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2016 年春期初中毕业班第二次调研测试 英语试题参考答案 英语试题参考答案 一 听力理解 1 5 BCBAB 6 10 ACACC 11 15 BCBAC 16 20 BEADC 二 单项选择 21 25 DACCA 26 30 CCBAD 31 35 CCDBA 三 完形填空 36 40 ADBAC 41 45 BADDB 四 阅读理解 46 50 D DBAA 51 55 BDACD 56 60 DDBCC 61 65 EACDB 五 词语运用 66 make 67 greatly 68 personal 69 birthday 70 If 71 their 72 importance 73 brave 74 still 75 choosing 六 补全对话 仅供参考 76 What s the matter 77 Thank you for telling me 78 Maybe he can repair it 79 Have you learnt to repair a chair 80 Oh that s good 七 书面表达 仅供参考 An Unforgettable Activity Many people have their own unforgettable activities So do I I once went to an English club I was shy and nerves at first and made many mistakes when speaking But people there didn t laugh at me They gave me courage and told me just to try my best With their help I was no longer afraid to make mistakes and made a great progress at last It is unforgettable because it made me realize it is very important to help others when they are in need
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