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五年级(下)第四单元第四课时当堂达标题Unit 4 When is Easter?Part B Lets talk、单项选择。()1.Can you cook_for us?A.noodles B.party C.third()2. Womens Day is _March 8th. A.in B.on C.on()3.What will you do_your mum?A.for B.to C.at()4.There are _days in a week.A.seventh B.seven C.sevens()5. Today is my sisters _birthday.A.nine B.six C.ninth()6.We _go to the park on the next week. A.will B.are C.is()7. Ill_ a card for my dad on Fathers day.来源:学科网A.making B.makes C.makeII、给下列问题找到合适的答案。( )1.What will you do for your mum on Mothers day?( )2.When is your birthday?( )3.Which season do you like best?( )4.Whats the date today?( )5.Can you come to my birthday party?A.Its on July 23rd.B.Ill say “Thank you” to her.C.I like summer best.D.Yes, I can.E.Its October.III、连词成句1.noodles,I,her,for,cook,will_.2.on,April,is,birthday,4th,my_.3.birthday,when, your,is _?4.will,mum,for,what, do, your, you_ ?IV、阅读对话,并根据对话回答问题。来源:学,科,网Tom:When is your birthday?Chen Jie:December 11th. What about you?Tom:Its April 16th. What about you, Zhang Peng?ZhangPeng:May 2nd.Is your birthday in June, Oliver?Oliver:No, it is in July.1.When is Olivers brithday?_ 2.When is Chen Jies birthday?_ 3.Is Zhang Pengs birthday in July?_ 4.Is Toms birthday in April?_五年级(下)第四单元第四课时当堂达标题答案Unit 4 When is Easter?Part B Lets talk、单项选择。(A)1.Can you cook_for us?A.noodles B.party C.third(B )2. Womens Day is _March 8th. A.in B.on C.on(A)3.What will you do_your mum?A.for B.to C.at(B)4.There are _days in a week.A.seventh B.seven C.sevens(C)5. Today is my sisters _birthday.A.nine B.six C.ninth(A)6.We _go to the park on the next week. A.will B.are C.is(C)7. Ill_ a card for my dad on Fathers day.A.making B.makes C.make解析:1,cook为“烹饪”之意,其后应跟表示食物的单词,A选项为面条。2,时间具体到某月某日时,前面要用on。来源:学科网3,介词for在此处翻译为“为、给”。4,此处需要一个基数词,seven days翻译为“七天”。5,此处需要一个序数词,ninth birthday翻译为“第九个生日”。6,will 用于一般将来时语句中,表示将来某一时刻要发生的动作或情况,翻译为“将”。7,will后面的动词需用原型。II、给下列问题找到合适的答案。( B )1.What will you do for your mum on Mothers day?( A )2.When is your birthday?( C )3.Which season do youm like best?( E )4.Whats the date today?( D )5.Can you come to my birthday party?来源:Zxxk.ComA.Its on July 23rd.B.Ill say “Thank you” to her.C.I like summer best.D.Yes, I can.E.Its October 2nd.解析:1,提问母亲节你要为母亲做什么,答句中应出现will一词。2,用when提问日期,回答时应出现日期。3,本句对季节进行提问,回答时应出现与季节相关的单词。4,问句翻译为“今天几号?”,回答时不需要on。5,can提问的一般疑问句,应用Yes或者No进行回答。III、连词成句1.noodles,I,her,for,cook,willI will cook noodles for her.2.on,April,is,birthday,4th,myMy birthday is on April 4th. 3.birthday,when, your,is When is your birthday?4.will,mum,for,what, do, your, youWhat will you do for your mum?IV、阅读对话,并根据对话回答问题。Tom:When is your birthday?Chen Jie:December 11th. What about you?Tom:Its on April 16th. What about you, Zhang Peng?ZhangPeng:May 2nd.Is your birthday in June, Oliver?Oliver:No, it is in July.1.When is Olivers brithday?It is in July. 2.When is Chen Jies birthday?Its on December 11th. 3.Is Zhang Pengs birthday in July?No, it isnt .4.Is Toms birthday in April?Yes, it is .解析:来源:学科网1,最后一句话中,能够找到答案。2,第二行能够找到答案。3,第四行能够找到答案,张鹏的生日在May 2nd,因而应做否定回答。4,第三行能够找到答案,Its on April 16th,因而应做肯定回答。
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