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Brainstorming,When we talk about Greece, what do you think of? What is the greatest symbol of Athens?,The Aegeon Sea,Athena,Marathon,The 2004 OlympicsGreece,Brainstorming,The First Olympics,The Overview of the Acropolis,The Acropolis now,Objectives,to learn the general history of Acropolis, the damage done to the Acropolis and the stages undertaken to preserve this historic site To learn how to recognize reference markers To master the words and expressions,汉语是我们的母语,我们从学英语开始,就是用汉语来解释和记忆英语的。变“用汉语解释和记忆英语”为“用英语解释和记忆英语”。避免了将英语转换为另一种语言汉语所带来的不便和时间耗费。不但提高了效率,而且久而久之,有可能在头脑中建立起两种思维系统,即在汉语思维之外,还可以逐步建立起独立的英语思维系统。,用英语解释和记忆英语,本身就是在学习和运用英语,对提高英语语感和英语的阅读理解能力以及综合运用能力很有好处,是一举多得的好方法。真正做到了用英语品味英语,越品越有味;用英语理解英语,理解更准确。鉴于本环节初次尝试此种设置,可能有些学生对英语解释不能完全理解,为降低难度,英文解释后还配有中文解释,以方便学生回顾早读课中已预习过的单词,进一步加深记忆。,to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else; used in the title of a person whose rank is slightly lower or less complete than the full official position described considered to be holy and deserving respect, especially because of a connection with a god to some extent, but not completely (the act of) dishonestly taking something which belongs to someone else and keeping it,associate,sacred,partly,theft,disagreement or unfriendliness caused by people having different opinions awkward in movement or manner independent and having the power to make your own decisions to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility to repair something that is broken or damaged happening in a smooth, gradual and regular way, not suddenly or unexpectedly,friction,clumsy,autonomous,appoint,mend,steady,Reading Tips,在阅读时,要注意综合运用略读(skimming)与扫读(scanning)这两种方法。,Reading strategy,skimming,scanning,a general idea,certain information,titles and headings,the first and last sentences of paragraphs,the first and last paragraphs,pictures and charts,Scan the text for key words and phrases, dates, etc.,Do not need to read the whole text.,古希腊对西方文化有很大的影响。古希腊文明与希腊首都雅典卫城是相联系的。卫城包括三座神庙。随着历史的前进,卫城和其他的古代建筑一样受到自然威力和人为的破坏。希腊政府一直采取措施进行修复工程。成立了委员会负责全面专业的修复,并教育人们如何避免破坏重要历史建筑。,Skimming to get general ideas,1 When did the construction of the Acropolis built? In the 5th century BC. 2 What were the buildings of the Acropolis made of? They were made of marble. 3 When was the Acropolis listed as a World Heritage site? It was listed as a World Heritage site in 1987 by UNESCO.,Skimming,Reading Comprehension I,Careful reading to solve difficult points,Tips for teacher,本模块的careful reading主要是针对句型和部分短语的解释,教师可以根据学生的预习情况来选择性讲解。 为了引导学生进行自主学习,自己查找相关资料学习新单词,这里不对词汇做解释。但为了方便,在每个单元的language points板块中会对本单元的词汇做一个重点讲解。,In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens, the greatest symbol of which is the Acropolis. 我们尤其将古希腊文明与其首都雅典城相联系,而雅典最伟大的标志就是雅典卫城。 1) in particular especially: What in particular did you like about the last apartment that we saw? Are you looking for anything in particular?,associate with associate sth with sth: phrasal verb 把(某事物与他事物)联想在一起 The cancer risks associated with smoking have been well documented.,associate with sb: phrasal verb 与为友; 结交;交往 I dont want my children associating with drug-addicts and alcoholics.,The last major damage of this kind occurred with the theft of many of the best sculptures in 1801, when an 最近一次人为的重大破坏发生于1801年,许多最精美的雕像遭窃。 occur (HAPPEN) verb I -rr- (especially of accidents and other unexpected events) to happen: (意想不到的事情)发生 An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane. If any of these symptoms occur while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately.,occur (EXIST) verb I + adverb or preposition -rr- to exist or be present in, among, etc: 存在,出现 Violence of some sort seems to occur in every society. Minerals occur naturally in the earths crust.,occur to sb: phrasal verb (想法、念头等)想起,浮现 If a thought or idea occurs to you, it comes into your mind: The thought did occur to me. + that It never even occurred to us that he hadnt been invited. Does it never occur to you that I might like to be on my own occasionally?,Unfortunately, some of the construction that was carried out over the following 100 years was not very successful. 遗憾的是,此后一百多年进行的一些修复工作并不是很成功。 carry sth out phrasal verb 完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行 to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do: Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art. The hospital is carrying out tests to find out whats wrong with her.,After that, much progress was made in repairing the Acropolis, with a large amount of work done in preparation for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. 此后, 遗址修复工作取得了很大的进展, 为准备2004年雅典奥运会做了大量工作。 1) make progress in progress noun U 前进, 进行; 进步上进, 发展 advancement to an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position:,Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years. Im not making much progress with my Spanish. The doctor said that she was making go
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