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Unit1PlayingsportsTopic1I mgoingtoplaybasketball SectionB Review Howmanysportsnamesdoyouknow Pleasesayasmanyasyoucan basketball volleyball tabletennis football ballgames tennis running swimming ingsports skating rowing cycling What syourfavoritesport Myfavoritesportis Who syourfavoriteplayer Myfavoriteplayeris 运动员 选手 Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup I mgoingtobea an That smydream 长大成人 梦想 2Readthewordsandmatch payingattentiontothepronunciation scientist saI ntIst pilot paIl t player pleI r musician mjuzI n policeman p li sm n postman p stm n fisherman fI m n policewoman p li sw m n Reviewingisakindoflearning Jobs 厨师 医生 护士 农民 cook 工人 教师 司机 办公室人员 doctor nurse farmer worker teacher driver officeworker What syourfavoritesport Myfavoritesportis Who syourfavoriteplayer Myfavoriteplayeris Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup I mgoingtobea an That smydream PairWork Askandanswerwithyourpartner YaoMingisabasketballplayer HeplayedbasketballintheNBA Doyouknowhim YaoMingplayedfortheHoustonRockets ThisisapictureofYaoMingandhisteammates YaoMing scard BirthDate 1980 9 12BirthPlace ShanghaiHeight 2 26mWeight 141kgNationality ChineseDatetojoinNBA 2001 5 9Teamtoplayfor HoustonRocketsintheNBAPosition center Doyouknowhim HeisLebronJames HeplayedbasketballintheNBA too LebronJame scard BirthDate 1984 12 30Height 2 03mWeight 113kgNationality AmericnDatetojoinNBA 2010Teamtoplayfor MiamiHeatintheNBAPosition front 1bListenandcompletethetable basketball LeBronJames ascientist basketball YaoMing abasketballplayer Michael what syourfavoritesport Maria Maria basketball ofcourse Michael me too Andwhat syourfavoriteplayer Maria LeBronJames Andyours Michael IlikeYaoMingbest Maria doyouknowanythingabouthim 1aLook listenandsay Michael yes He s2 26meterstall HeplayedfortheHoustonRocketsintheNBA I mgoingtobeabasketballplayerlikehim That smydream Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup Maria I mgoingtobeascientist Keypoints 2 26读作twopointtwosix playforateam为某球队效力 inateam 英式英语 onateam 美式英语 在某球队打球 e g Heisgoingtobeontheteamthisyear dreamn 梦 梦想v 做梦 梦想e g Herlifelongdreamwastobeafamouswriter Idreamtaboutyoulastnight growup长大 成长e g Helefthishometownwhenhegrewup 1cRewritetheconversationbasedontheinformationin1b Maria sfavoritesportis Herfavoriteplayeris butsheisgoingtobe inthefuture It sherdream Michael s His andhe s It s basketball LeBronJames ascientist favoritesportisbasketball too favoriteplayerisYaoMing goingtobeabasketballplayerlikehim hisdream Whataboutyou What syourfavoritesport Who syourfavoriteplayer Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup Writedownyouranswers My 1dMakeasurveytocompletethetable Thenreporttheresultstoyourclass Youcanreportlikethis He sheisgoingtobea inthefuture It shis herdreamjob He shelikessportsverymuchbecauseitisimportanttohim her Hisfavoritesportis His Herfavoriteplayeris basketballplayer basketball YaoMing 3aReadthepairsofwordsandpayattentiontothedifferencebetween e and eI e eI wet wait let late get gate said say 3bReadthephrasesandtheconversation payingattentiontotheincompleteplosion baske t ballgamefavori t esportnex t weekendagains t ClassThree 2 A What syourfavori t esport B Tabletennis ofcourse A An d who syourfavori t eplayer B WangHao Noticethattheconsonantinbracketsoundsverylightwhenitisbeforeanotherconsonant dreamn 梦 梦想v 做梦 梦想e g Herlifelongdreamwastobeafamouswriter Idreamtaboutyoulastnight growup长大 成长e g Helefthishometownwhenhegrewup Welearn Jobs scientist musician pilot policeman policewoman postman fisherman2 Phrases growup inthefuture Wecan 1 Talkaboutthefavoritesports playersanddreamjobs 2 Noticethattheconsonantinbracketsoundsverylightwhenitisbeforeanotherconsonant Summary 根据中文意思 完成句子 Iamgoingtobeascientist 像我爸爸一样 Whatisyoursongoingtobewhenhe 长大成人 Who syour 最喜欢的运动员 Shewantstobeamusician 在将来 What syour 梦想的工作 likemyfather growsup favoriteplayer inthefuture dreamjob Exercises 1 What they do nextSunday 2 Heisgoingtobea teach whenhegrowsup 3 There be anEnglishfilmnextweek 用所给单词的正确形式填空 are goingtodo teacher isgoingtobe 单项选择 1 ZhaoMing inapoorcountry Atthattimehewantedtoliveinabigcity A growB grewC growupD grewup2 Weareleaving Shanghai Wewanttoseeourfriends A toB forC fromD in D B Homework Pleasemakeacardaboutyourfavoritesportsplayer
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