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Integrated skills 1 他经常去市场观鸟 2 中国政府制定法律来制止这一切 3 带个笔记本以便记下你所看见的 4 人们带相机给鸟儿拍照 5 人们去扎龙研究湿地的鸟类 He often goes to the market to watch the birds The Chinese government makes lows to prevent all these things Take a notebook in order to write down what you see People take a camera to take photos of the birds People go to Zhalong to study the birds in the wetlands 1 He asked me wear a pair of comfortable shoes 2 We hear some birds sing in the tree 3 She tells us watch the birds carefully 4 He encouraged us study harder 5 He advised us not shout in class 6 The cold weather makes them fly south 7 The trip helps us learn more about wildlife 8 We saw someone walk in the park last night to wear sing to watch to study not to shout fly to learn walk Words and expression review south east cover red crowned crane binoculars clearly n adj adv 东南方 vt 覆盖 包括 n 丹顶鹤 n 复 望远镜 adv 清晰地 We ve learnt a lot about Zhalong Nature Reserve Did you know that in Jiangsu Province there s also a nature reserve for birds Do you know where it is Please have a look at the quiz about Yancheng Nature Reserve Then work in pairs and talk about Yancheng Nature Reserve to see what you ve known about it Facts about Yancheng Nature Reserve Can you tell me something about Yancheng Nature Reserve Now we re going to listen to the first part of a radio programme Listen carefully and check whether you chose the correct answers 1 Yancheng Nature Reserve is in Province in China a Heilongjiang North east b Hainan South c Jiangsu East 2 Yancheng Nature Reserve is a perfect place to a buy the birds b hunt the birds c watch the birds 3 The reserve covers an area of over square kilometres a 453 b 4 530 c 45 300 4 Yancheng is the home to red crowned cranes in China a largest b second largest c third largest 5 About red crowned cranes fly to Yancheng Nature Reserve every year to spend the winter a 100 to 300 b 300 to 1 000 c 1 000 to 3 000 6 In Yancheng Nature Reserve became one of the world s most important wetlands a 1997 b 2002 c 1992 Listen to the whole radio programme and complete the report Yancheng Nature Reserve is in Jiangsu Province in China It covers an area of over square kilometres It became one of the world s most important wetlands in Yancheng Nature Reserve is home to different kinds of plants and rare birds East 2002 4 530 There are not many in the world but there are some in Yancheng Nature Reserve It is a perfect place to go People celebrate the World Wetlands Day on each year We should protect the wetlands not only because they are home to many plants birds and but also because they are important to the of people all over the world red crowned cranes birdwatching 2 February animals health Speak up What should we take with us Have you ever been to Yancheng Nature Reserve Have you ever gone birdwatching somewhere Daniel is asking Sandy for some advice about birdwatching Please listen to their conversation and answer the questions 1 What should Daniel take 2 Why does Daniel need to take these things A pair of binoculars some water and a notebook He needs the binoculars because they ll help him see the birds more clearly He needs some water because he may get thirsty after watching the birds for hours He needs the notebook because he can write down what he sees 8A8A Unit 5 BirdwatchersUnit 5 Birdwatchers Integrated skills How do you give others advice You d better I think you should What How about doing Why not Why don t you You should It s wise to Talk Suppose your friend asks you to go on a school trip Work in pairs and make a new conversation Use Daniel and Sandy s conversation as a model Sample conversation A What should we take with us when we go on the school trip B You d better take a camera You can take some beautiful pictures A Ok What else should we take B You should wear a pair of comfortable trainers 运动鞋 It s a long walk You may get tired if you wear leather shoes A All right Anything else B Take a mobile phone with you You may need help if you get lost A That s good idea Thank you very much 占地 是各种植物和稀有鸟类的栖息地 去观鸟的好地方 庆祝 世界湿地日 对人们的健康很重要 全世界 随身携带 你最好带一副望远镜 更清晰的看见鸟 口渴 记下你所看见的 cover have an area of be home to different kinds of plants and rare birds a perfect place to go birdwatching celebrate the World Wetlands Day be important to the health of people all over the world take sth with sb You d better take a pair of binoculars see the birds more clearly be thirsty write down what you see 请你根据下面的提示并结合所学知识 写一篇英语短文 介绍怎样保护鸟类 要求 1 内容丰富 覆盖要点 2 70词左右 开头已经给出 不计入总 词数 Stop fishing in the wetlands Stop hunting birds Protecting birds Encourage more people to help birds Do a bird count Let s protect birds Birds are our friends It s everyone s duty to protect birds And we can all do something
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