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徐州市2017年中考质量检测(二)英语试题参考答案一1-5 CCACD 6-10 DCACD 11-15 BCDCD二16-20 CDACB 21-25 ABABC 26-30 ADDCB三 31-33 CDB 34-37 ABAC 38-42 CBDBC四. 43. rainy 44. exactly 45. doubt 46. deal with 47. reply to 48. carelessness 49. successfully 50. musicians 51. uncomfortable 52. lying 53. began 54. giving 55. was held 56. stayed 来源:Zxxk.Com 57. didnt expect 58. have become 五. A) 59. To make a plan. 60. Yes, it is./Yes. 61. Four. 62. We must take failure as a chance to learn and improve ourselves. 63. Some advice on how to avoid future regrets. B) 64. giving/making 65. Remember 66. bored 67.Steps 68.why 69.Spending 70. many 71.difficult 72.unimportant/unnecessary 73.contact六、书面表达(略)来源:Zxxk.Com7
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