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H公司基于TOC的生产管理改进研究摘 要随着经济全球化的发展,我国企业也得到了较多的发展机会,自从2008年爆发全球性金融危机后,我国制造业的发展方向在社会上引起了广泛的关注,特别是对于生产制造类的企业,怎样使得中小型企业在发展过程中不断提高管理水平,优化生产环节、节省生产成本等成为了目前迫切需要解决的问题。本文结合案例分析法,以H公司为分析对象,来对于中小型企业的生产管理进行研究。H公司时大连一所专注于生产消防产品的企业,其规模相对而言较小,但是其有自己的核心技术开发人员,我国类似于这种模式的企业较多,因而选取H公司作为研究的切入视角是比较可取的。本文在写作过程中主要是结合国外企业发展常采用的TOC约束管理法,通过 对于H公司的基本情况进行分析,从而探究如何提高中小型企业的生产管理水平的完善对策。文章第一部分,绪论。这一部分主要对于选题的背景、意义,国内外目前对于TOC的研究现状以及写作的思路及方法进行了阐述。文章第二部分,TOC相关理论综述。这一部分重点介绍了TOC理论的发展、技术运用、概念、原则以及特点等,从理论层面对于TOC约束管理法进行了研究和分析。第三部分,以H公司为案例,分析了H公司的现状、介绍了它的优势产品、同时对于H公司从缺乏规范管理、人才储备、信息化管理、技术研究等七个方面的管理问题进行了论述分析。最后一部分基于TOC理论对于H公司生产管理提出了相对应的完善对策。本文结合上述七个管理方面问题,从三个方面提出了解决思路,首先是基于TOC理论优化生产管理,主要从制定规章制度、优化管理人员、企业注重战略化发展,这三个方面着手进行。其次是企业实行信息化管理。信息化管理在企业发展中是至关重要的,从信息化管理公司全局,招聘信息化管理的专业人才,构建公司各个部分信息化沟通平台,从而实现信息共享。最后从生产成本的角度对于企业信息化管理提出了建议。企业范围内运行的所有事情都会涉及到成本,首先应该组建成本预算管理团队,对于企业今年该怎样更好的花钱来进行预算,其次从人才成本的角度来说,一定要不断提升技术人员的职业素质,加强培训,只有技术人员开发出新的、适合市场的产品后,公司才能更好的营利,因而必须加强对于技术人员的培养,同时企业在发展过程中,一定要有长远的发展目光,不断革新技术,树立自身的品牌。关键词:TOC约束管理法;生产成本管理;生产优化对策 Research on the production management of H company based on TOC theoryAbstractWith the development of economic globalization, Chinas enterprises have more opportunities for development, since the 2008 outbreak of the global financial crisis, the development direction of Chinas manufacturing industry has aroused widespread concern in society, especially for the manufacturing enterprises, as Chinas economic and industrial development support, we must attach great importance to manufacturing industry, strengthen the core technology development at the same time, the manufacturing enterprise must strengthen the construction of enterprise management system, to improve the management level of enterprises in the process of development, gradually catch up with the international standards, how to make small and medium enterprises to continuously improve the management level in the process of development, optimize the production, save the cost of production has become an urgent to solve the problem. In this paper, the case analysis method, H company for the analysis of the object, to the small and medium enterprise production management research. H Company Dalian, a focus on the production of fire products enterprises, the relatively small, but the own core technology development personnel, China similar to the mode of enterprise more, thus the selection H company as the research perspective is more desirable.The in the process of writing is mainly according to the foreign enterprise development constraints management method, through the analysis of the basic situation of H company, so as to explore how to improve the production management level of small and medium enterprises countermeasures. The first part of the article, the introduction. This part is mainly about the background and significance of the topic, and the current situation of the research on TOC and the ideas and methods of writing. The second part of the article, TOC related theory survey. This part mainly introduces the development of TOC theory, the technology application, the concept, the principle and the characteristic, and so on, from the theoretical level to the TOC restraint management law. The third part, takes the H company as a case, analyzes the status quo of H company, introduces the advantage of products, at the same time for H company management problems from the seven aspects of the lack of standardized management, talent reserve, information management, technology research of discourse analysis. The last part of the TOC theory for H company production management proposed to improve the countermeasures. In the light of the above seven management problems, ideas are put forward from three aspects, the first is based on TOC to optimize production management, mainly from formulating rules and regulations, optimize the management personnel, enterprises should pay more attention to the development strategy, these three aspects proceed. Second is the enterprise information management. Information management in enterprise development is essential, from the overall information management, recruitment information management professionals, all parts of a company information communication platform construction, so as to realize the information sharing. Finally, from the angle of production cost for enterprise information management, proposed. Enterprises within the scope of operation of all things related to cost, first of all, we should set up cost budget management team, for enterprises this year, how to better spend money to budget and secondly from the perspective of personnel costs, we must continuously improve the professional quality of the technical personnel, strengthening the training and only technical personnel to develop a new market for products, companies in order to better profit. Therefore, we must strengthen to the training of technical personnel. At the same time, the enterprise in the development process, be sure to have a long-
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