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河北省石家庄市裕华区2018届初中毕业生文化课质量监测英 语 试 题 笔试部分V. 单项选择26. This cell phone belong to . His parents bought it as a birthday gift. A. me B. him C. her D. them 27. Its so nice you to help me with my English. A. for B. about C. of D. to 28. Going hiking with friends can be . Many young people like it. A. dangerous B. exciting C. boring D. tiring29. My dictionary is lost. Could you help me it? A. look for B. look up C. look through D. look after30. It to run after each other in the hallway. A. allows B. is allowed C. doesnt allow D. isnt allowed31. Be quiet. The man on TV something important now. A. . was saying B. said C. says D. is saying32. Jane Eyre is one of novels in the world. A. more famous B. the most famous C. longer D. longest33. - Do you want a biscuit? - No, thank you. I a big meal already. A. have B. will have C. am having D. have had34. You shouldnt play video games you finish your homework. A. if B. when C. unless D. after35. In our life, we dont always know .A.what will happen tomorrowB. who will we meet tomorrowC. if can we be successful tomorrowD. how to do with the problem tomorrowVI. 完形填空Youd never know that Lisa Davis, a judo teacher and owner, used to be bullied at school and couldnt protect herself at all. In junior high school, children would often laugh at her as she was rather 36 . One day, four elder children stopped her while she was walking down a quiet street. They threw her schoolbag 37 a high fence and began pushing her around, saying that they would 38 her up.“I couldnt make them stop and this wasnt the first time it had happened,” Lisa said. “That day I decided to do 39 about it. I talked to my brother and he said I ought to learn to protect myself. He suggested that I take up judo, so I joined a club. 40 I felt uncomfortable at first, it gave me confidence, and I 41 losing weight as I got fitter. I found judo very helpful. When the bullies 42 that I was learning judo, they soon left me alone.As time went on, Lisa became 43 interested in judo that she opened her own club. Lisa said, “Many young people want to know 44 to protect themselves and judo keeps them fit and builds their confidence. I teach them that judo is an excellent way of protecting themselves, but they 45 use their talent to start fights or join in them. Judo is a form of self- protection, and they must use it only when necessary.”36. A. thin B. weak C. disabled D. overweight37. A. over B. under C. out D. away38. A. give B. call C. beat D. cheer39. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything40. A. But B. And C. Though D. However41. A. missed B. started C. regretted D. imagined42. A. worked out B. thought out C. looked out D. found out43. A. so B. such C. quite D. rather 44. A. what B. when C. where D. how 45. A. wont B. mustnt C. mightnt D. needntVII. 阅读理解AMore than 70 years ago, a young man traveled far away to take an entrance examination for a famous music school. During the examination, he tried his best, but the examiner didnt enroll him.The young man had no money, so he could only make a living by playing the violin on the street. He played so well that a lot of people stopped to listen and put money into his violin case.An old man dropped some money at the young mans feet. The young man bent down to pick up the money, then handed it to the old man and said, “Sir, your money dropped on the ground.”The old man too the money, threw it at the young mans feet again and said, “This money has been yours, so you must take it!”The young man deeply bowed to him and said, “Sir, thank you for your support! When you dropped your money, I picked it up for you. Now my money is on the ground, may I trouble you to pick it up for me?”The rich old man was surprised . Finally he picked up the money, put it into the young mans violin case and left in disgrace.The examiner who had been quietly watching the young man among other onlookers decided to give him a second chance. He brought the young man back to the school and eventually enrolled him.46. The young man played the violin on the street because . A. he ran out of money and needed to make a living B. he wanted more people to listen to his music C. he wanted to find someone who liked his music D. he knew his examiner was there and wanted to impress him47. Why did people give money to the young man? A. Because they knew the young man was famous. B. Because they wanted him to stay in the town longer. C. Because the young man was poor. D. Becaus
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