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Tolearntousemodalverbcan ToLearntouseYes Noquestionsandshortanswers TolearntouseWhatquestions Objectives PartIWords ExpressionsPartIIGrammarFocusPartIIIExercises PartIWords Expressions Let slearnsomenewwords guitar playtheguitar sing swim dance draw chess playchess speak speakEnglish write talk talkto kungfu drum playthedrums piano playthepiano violin playtheviolin people home teach musician PartIIGrammarFocus KeyStructures 1 Canyouswim 你会游泳吗 Yes Ican No Ican t 是的 我会 不 我不会 2 Icanplaythepianoandtheguitar 我会弹钢琴和吉他 3 Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin 你想参加什么俱乐部 Iwanttojointhechessclub 我想加入音乐俱乐部 4 Whatcanyoudo 你会做什么 5 PleasecallMr Millerat555 3721 请拨打Miller先生的电话 它是辅助动词帮助说明能力 意愿等的词 can后跟动词原形 并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化 Eg Icansing Hecanswim 一 can的用法 KeyPoints 变否定句直接在can后加 not Eg Icannotdance 变一般疑问句直接把can提前 Eg Canyoudance Whatcanyoudo Can的肯定句及否定句形式 IWeYouSheHeItThey can can tplaytheguitar Can的一般疑问句形式 Can Iweyousheheitthey playtheguitar Can的肯定回答 Yes Iweyousheheitthey can Can的否定回答 No Iweyousheheitthey can t 情态动词can小结 后面总是接动词原形 没有人称和数的变化 意思是 能 会 用法口诀 情动can表能力 和行为动词不分离 不管主语如何变 can的模样永不变 只要出现情动can 动词原形后面站 一般疑问can提前 否定can后not添 二 play的用法 play the 乐器play 球类 娱乐Eg playtheguitar piano violinplaybasketball playchess例题 Braincanplay guitarandhecanalsoplay basketball the 汉意 想要词性 及物动词句型 句型1 主语 want 宾语句型2 主语 want to V原 其他句型3 主语 want sb to V原 其他 三 want的用法 例句 1 Hewantsthreeapples 2 Theywanttoplaygames 3 TomwantedJimtodohomeworkyesterday 四 join的用法 加入 俱乐部 join the club加入音乐俱乐部 jointhemusicclub加入美术俱乐部 jointheartclub加入英语俱乐部 jointheEnglishclub加入象棋俱乐部 jointhechessclub加入游泳俱乐部 jointheswimmingclub 例题 1 Hecansingwell hewantsto 2 Iwanttolearntoswim soIcan 解析 singwell唱得好 加入musicclub learntoswim学习游泳 加入swimmingclub jointhemusicclub jointheswimmingclub PartIIIExercises 趁热打铁 1 Theycanplaybasketballafterclass 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定和否定回答 they basketballafterclass they they 2 LiuLincansinginEnglish 改为否定句 LiuLin inEnglish Can play Yes can No can t can tsing 3 根据句意完成句子 1 Thestudentscan t English 2 Thegirlcan theartclub 3 Ourschoolhasfive YoucanjointheChineseclub 4 She singanddance 5 Mydaughterisgoodat stories Shecanjoinstorytelling speak join clubs can telling club 4 单项填空 1 CanMikeplaytheguitar No hecan t Buthe A can tplaytheguitarB can tsingC canplaytheguitarD cansing 2 Shelikesplaying piano herbrotherlikesplaying basketball A the aB a theC theD the D D 3 Lucywants breakfastathome A haveB havingC hadD tohave 4 Tomwanted adoctorwhenhewasachild A toareB toisC tobeD toam 5 Jimwants jointhetennisclub 多选 A hetoB himC himtoD to D C C D Thankyouforlistening
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