlamingBlamed are blaming each other for is to blameta
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