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,蜂巢酒店北侧悬崖”野蜂谷“方案概念设计,The Schematic Design of Nanjing Pukou Laoshan clliff Hotel,龙 腾 大 道,沿 山 大 道,野蜂谷,基地位置 Location analysis,基地位置 Location analysis,灵感来源 The Design Idea,This scheme from the source with honeycomb as design concept, stick to laoshan honeycomb characteristic, let the cliffs and beehive concept, the combination of building honeycomb hotel,building the whole mountain with potential, using the original mine of ups and downs, in the form of Mosaic will be two honeycomb subject and mountain together, let the building and naturalenvironment harmonious coexistence. Two huge ecological construction between honeycomb, nine days straight from the top of the mountain waterfall, waterfall falls directly in the hotel entrance lobby, passengers into the hall, he saw a line of white organ 6-2, on both sides of the hive of bright room shine like diamonds in the sun, like real at the moment.本方案从以野蜂窝作为设计灵感,将在此块悬崖上创造一个全天然环境的野蜂谷度假型体验酒店。客房完全和悬崖结合在一起,在尊重环境的基础上,创造出与大自然融为一体的概念性客房。结合环境设计景观,蜂窝客房、悬崖与瀑布完美地结合在一起,将会给这块区域带来更独特的住宿体验。,设计篇 The Design Part,设计篇 The Design Part,室内意向图 The Reference,室内意向图 The Reference,室内意向图 The Reference,室内意向图 The Reference,室内意向图 The Reference,
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