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2015牡丹江管理局北斗星协会一模考试英 语 题 签考生注意: 1. 考试时间100分钟 2. 全卷共五道大题,总分为120分第一部分 语言知识应用(共55分)来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KI. Multiple choice (本题共25分,每小题1分) Choose the best answer from A、B or C according to the meaning of the sentence( )1. Jenny is a (an ) _ girl , She likes sports ,singing and dancing .A. shy B. quiet C. active ( )2. There _ many trees in front of my house now . A. is B. are C. was ( )3.Lang Lang is good at playing the piano. He has been famous _ he was very young .A .since B. because C. when ( )4 . -_ do you go bike riding ? -Once a week .A . How long B. How often C. How soon ( )5. -Which is more useful , listening or speaking ? -I think _ of them are useful .A . none B. both C. all ( ) 6. Toms father has _ for about ten years .A . died B. dead C. been dead ( ) 7. -Is there _ in the newspaper ? -Yes, Southern Sudan will have a three-year-old birthday in a month .A. something special B. special something C. anything special ( )8.-My grandfather was ill in hospital .-_.A. Im sorry to hear that B. Never mind C. Thats a shame ( )9.Our hospital needs two _ this year.A. man doctors B. men doctors C. mans doctor ( )10. -Jimmy , its time to go to bed .-Oh , I wont do that _ I finish my homework . A. if B. until C. after ( )11. -When was the car invented ? -It _ in 1885.A. invented B. is invented C. was invented ( )12.-Hello, is that Betty speaking ? - Yes , _.A. this is Betty B. Im Betty C. you are Betty ( )13. There _a basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow morning .A. is B .has C. will be ( )14. At last, he came up _ a good idea to solve the prolem.A. in B. for C. with( )15. Our teacher often tells us _ in the river . Its dangerous .A. dont swim B. not swim C. not to swim ( )16. -Can Peter play games with us ? Mrs. Hawking ?-Wait a minute . He _ a shower. A. is taking B. takes C. took ( )17. Im looking forward to _ you again.A. seeing B. saw C. see ( )18. Air pollution has become _ than ever before, we must do something to stop it.A. serious B. more serious C. most serious( )19.-_ did you tell him about the news ? -By_ an e-mail . A. How; sending B. How ; send C. What ; sending ( )20. -Listen ! Is it Linda singing in the next room ? -No, it _ be her. She is still in Shanghai .A. cant B. mustnt C. may not ( )21. The Yellow River is one of _ in the world .A. the longest river B. longest river C. the longest rivers ( )22. -Must I stay at home the whole afternoon ? - No, you _.A. may not B. mustnt C. neednt ( )23. The man _is wearing a pair of glasses is my math teacher .A. who B. which C. whose ( )24.-Would you mind my closing the window ? -_.A. Certainly not B. Yes, please C. Sorry, I wont ( )25-Do you know _? -Im not sure. You can look it up on the Internet .A .when the next Olympics Games will be heldB. when will the Olympics Games be held C. when the next Olympics Games was held II. Cloze test(本题共15分,每小题1分)Miss Carter is a beautiful girl. Her father _(26) two years ago and her mother made a terrible mistake and was _(27). They began to live a hard life. When she _(28) middle school, she couldnt go on studying. Her uncle found a _(29) for her. Mr. Baker, a rich shopkeeper, hired(雇) her. Her work was to clean the rooms and sweep the floors. She tried her _(30) and worked hard. Mr. Baker liked her and paid her _(31) than the other servants(佣人). It was Sunday, Mr. Baker was reading and Mrs. Baker was watching TV in the sitting room. The girl came in and said, “Im _(32), Mrs. Baker. I have to tell you I cant work for you any longer.” It _(33) Mr. and Mrs. Baker. The woman asked, “What makes you say that? Arent we _(34) to you ?” “Yes, you are, Madam, ” the girl said. “Have you found a piece of _(35) work yet?” Mrs. Baker asked. “ No, I havent , ” Miss Carter said. “_(36) I dont think you trust(信任) me.” “You are _(37), Miss Carter, ” said Mr. Baker. “I always think you are a _(38) girl. And I often leave my keys in my study.” “ It was _(39) that you often left the keys in your study, ” said the girl. “But I could use none of them to _(40) the safe(保险箱).” “Well,” said Mr. Baker. “ You can go right now!”Choose the best answer to complete the passage.( )26. A. died B. dieded C. dying D. dead( )27. A. hurried off B. hurried to C. sent away D. stopped( )28. A. finished B. stopped C. endD. over( )29. A. work B. works C. jobD. j
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