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Task Designing a Beijing Opera mask Page 42 (Tapescript)Director: Tell me about your story. Author: Its about love, power and good against evil. There is an old king, Alfred, who wants his daughter, the princess, to get married. He has been advised by the prime minister that she should marry George, the king of a nearby country. However, the princess is in love with another man, a captain in the kings guard, and does not want to marry George. Director: What are the characters like in this play? Author: the old King Alfred is a good man, but he can also be a bit stubborn. On the other hand, he can be quite clever. As a king, he is of course very powerful, but also fair. The princess is young, beautiful, elegant and smart. She loves her father and would never do anything to harm him. She is very honest. She would never lie, especially to her father. The captain is also young and handsome. He is a brave soldier in battle. His men admire and respect him for this, because he is always calm. He never shows his anger. He always obeys the kings order. Above all, he is completely trustworthy. Now we come to the prime minister. He lets people think he is a good person, but he is not. He is very ambitious and hungry for more power. He is dishonest. He will lie and cheat the king to get what he wants. Author: Finally, we come to King George. He does not really love the princess, but knows that a marriage to her will make him even more powerful. He is violent and easy to get angry. Director: They sound like very interesting characters. Author: Thank you. Roles Characteristics or personality King Alfred stubborn; clever; powerful; fair The princess smart; honest The captain brave; calm; trustworthy The prime minister ambitious; dishonest King George violent; easy to get angry Page 43 (Tapescript)Performer: I wonder if you could help me. Ive read the script but I cant decide which character I want to play. Id really like to play a role that is different from my last one. Director: Of course. Why dont you tell me about your last role? Ill see if I can pick something for you that is very different. Performer: Great! In the last opera, I played the part of a very bad man. He would only do things for his own good and was untrustworthy. Also, he was very careless when he did something important. On the other hand, he was a bit shy. He never dared admit he had made a mistake. Nobody liked or respected him. The audience would even make terrible noise when I came on stage! untrustworthy; careless; shy The role I choose for the performer: _the captain
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