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What are you doing?第一课时一、教学目标:1、能过听、说、读、写动词短语及其ing 形式:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone 。2、能运用句子“What are you doing?” “Im doing the dishes/.”询问别人正在做什么,并作答。3、通过说唱Lets chant 部分的歌谣巩固复习Lets learn 部分的动词短语和句子。4、培养学生热爱生活的美好情感。二、教学重点:掌握五个动词短语的-ing 形式,理解下一节课的主要句型 What are you doing ? 并能用 I am . 来作答。三、教学难点:1、如何引导学生感知、理解现在进行时所表达的含义。2、动词- ing形式的读音。四、教、学具准备:课件(U盘)、磁带、录音机、手机、卡片、磁铁。五、教学过程:Step 1: warm up1、Greeting 2、Lets sing a song I can help .3、Free tall : I m your new teacher . So , I d like to know about you . Would you please ansewer my questions ? Question Whats your name ? Can you tell me, what do you do on the weekend ?(根据学生的回答,板书动词短语。)Step 2: presentation.1、揭题:Do you have English class on the weekend ?What are you doing now?You can say : I am having English class.(板书句子)领读比较两个句子:Have English class . / having English class . ( whats the difference ?)(解释:要说明在正在干什么的时候,要在动词的后面add “ing” .)2、To learn “reading a book ” Look at me :what am I doing ?(you are reading a kook.) How to write? Lets read and practice .3、To learn “doing the dishes ” 出示幻灯片:T: Boys and girls . Look ! who is he ?(Zhang Peng ) What is Zhang Peng doing ? S: He is doing the dishes . How you write ? Lets read and practice .4、To learn “cooking dinner ” Boys and girls . Look ! this is Zhang Pengs mom .she is in the kitchen. What is she doing ? Lets see ,she is cooking dinner . Lets write . Read after me . Follow me : I m cooking dinner . I m cooking fish . I m cooking eggs. Mm Yummy!5、To learn “drawing pictures ” Now ,please look ! whos she ?(Chen Jie ) Chen Jie is in the classroom . Guess. What is she doing ? Lets see .Oh ,she is drawing pictures .Show me your fingers. Lets write .Read after me :6、To learn “answering the phone .” Look ! This man is Chen Jies father .He is in his home .Guess. What is he doing ? OK. Lets see . He is answering the phone . Lets write. Read after me .Step 3: Practice.1、Now, please open you book ,turn to page 46. Lets listen 、point 、and repeat 。2、Now ,boys and girls , please read after me .(结合板书,以chant 的形式练习。)3、Now ,lets chant . At first , lets listen and repeat . Then, lets chant together. And clap your hands .4、lets play a game .The name is “Puppeteer”(木偶人) Step 4: Task.1、出示Amy,问 Whos she ? Whats Amy doing ?2、Whos calling Amy ? lets listen to the dialogue.3、Lets read the dialogue by yourselves. Would you tell me , whats Amy / chen jie doing ?4、Lets practise . Boys are Amy, girls are Chen Jie . ok ? (点击电话铃声,开始对话。)5、Make a telephone call to your friend , like this , ok ? practice in pairs . 6、who want to try ?Home work: Please give your friend a call in English .and tall about : what are you doing at home . 3
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