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第一课时 SectionA1a 2d 一 根据句意选择方框中的词填空 并注意形式变化 5 3分 15分 1 It srelaxingonthe inthesuninspring 2 Becareful Thecupismadeof It seasytobreak 3 Ican tbuyanythingbecausethereareonlytwo inmywallet 4 Themachineismadeof Itfeelshardanditweighsalot 5 Let sgotothemuseum There sascience there grass glass coins steel fair 二 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 6 Thering look nice Iwanttobuyit 7 Englishis wide spokenintheworld 8 These leaf turnyellowinautumn 9 Guilinis know foritsbeautifulmountainsandrivers 10 ThesethingsaresenttoBeijingfor process looks widely leaves known processing 三 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全单词 5 3分 15分 11 Chinesepeopleareusedtousingc whentheyhavemeals 12 InAmerica peopleusuallyusef andkniveswhentheyhavemeals 13 Theshirtsaremadeof 棉花 Theyfeelsoft 14 Heboughtaringforhismother Theringismadeof 银 15 Mysisterhastoweara 衬衫 atwork hopsticks orks cotton silver blouse 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 Canyoutellmehowteais Sorry Idon tknow either A drinkB ProduceC makeD produced 17 Mike pleaseturndownthemusic Lucy Lilyaresleeping 2016 河南 Sorry I lldoitrightnow A Neither norB Either orC Both andD Notonly butalso D C 18 IhearthatLongjingisthemostfamousgreenteainChina Well theteaproducedinAnxiandTaiwanisalsoveryfamous A assoonasIsayB asfarasIknowC asfastasIsayD asquicklyasIknow 19 Yourdresslooksverynice What sitmade 2016 贵阳 Silk andit smade Guiyang A from onB of inC of onD from in B B 20 Howdeliciousthesebananasare Yeah They herefromHainanyesterday A arebroughtB broughtC werebroughtD havebrought C 五 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 这些餐叉是由钢做的 The are 22 据我所知 桂林以山水出名 Iknow Guilinis itsmountainsandwater 23 茶叶都是手工采摘 Thetea are forks madeofsteel Asfaras knownfor Leaves pickedbyhand 24 我的戒指是银制的 它产于泰国 Myringis Andit smade Thailand 25 钢铁在中国普遍地生产 is inChina madeofsilver in Steel widely made 六 根据对话内容 从方框中选句子补全对话 5 4分 20分 A Hello Mrs Smith Welcometomyhouse B Thanksforyourinvitation Mrs King A 26 B Sure A 27 B SomePu erwouldbegreat thanks A Sure IjustgotsomefrommyChinesefriend HeisfromYunnanandheboughtitinashopthere B Oh 28 F D G A You reright Chineseteaisdrunkbypeopleallovertheworld B Wow thiscupisbeautifulandalittleheavy 29 A Itismadeofsilver Ihavemanyteasetslikethis 30 B Soundslikeagreathobby A What sitmadeof B Howmuchisit C Wherewasitmade D Whatkindofteawouldyoulike E I minterestedincollectingthem F Pleasehaveaseat andwouldyoulikesometea G IknowChinaisfamousfortea A E
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