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Section UsingLanguage SummingUp LearningTip 一 二 三 四 五 一 将下列单词与相对应的释义搭配起来AB1 yawna astrongfeelingwantingtohurtsomeone2 falseb toputyourarmsaroundsomeone3 angerfort4 eased toopenyourmouthwideandbreatheindeeply5 huge thepositionorlevelthatsomeoneholdsinanorganization6 rankf untrue wrong7 facialg thespecialactivityorpurposeofathing8 functionh onyourfaceorconnectedwithyourface答案 1 d2 f3 a4 c5 b6 e7 h8 g 一 二 三 四 五 二 翻译下列短语1 berespectfultosb2 舒适 快活 自由自在3 nodthehead4 丢脸5 fromsidetoside6 背对7 giveahugtosb8 havesomesimilaritiesin9 bewrongabout10 把目光移开 尊敬某人 atease 点头 loseface 从一边到另一边 turnone sbackto 拥抱某人 在 上有一些共同点 误解 lookawayfrom 一 二 三 四 五 三 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1 Thesoldiersbowedtheirheadsin respect silenceasthefuneralprocessionwentby 2 Hewillbe anger tolearnthatyouhavedisobeyedhisorders 3 Hismindwasat ease knowingthechildrenweresafe 4 Timecannotbelengthenedbyman s subject will butitcanbeshortenedbyhiswastingit respectful angry ease subjective 一 二 三 四 五 5 Asweallknow foreignershaverich face expressions 6 Withafewminoradjustmentsthefilterwillbe function again 7 I m true sorrythatthingshadtoendlikethis 8 Hewas hug abigpileofbooks facial functional truly hugging 一 二 三 四 五 四 在下列各句空格中填入恰当的单词1 Bodylanguageisoneofthepowerfulmeansofcommunication 2 Differentpeoplehavedifferentbodylanguage manygesturesandactionsareuniversal 3 Yoursmileistoshowyourhappinessandputpeopleease 4 Youmayshowyourunhappinessangerfrowning 5 HowlisteningtothelectureProfessorWhite It sworththetime most However at or by about by well 一 二 三 四 五 6 somanyculturaldifferencesbetweenpeople itisgreattohavesomesimilaritiesbodylanguage 7 Theseactionsarenotgoodbad butaresimplywaysincultureshavedeveloped 8 In whatyousaidisreasonable With in or which general 一 二 三 四 五 五 阅读课文SHOWINGOURFEELINGS 回答下列问题1 Accordingtothefirstparagraph A bodylanguagecanneverbemisreadallovertheworldB bodylanguageisnotaspowerfulasspokenlanguageC bodylanguageplaysanimportantpartincommunicationD bodylanguagecannotshowourwishesandattitudes答案 C2 Whichbodylanguagecanshowhappinessandputpeopleatease A Smiles B Shakinghands C Nodding D Wavinghands 答案 A 一 二 三 四 五 3 Frowningcanshowaperson s A happinessB satisfactionC excitementD anger答案 D4 Ifapersonwantstothreatenothers heusually A makesafistandshakesitB frownsandturnshisbacktothemC shakeshisheadfromsidetosideD looksawayfrompeopleoryawns答案 A 一 二 三 四 五 5 WhichisNOTagoodidea A Smilingatothers B Givingahugtoaboss C Standingatalittledistancewithopenhands D Noddingtheheadupanddown 答案 B 1 2 3 1 Itispossibleto read othersaroundus eveniftheydonotintendforustocatchtheirunspokencommunication 读懂 我们周围的人的意思是有可能的 即便是人们并不想让我们捕捉到他们没有说出来的信息 剖析 1 本句中的It是形式主语 该句的真正主语是后面的动词不定式 to read othersaroundus 如 It sofgreatimportanceforustolearnfromthoseadvancedcompanies 对我们来说 向那些先进公司学习很重要 2 evenif在句中引导让步状语从句 其同义词是eventhough 如 Eveniftheforestparkisfaraway alotoftouristsvisititeveryyear 即使那个森林公园很远 但是每年都有很多游客到那里参观 1 2 3 用适当的连词或代词填空1 Heissobusy Hecannotaffordenoughtimewithhissonhewantsto 2 Theengineersaresobusythattheyhavezerotimeforoutdoorsportsactivities theyhavetheinterest 3 isimportantforustolearnasecondlanguage 单句改错4 Thisisverynecessarytolearnhowtoworkwithothers 5 Evenifinviting I mnotgoingtohisweddingparty evenif though evenif though It This It inviting invited 1 2 3 2 Themostuniversalfacialexpressionis ofcourse thesmile itsfunctionistoshowhappinessandputpeopleatease 微笑当然是最普遍通用的面部表情 它的作用是表示快乐和安人心境 考点atease舒适 快活 自由自在Hegrewwearyinlegs buthismindwasatease 他的双腿疲乏 但心情舒畅 Thegirlissettledateasebythefire readinghernewspaper 那个女孩快活地坐在炉火边 读着报 Heiscompletelyateaseamongstrangers 他在陌生人中很是自由自在 Yourpresenceputs setsmymindatease 你的出现让我安心 归纳 put setone smindatease的含义是 让某人安心 放心 1 2 3 1 阅读下列句子 体会ease的词性及含义 Theoldcouplelivedalifeofease 这对老夫妇过着安逸的生活 词性 不可数 名词含义 安逸 舒适 Themedicineeasedtheboy sheadache 药物减轻了这个男孩的头痛 词性 动词含义 减轻 1 2 3 2 阅读下列句子 体会ease的相关搭配及意义 Ipassedtheirforwardwithease 我毫不费力地突破了他们的前锋 搭配 withease意义 轻松地 毫不费力地 Takeyourease forthejourneyaheadwillbelong 好好休息 前面的路程还很长 搭配 takeone sease意义 使某人放松 Theofficeraskedthesoldierstostandatease 军官让战士们稍息 搭配 standatease意义 稍息 Dowritetoyourmothertoeaseherofherworry 务必给你妈妈写封信 别让她担心 搭配 easesbofsth意义 减轻某人的 痛苦 负担等 1 2 3 用ease的短语填空1 Ourteamwonthegame 2 Thiskindofmedicinecanhimhispain 3 Whenyouarethere pleaseyourself 4 Shefeltcompletelyduringthevacationbutnowshehastogobacktoherworkagain 5 Soonhiswarmsmileputme andwespentthenexttwohourstalkingfreely withease ease of put set atease atease atease 单句改错6 Nowhecansethismindwitheasebecausehehaspassedtheexaminationwithease 第一个with at 1 2 3 3 Thereareunhappysmiles suchaswhensomeone losesface andsmilestohideit 还有不愉快的微笑 比如当某人 丢了面子 就会用微笑来掩饰 剖析 本句中有两个smiles 第一个是名词复数 第二个smiles是动词的第三人称单数形式 考点loseface丢脸Hesaidhewouldneverdoit becausetodosowouldloseface 他说他决不会做这种事 因为这么做会很丢脸 Whenhefailedtobeathisopponenthefelthehadlostface 他未能打败对手时 他觉得很丢脸 1 2 3 阅读下列句子 体会face的相关搭配及意义 Iwanttotalkwithhimfacetoface 我想和他面对面谈谈 搭配 facetoface意义 面对面地 Don tbefrightenedinthefaceofdanger 面对危险时不要害怕 搭配 inthefaceof意义 面对 Hemadeafaceinclasstomaketheotherslaugh 他在课堂上做鬼脸逗其他人大笑 搭配
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