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书面表达旨在测试考生的英语书面表达能力,考查学生是否能够运用所学过的语言知识和语言技能进行思想表达和交流。试题对写作的目的、对象、题材、体裁及词数都有明确的要求,提供给学生的提示性材料包含文字、图画或者图表等。北京市中考说明对于学生“写”的能力做了如下要求:1. 能正确使用大小写字母和标点符号。2. 能够运用所学词汇、语法和所学句型,按照题目要求写出一篇不少于 50 词的文章。能够简单描述人物、场所、活动或事件。3. 能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。4. 能就常见话题陈述事实,表达观点、情感和态度等。5. 能正确使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。写作前1. 认真读题,正确选题;自 2016 年,北京市中考英语作文出现了比较大的变化:学生可以从命题者所出的两道题目中任选一个来写作。两道题目出题形式基本上与往年一样,要求考生根据题目所提供的信息、提示语和三个问题来完成写作任务。那么,考生应该怎样来选题,以促使测试成绩达到最优化呢?一般来讲,做好书面表达需要两个条件:考生对该话题内容的熟悉程度(背景知识)和相对应的英语知识和技能(语言支持) 。鉴于此,考生应根据自身对相关话题的熟悉程度(比如以前是否写过类似作文) 、对与该话题有关的英语知识的积累的多少(对于该话题能够拟出多少个重要句型、短语和谚语)以及能够利用本题目提供的语言支持的程度(在多大程度上能够利用题目所给的英语提示语)来选择。2. 认真审题,审体裁 ( 记叙文?说明文?应用文? 议论文?) 、审主题 (抓住要点,切忌跑题) 、审题型;3. 审时态和人称;4. 根据中文提示,找出要点,判断功能,确定该功能所对应的时态、重要句型、短语或者谚语、格言等。写作中1. 充分利用拟好的提纲,开始写作;2. 每个要点最好分解成两个分要点,以免太单薄;3. 尽量使用比较复杂的句子结构,比如并列句和复合句等;4. 尽量使用比较丰富的词汇和表达方式;5. 使用自己最有把握、最熟悉的词句;6. 充分利用提示语和自己拟出的句型、短语、谚语等来完整地回答三个问题,避免跑题。写作后1. 通读全文,从句子的结构、时态的使用、句中两个或多个动词关系的处理来检查有无错误;2. 从上下文逻辑关系、通顺与否等来检查文章;3. 检查冠词、代词等的使用和单词大小写等有无错误。附:文段表达评分标准第一档(15-13 分) 完全符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全。句式多样,词汇丰富。语言准确,语意连贯,表达清楚,具有逻辑性。 第二档(12-9 分) 基本符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全。语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要。语言基本通顺,语意基本连贯,表达基本清楚。虽然有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。 第三档(8-5 分) 部分内容符合题目要求,要点不齐全。语法结构和词汇错误较多,语言不通顺,表达不够清楚,影响整体理解。 第四档(4-0 分) 与题目有关内容不多,只是简单拼凑词语,所写内容难以理解。Writing 1(2016北京)从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。题目假如你是李华,你们学校将要举办长跑接力赛,你打算邀请你们班交换生 Peter 参加。请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他比赛的时间和地点,报名方式,以及需要做什么准备。提示词语:sign up(报名) , on the school website, sports shoes提示问题:When and where will you have the race?How can Peter sign up for the race?What do you advise Peter to prepare for the race?Dear Peter, How is it going? Im writing to invite you to take part in the long-distance relay race. The race will be held on the playground of our school next Monday afternoon. If you want to join us, you have to sign up. You can sign up the form on our school website before this Friday. Perhaps you need to wear a pair of sports shoes and bring some drinking water with you. Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua题目假如你是李华,为了帮助洪灾地区的小朋友渡过难关,你们学校上周组织了以“友爱、互助”为主题的献爱心捐赠活动。请你用英语写一篇短文给某英文网站投稿,谈谈你在这次活动中捐赠了什么,为什么捐赠这些物品,以及你的感受。提示词语:donate(捐赠), book, schoolbag, clothes, toy, help, proud提示问题:What did you donate?Why did you donate the things?How do you feel?At my school, we made donations to children in the flooded areas last week. Almost all my classmates and teachers took part in the donation. I donated some used textbooks, a schoolbag, some clothes and many toys. I did this because I wanted to help the children out of their difficulties, and show my love to them. Im very proud of what I have done. Writing 2(2015北京)假如你叫李华,你们学校为配合北京申办冬奥会,倡导人人都做文明中学生。请你根据以下提示,给你的英国笔友 Peter 写一封邮件,告诉他你认为做个文明中学生什么是重要的,你通常是怎么做的,以及你的感受。提示词语:think, smile, respect, say hello to, wait in line, on time, happy Dear Peter,How is it going? At my school were talking about what we should do to be a good student. I think it is important to be polite to others. I say hello to my teachers and classmates. I smile to everyone I talk to. Following rules is also very important. I wait in line at the bus stop and go to school on time. I feel happy for doing all this because it is right for a student to do so. Anything new at your school?Yours,Li HuaWriting 3(2014北京)假如你叫李华,你的美国笔友 Tom 上周刚过完生日。他想知道你经常和谁一起过生日,怎么过的,你收到的最喜欢的礼物是什么,以及你喜欢它的原因。请你根据他的问题回复邮件。提示词语:cake, noodles, sing songs, make a wish, get presentsTo TomFrom Li Hua Subject Birthday Hi!Tom, Im glad that you had a nice birthday party last week. I often celebrate my birthday with my parents, but sometimes with my friends. I usually have a big meal at home. And my mum always cooks noodles for me. You know it is common to have noodles on birthdays in China.My favorite present is a pair of sports shoes. I like them because they are cool and comfortable. Whats your favorite present? Yours,Li HuaA 组Writing 1(2016石景山一模)假如你是李华,暑假快到了,你打算邀请你的美国笔友 Peter 来北京游玩。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他你们准备去哪里玩,都会做些什么,以及需要 Peter 准备什么。提示词语:the Great Wall, Birds Nest, Beijing Opera, Beijing duck, delicious, traditional, camera提示问题:Where are you going?What are you going to do?What do you advise Peter to prepare for thevisit?Dear Peter,How is it going?Im writing to invite you to come to visit Beijing this summer. I have made a plan for us. First, we can visit some places of interest, like the Great Wall. You will get some feelings about Chinese history there. And I will also take you to watch Beijing Opera because its a traditional Chinese art. Of course, we are going to Quanjude, a famous Chinese restaurant, to enjoy Beijing duck. Its delicious!As for the weather, its hot in Beijing in summer, so please bring some light clothes. And dont forget to take your camera. We are sure to take a lot of photos!Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours,Li HuaWriting 2(2016石景山二模)端午节快到了,假如你是李华,打算邀请你校的美国交换生Peter 来家里过端午节。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他过节的时间和地点,庆祝端午节的意义,以及你们准备怎么庆祝。提示词语:May 5th, traditional, remember/honour, ancient poe
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