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第 二 课 时教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1.师生互致问候。2.板书课题:Review 1。Step 2 Review Unit 3(一)复习第三单元Part A的内容1.教师播放录音,全班学生齐说韵律诗:Looking for Easter Eggs。2.教师说:“This chant is about .” 根据学生的回答,教师板书Easter。3.教师在黑板的左边板书Before Easter,边写边问:“Before Easter,what is Sallys Mom going to do ?”4.教师播放课本第16页的录音,学生边看书边小声跟读,教师在黑板上Before Easter的下方板书:Im going tomake .color hide in the garden.学生根据课文内容完成三个句子,然后请学生说一说be going to句式的用法,并造句。 5.教师出示几个复活节彩蛋,提出问题:“Are they beautiful? How many colors are there on the eggs?”请学生回答。(二)复习第三单元Part B的内容1.教师在黑板的右边板书Easter morning,边写边问:“Its Easter morning.What are the kids doing in the garden?”2.教师播放课本第18页的录音,学生边看书边小声跟读,教师在黑板上Easter morning的下方板书They are_.Kate is_.如:Before Easter Easter morningIm going tomake some Easter eggs. They are_. color the eggs. Kate is_ hide the eggs in the garden.(1) 学生根据课文内容完成两个句子,然后请学生说一说be doing句式的用法,并造句。(2) 出示一些图片,复习be going to和be doing的句式。3.通过问题How many Easter eggs did Sally/Kate/Ben get? 复习巩固单词get和got,句子He/She got.Step 3 Review Unit 4(一)复习第四单元Part A的内容1.教师播放录音,全班学生齐唱歌曲:Flowers Are Blooming。2.通过歌曲,揭示主题并板书:A Spring Outing,复习巩固a spring outing。3.教师说:“Miss Gao and her students are going for a spring outing.What are they going to do? What are Wang Tao and Sally going to take with them? What is Wang Tao going to wear?”(1)学生带着三个问题自读课本第23页的内容,然后回答问题。教师在黑板的左边板书:We are/ I am going to climb the mountain.take some food with us/metake some water with us/metake a camera with us /mewear sports shoes(2)复习巩固单词、词组和句子。4.教师播放课本第23页和第24页的录音,学生模仿跟读。5.情景对话。教师给出一些情景:如“去公园”、“去游泳”、“去某地方旅行”等,请学生选择一个情景或自己创设一个情景,先在小组说一说自己的计划,然后请个别学生向全班同学汇报。(二)复习第四单元Part B的内容1.请学生看课本第25页,教师提出问题:“How is the weather today? What are Miss Gao and her students doing? Please read the dialogue.”(1) 学生读对话,然后根据第一个问题的回答,复习单词clouds和句子Its a sunny day.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.(2) 根据第二个问题,引导学生在黑板的右边写出相应的句子,板书如下:A Spring OutingWe are/I am going toThey are/Wang Tao is/Miss Gao isclimb the mountaingetting on the bustake some food with us/meclimbing the mountaintake some water with us/meshouting to his classmatestake a camera with us/metaking a photo of her pupilswear sports shoes(3)复习动词现在分词的构成形式。(4)复习本部分的单词、词组和句子。(5)对比黑板左右两边的句子,继续巩固be going to do和be doing的句式。2.教师播放课本第25页和第26页的录音,学生模仿跟读。3.游戏我说你做。游戏规则:请两位学生上台,一位学生说准备做的事,另一位学生要说并做出相应的动作,如:A:Im going to play football.B:(做踢足球的动作,边做边说) Im playing football.A:Im going to take photos.B:(做拍照的动作,边做边说)Im taking photos.(三)巩固练习1.完成课本第32页的Tick the words you can say.部分。(1) 学生看图自读,遇到困难可请老师和同桌帮助。(2) 教师播放录音,学生小声跟读。(3)同桌间互相提问,比一比谁的准确率高。2.请学生看课本第31页,完成本页的Look,think and say.部分。(1) 根据图片的提示,学生先尝试自己读一读。(2) 同桌两人进行角色扮演,练习对话。(3)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。(4)选几个学生进行角色扮演,表演对话。3.请学生翻开课本第33页,完成Read.Tick or cross.部分。(1)教师播放对话录音,学生小声跟读。(2)教师出示对话中主要的单词、词组,如:tomorrow,something,go shopping,at the supermarket等,帮助学生复习巩固它们的发音,并理解它们的含义。(3)学生自读短文,并独立完成短文下面的练习。(4)核对答案。(5)教师再出示一些问题,请学生根据短文内容回答,考查学生对对话内容理解的情况,如:What are they going to do tomorrow?What are they doing now?What do they buy?Step 4 Review the English sounds1.教师让学生看课本第35页Listen and learn the English sounds部分的字母组合发音的几个表格,让学生自己先尝试读一读并记一记。2.游戏小小单词王。游戏规则:教师出示e,ee,ea,or,oor,ow等字母或字母组合的卡片,学生以组为单位进行说单词比赛。如:教师出示ow,并说:“/au/”,学生要说:“c,o,w,/kau/”,教师出示e,并说:“/i:/”,学生要说:“h,e, /hi:/”。以此类推,看看哪个小组说的单词最多。3.请学生翻开课本第35页,先请个别学生范读,然后教师播放录音,全班学生模仿跟读。Step 5 Homework1.背诵并默写单词表中Unit 3和Unit 4的单词。2.听Unit 3和Unit 4的课文录音,并模仿跟读。3.完成活动手册中本课的练习。7
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