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Module3Myschool Unit2Thelibraryisontheleftoftheplayground What sthisbuilding It salibrary Leadingin Where sthelibrary It sinmyschool library building hall office gate 比一比 看谁能快速说出下面的单词 playground science behind lab between middle room buildingdininghallgatelibraryofficeplaygroundsciencelabsportshall Labelthepictureswiththewordsandexpressionsfromthebox building dininghall gate library playground sciencelab sportshall office behind between infrontof ontheright 根据图片选出方框中的方位介词或短语 behind between infrontof ontheright Daming GaoYan ZhaoFeng LiMin Lingling ReadBetty swords andwriteherclassmates namesontheirdesks behind between infrontof ontheright Listentothepassageandanswerthequestions 1 Howmanybuildingsarethereintheschool Therearesixbuildingsintheschool 2 What sinthelibrary Therearemanybooks mapsandcomputers Library Schooloffices Sportshall Dininghall Sciencebuilding Labelthemapoftheschool Readthepassageandanswerthequestions 1 Howmanyclassroomsarethereintheclassroombuilding Therearetwenty fourclassrooms 2 Wherearethecomputerroomsandsciencelabs Theyareinthesciencebuilding 3 What sontherightofthelibrary Theplayground 1 between是一个介词 常和and连用 构成短语between and 表示 在 和 之间 例如 IambetweenTomandLucyinthepicture Languagepoints 2 with也是一个介词 意思是 有 表示一种附属关系 例如 Thisismyschoolwithalotofbuildings 3 inthemiddleof表示 在 的中间 4 What s 地点 表示 在某地有什么 例如 What sinthelibrary Therearemanybooksinthelibrary 5 onone sleft right表示 在某人的左侧 右侧 ontheleft rightof 表示 在 的左侧 右侧 例如 onhisleftontheleftofJim therebe结构的一般疑问句是把be提前 例如 Thereisacomputeronthedesk 变一般疑问句 Isthereacomputeronthedesk therebe结构的特殊疑问句是在一般疑问句的前面加一个特殊疑问词 例如 Therearesixbuildingsinourschool 划线提问 Howmanybuildingsarethereinyourschool Grammar 1 Thereisacomputerinmyroom 变一般疑问句 acomputerinyourroom 2 Therearesomepicturesonthewall 变一般疑问句 anypicturesonthewall 3 Theschoolofficesarebehindthelibrary 划线提问 theschooloffices Isthere Arethere Whereare 练一练 Thelibraryisinfrontoftheofficebuilding It sinfrontoftheofficebuilding Isthesciencebuildingbehindthelibrary No itisn t Arethesciencelabsandcomputerroomsinthesamebuilding Yes theyare 小结 it用来代替单数名词或不可数名词 they用来代替复数名词 Lookatthesentences 1 Where stheplayground inthemiddleoftheschool 2 Wherearethesciencelabs inthesciencebuilding 3 Isthelibrarybehindthesportshall No Nowanswerthequestions Useshortforms It s They re Itisn t Makeadialogueaboutyourschool A Where sthe B It sbehind infrontof inthemiddleof A Is behind infrontof inthemiddleof B Yes itis No itisn t 本课小结 therebe结构的疑问句是把be提前 介词及介词短语 between withinfrontof behind inthemiddleof is的缩写为 s are的缩写为 re not的缩写为n t 1 Thegateis theleftofthelibrary A inB onC atD to2 DamingisbehindJone Joneis Daming behindB betweenC infrontofD ontheright3 What sonthe ofthebuilding frontB betweenC nearD right4 Thisistheclassroombuilding thirtyclassrooms onB inC ofD with B C D D 练一练 请写一篇短文 给你的朋友介绍一下你学校的建筑物及它们的位置 Homework
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