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第一部分必修1Unit2 第一部分必修1Unit2 第一部分必修1Unit2 第一部分必修1Unit2 第一部分必修1Unit2 第一部分必修1Unit2 人物 性格 省 宇航员 地心引力 记者 通讯员 共和国 直升机 游行示威 行军 卓越的 冠军 竞赛 事件 运动员 然后 后来 灾难 关系 calm atmosphere million wave found opinion struggle quality medal flight dive absolutely confident unusual generous generosity violent violently violence explore exploration explorer personally personal person equal equally equality skilful skilfully skill useless useful use compete competition competitor competitive amazing amaze amazed amazement fortunately unfortunately fortunate fortune promote promotion injury injure injured commit commitment react reaction admire admirer admiration admirable admiring explorers toexplore exploration equality equal equally admirers admiration admirable competitor compete competitive amazement amazed amazing millionsof inmyopinion onone sown giveup cometodosomething pullthrough commitsuicide geton fartoo comeoffit liftoff cometoanend letout getinvolvedwith cometo geton along giveup getinvolvedwith ontheirown watchingtheOlympicGamesinRioin2016 waswatching when withababyonherback WhilereferringtothepilotnamedZhangChao howImanagedtopersuadehimtochangehismind comes came 去掉have arrived前加have is was 去掉have quiet still calm silent keptcalminfaceofgreatdanger whichsurprisedusall adj 均等的 adj 平等的 vt 等于 n 相等的事物 in equaled equality equally to tofind for struggledtoleadanactivelife in with competition Wecancompetewithstudentsfromotherschools to promoted promotion promotion against with to reaction for toadmire admiration admiring admiresmyfluentEnglishverymuch 泄露 放走 发出 letalone lethimdown lethimalone weallcametolife in through up with doing through across gotalongquitewell youaregettingalongwellwith leaving togo when Iwasabouttogiveupwhen leading bought closed todo Withhisresearchfinished watching treated Ifnecessary unlessinvited 时间 后置定语 在飞船绕地球转到第七圈时 杨利伟在飞船上展示了中国国旗和联合国国旗 代表中国人民向全世界表达了和平开发 利用太空资源的意愿
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