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Module 5 Lao She Teahouse Unit 3 Language in use I wanted to see some Beijing Opera Lingling offered to take me there We only planned to watch for an hour I hope to understand more next time Revision Language practice 你能总结出它们的用法吗 接不定式作宾语的动词一般有 三个希望两答应 两个要求莫拒绝 设法学会做决定 不要假装在选择 妙语诠释 三个希望两答应 hope wish want agree promise 两个要求莫拒绝 demand ask refuse 设法学会做决定 manage learn decide 不要假装在选择 pretend choose 7 Work in pairs Talk about your weekend plan Use the words and expressions from the box to help you hope How about Let s want Why don t we Why not would like I want to see Beijing Opera Why don t we Theatres Western theatre started in Greece around 600 BC The theatres were very big About 15 000 people could watch a play at the same time The audience sat on stone seats to watch the performances Some of the theatres survive as do some of the plays by ancient Greek writers People still watch these plays today Around the world Presentation 动词不定式和双宾语 1 动词不定式作宾语 生活中我们经常遇到 我努力去理解 决定留下来 等表 达方式 其中连续出现了两个动词 这种情况下英语应该 如何表达呢 首先请看下面的例句 We decided to stay for a cup of tea 我们决定留下来喝杯茶 动词不定式置于谓语动词之后 作动词的宾语 表明意图 希望或决定的内容 在英语中 并不是所有两个动词连用时都采用 动词 不定式的形式 一般来说 用不定式时 所表示的多为将来的行为 但是在具体使用中 同学们还要注意记忆 因为动词不同 对其后 动词形式的要求也就不同 常见的后面接 to 动词原形 作宾语的动词有 plan decide hope want agree offer try like love 2 双宾语 有些动词可以接两个宾语 即指人的间接宾语和指物的直 接宾语 这两个宾语称为 双宾语 结构为 及物动词 间 接宾语 直接宾语 有时还可用 及物动词 直接宾语 to for 间接宾语 结构来表达 I passed him a bottle of apple juice I passed a bottle of apple juice to him 我递给他一瓶苹果汁 后接介词to 的动词有 give show pass lend take tell 等 后接介词for的动词有 buy make cook get sing read等 一般来讲 for表示 为某人 而to表示 给某人 即表示 某人接受或收到了某物 例如 give sb sth give sth to sb bring sb sth bring sth to sb lend sb sth lend sth to sb hand sb sth hand sth to sb send sb sth send sth to sb show sb sth show sth to sb leave sb sth leave sth to sb teach sb sth teach sth to sb buy sb sth buy sth for sb cook sb sth cook sth for sb read sb sth read sth for sb I 句型转换 1 The story took place in the winter 对画线部分提问 the story place 2 The audience clapped for ten minutes 对画线部分提问 the audience 3 He thinks his parents will agree 改为否定句 He think his parents agree 4 We ll come back in a few weeks 对画线部分提问 you come back When did take How long did clap doesn t will Practice How soon will 1 Mary introduced me her friends at the party 2 I hope the world will be full happiness and fun 3 What did you think of the play Teahouse Lao She 4 We all see him one of the best players in the match 5 France is famous its wine and food 6 Tony wants to be a great writer Mark Twain in the future 用适当的介词完成句子 to of by as for like 1 It is important for modern young people learn at least two foreign languages 2 The most important thing for one s health is have plenty of exercise 3 Ted decided work hard and wanted go to Beijing University 4 We found it impossible get everything ready in time 5 Sue really doesn t know which book choose 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 to learn to have to work to get to choose to go 6 Mother saved every cent pay for my schooling 7 Tom asked you not call him until ten o clock 8 I don t think Roger is the best one do the work 9 Why not walk to school with me every day 10 My host family made me feel being at home to pay not to call to do walk feel 1 Sally will lend Allan a magazine to read Sally will lend a magazine to read 2 Jackie returned the bike to me yesterday Jackie returned yesterday 3 Get me a chair will you Get a chair will you 4 Henry s pen friend sent him an email Henry s pen friend sent an email 5 Please sing us a folk song Please sing a folk song IV 同义句转换 to Allan me the bike for me to him for us Homework Introduce your favourite writer to your classmates Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body 读书之于心灵 犹如运动之于身体
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