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Unit2 This is my pencil.,人教新版 三年级上册,Lesson 9,Play a game,Review,Whats missing?,Review,Role-play,Nice to meet you.,Hello, Peter! This is Gao Wei.,Nice to meet you, too.,Lead-in,Look and think,班上来了一位新同学,猜一猜他们会说什么?,Presentation,Lets watch,Presentation,Good morning!,Good morning, boys and girls! This is Lisa.,Listen and imitate,Show time,Good,Great,Excellent,四人一组,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。,Presentation,This is a pencil-box.,pencil-box,Just learn,Presentation,This is a ruler.,ruler,Just learn,Practice,ruler,pen,pencil,pencil-box,Look and guess,Practice,Touch and guess,Practice,Lets do,Open your pencil-box.,Take out your ruler.,Show me your pencil.,Point at your pen.,Summary,本课学到的学习用品类单词有:,pencil-box,ruler,Summary,如何介绍新同学并表示欢迎呢?,Good morning, boys and girls! This is Lisa.,Welcome!,Homework,Close,1. 登录“优教同步学习网”,观看Just talk部分的课文动画,跟读并注意语音、语调。 2.根据本课所学单词,制作相关的学习用品类单词卡片,并标注上中文意思。 3. 登录“优教同步学习网”,预习Lesson 10。,
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