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Module 3 The Violence of Nature 第一板块块 重点单词单词 1 experience vt 经历经历 感受 体验验 遭受 n 经验经验 经经 历历 1 experience in of 在 方面的经验经验 by from experience凭经验经验 从经验经验 中 得出 2 experienced adj 有经验经验 的 熟练练的 be experienced in at在 方面有经验经验 误误区点拨拨 experience作 经验经验 讲时为讲时为 不可数名词词 前面可以用 little much等词词修饰饰 作 经历经历 体验验 讲时为讲时为 可数名 词词 即时训练时训练 单单句语语法填空 2016 全国卷 Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years experience teaching comedy 2016 全国卷 Was positive news shared more often simply because people experience more good things than bad things in of experienced 完成句子 Around 1870 1870年它正经历经济经历经济 繁荣 She looking after children 在照看孩子方面她很有经验经验 it was experiencing an economic boom is very experienced in 2 cause vt 引起 导导致 n 原因 起因 理由 事业业 目标标 cause sb to do sth 导导致某人做某事 2 the cause of 的原因 cause and effect因果 即时训练时训练 单单句语语法填空 2016 四川高考 Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice sleep longer It is people s attitude toward progress that cause the type of influence that technology has on society to sleep causes 完成句子 Carelessness is his failure 粗心是他失败败的原因 Throwing waste everywhere in environment 到处处乱扔垃圾已给给我们们造成了严严重的环环境污污染 the cause of has caused us serious pollution 3 occur vi 发发生 出现现 被想起 被想到 sth occurs to sb 某人突然想起某事 It occurs to sb that 某人突然想起 It occurs to sb to do sth 某人突然想起做某事 即时训练时训练 单单句语语法填空 2016 江苏苏高考 Years ago a critical event occur in my life that would change it forever Observe carefully if any change occur when doing experiments in the lab occurred occurs Though as children we thought this was crazy it would never have occurred us to deny Papa a request 完成句子 that he should have failed in the test 我怎么也没有想到他竟然没有通过测试过测试 to It never occurred to me 知识识拓展 表达 某人突然想起 的句型还还有 sth hits strikes sb sth comes to sb It hits strikes sb that从句 sb comes up with sth sb hits strikes on sth 4 strike vt 雷电电 暴风风雨等 袭击袭击 突然想到 敲钟钟 报时报时 擦 划 火柴 n 雷电电 暴风风雨等 袭击袭击 罢罢工 1 sth strikes sb 某人突然想起某事 It strikes sb that 某人突然想到 strike sb 介词词 the 身体部位打某人某处处 be struck by 被 打动动 被 击击中 2 be on strike在罢罢工 go on strike举举行罢罢工 即时训练时训练 单单句语语法填空 2016 全国卷 Just before September Miller strike by a car and lost his right arm 2016 北京高考 The children of Nome would be helpless if a deadly infectious disease strike the town was struck struck 单单句改错错 Drawing back my free hand I strike the bear as hard as I could for five or six times strike改为为struck 巧学助记记 strike多面镜镜 易混辨析 strike 指用力 击击打 为为短暂暂性动词动词 强调调一次性 的 打击击 殴打 敲击击 等 可与hit通用 也 可用作比喻喻意义义 hit 强调动调动 作的结结果 意为为 打中 击击中 特别别 指击击中对对方的某一点 表示 自然灾害袭击袭击 某个地方 时时可以与strike互换换 作名词时词时 还还可表示 成功或轰动轰动 一时时的演出 或歌曲 电电影 小说说等 或人物 如歌星 影星 小 说说家等 beat 常指连续连续 用力击击打 它还还可用于在游戏戏 比 赛赛 战战争中击败对击败对 方 还还可指心脏脏或脉搏的 跳动动 knock 指敲打并伴有响声 还还有打倒 打翻之意 An idea struck hit him that his friend lived nearby when a stone hit him on the head so he went up to knock at the door with his heart beating faster 5 bury vt 埋葬 掩埋 使沉浸 使专专心 bury oneself in be buried in 专专心致志于 埋头头于 bury one s face in hands用手捂着脸脸 即时训练时训练 单单句语语法填空 Mumbet s tombstone still stands in the Massachusetts cemetery where she bury The document was discovered bury in the university archives 档案 by part time history student Lis Smith was buried buried In the evenings he buries himself in his books 句式 转换转换 In the evenings he his books 每天晚上他都埋头读书头读书 is buried in 知识识拓展 表示 专专心于 的短语还语还 有 be devoted to be absorbed in be addicted to be lost in focus on concentrate on 6 ruin vt 毁坏 毁灭灭 n 毁灭灭 pl 废废墟 遗遗迹 come to fall into ruin 灭灭亡 毁灭灭 lie be in ruins成为废为废 墟 被毁灭灭 破灭灭 the ruins of 的废废墟 遗遗迹 遗遗址 即时训练时训练 单单句语语法填空 2016 全国卷 A heavy rain the dinner 一场场大雨毁掉了晚餐 She was afraid that classical study ruin his jazz influenced style ruined would ruin Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced to ruin the city took on a new look ruins 完成句子 2016 北京高考 When they returned to Rockaway the next day they found their neighborhood 当他们们第二天到达Rockaway时时 发现发现 街区已经经成了废废 墟 in ruins In some places roads built to help farmers 在某些地方 用来帮助农农民的道路被毁坏了 fell into ruin 易混辨析 毁坏 之辨 damage 指部分损损坏 损损害 破坏或指使用价值值有 所降低 但可以修复 作名词时为词时为 不可数 名词词 常用搭配 do cause damage to对对 造成损损害 破坏 destroy 只用作动词动词 指彻彻底摧毁以至于不可修复 有时时也指希望 计计划等遭到破坏而落空 ruin 指事物价值值或用途的毁坏 表示 毁灭灭 瓦解 废废墟 等抽象概念 还还可用作动词动词 常用短语语 in ruins毁坏 fall into ruin毁灭灭 破败败不堪 bring sb to ruin使某人失败败 第二板块块 常考短语语句式 1 end up结结果为为 以 结结束 end up doing sth 最终终以做某事结结束 end up in以 告终终 结结果为为 end up with以 结结束 指以某种方式结结束 end up as最终终成为为 误误区点拨拨 end up in后接表示结结果的名词词 end up with后接表示 方式的名词词或短语语 即时训练时训练 单单句语语法填空 2016 北京高考 As the quality of Risk taking was passed from one generation to the next humans ended up a sense of adventure and a tolerance for risk 2015 全国卷 At last I ended up hit the set with my fist and it stopped working altogether with hitting 2016 江苏苏高考 Maxime s early entry into the adult world with its responsibilities gave her the determination to ensure that her kids would not end up Waterhouse s roundabout of poverty in 2 They can destroy houses but 它们们能毁掉房子 却把房内的家具留在原处处 leave sth sb 宾语补宾语补 足语语 为为leave的复合结结构 此时时 leave作使役动词动词 表示 使 让让 保持某种状态态 常跟 复合宾语宾语 构成如下 leave furniture inside exactly where it was 即时训练时训练 单单句语语法填空 2016 北京高考 Because 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