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第一篇:工程力学专业的求职信模板 这是工程力学专业硕士研究生的一封求职信,值得借鉴: 尊敬的单位领导: 您好! 我由衷地感谢您,在百忙中抽出宝贵的时间阅读我的求职信。 我是南京河海大学土木工程学院工程力学专业2014届硕士研究生,很想成为中南勘测设计研究院的一员,谨向您推荐自己。 在本科四年和保送研究生的三年期间,本着“艰苦朴素、实事求是、严格要求、勇于探索”的校训严格要求自己,学习刻苦,工作,认真,成绩优秀,年年获得奖学金,并积极参加社会实践。系统地学习专业知识的同时广泛地涉猎了大量书籍,不断拓宽知识面和社会阅历,积极参与生产和科研项目。 我的计算机和英语水平良好。计算机通过了计算机国家二级,能熟练地运用vb、vc、fortran语言编制程序,并为同学和自己编制过不少实用的程序;能熟练使用autocad、ansys、flac、abaqus等专业软件。英语通过了大学英语四级考试,能比较熟练的阅读行业资料。 在校期间的学习和生活,使我懂得求实、创新、团结、进取是职业生涯的第一要义。如果有幸成为贵单位的一员,我将兢兢业业、踏踏实实地工作,在实践中不断学习,发挥自己的主动性、创造性,为单位的发展竭尽全力。 再次感谢您阅读此信,期待着您的早日答复,谢谢! 祝贵单位事业蒸蒸日上,屡创佳绩! 此致 敬礼! haoword xx年xx月 第二篇:工程力学英文求职信 respect for the leadership of the unit: hello!i sincerely thank you, in the busy taking the time to read my cover letter. i am a civil engineering hohai university, nanjing institute of engineering mechanics graduate professional 2014 session will be graduating in june 2014 and would like to become south africa institute of survey and design one, would like to recommend their own. four years in undergraduate and graduate students sent a three-year period, the spirit of "hard work and plain living, seek truth from facts and strict requirements, the courage to explore the" motto of the strict demands on themselves, study hard, work conscientiously, outstanding performance, year after year scholarship, and actively participate in social practice. systematic study of a wide range of expertise to engage in a lot of books, continually expand the knowledge and social experience and actively participate in production and research. myputer and a good standard of english.puter through theputer two countries can be skilled to use vb, vc, fortran programming language, and the preparation of students and their many practical procedures; can skilled use of autocad, ansys, flac, abaqus and other specialized software. english through the college english test 4, the reading proficiency can bepared to industry data. while studying at the school learning and life, so i know how to truth-seeking, innovation, unity, and is a career ahead of the first prerequisite. if fortunate enough to become a member of your organization, i will work diligently, get down to work, continuous learning in practice, give full play to their initiative and creativity to make every effort for the development. again, thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your early reply, thank you! business unitsthriving achievements! sincerely, salute! 欢迎浏览 第三篇:工程力学专业英文求职信 respect for the leadership of the unit: hello! i sincerely thank you, in the busy taking the time to read my cover letter. i am a civil engineering hohai university, nanjing institute of engineeri(更多请关注WWW.hAOWorD.COM)ng mechanics graduate professional 2014 session will be graduating in june 2014 and would like to become south africa institute of survey and design one, would like to recommend their own. four years in undergraduate and graduate students sent a three-year period, the spirit of "hard work and plain living, seek truth from facts and strict requirements, the courage to explore the" motto of the strict demands on themselves, study hard, work conscientiously, outstanding performance, year after year scholarship, and actively participate in social practice. systematic study of a wide range of expertise to engage in a lot of books, continually expand the knowledge and social experience and actively participate in production and research. my computer and a good standard of english. computer through the computer two countries can be skilled to use vb, vc, fortran programming language, and the preparation of students and their many practical procedures; can skilled use of autocad, ansys, flac, abaqus and other specialized software. english through the college english test 4, the reading proficiency can be compared to industry data. while studying at the school learning and life, so i know how to truth-seeking, innovation, unity, and is a career ahead of the first prerequisite. if fortunate enough to become a member of your organization, i will work diligently, get down to work, continuous learning in practice, give full play to their initiative and creativity to make every effort for the development. again, thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your early reply, thank you! business units祝贵thriving achievements! sincerely, salute! 第四篇:工程力学专业应聘求职信模板 尊敬的单位领导: 您好! 我由衷地感谢您,在百忙中抽出宝贵的时间阅读我的求职信。 我是南京河海大学土木工程学院工程力学专业2014届硕士研究生,将于2014年6月毕业,很想成为中南勘测设计研究院的一员,谨向您推荐自己。 在本科四年和保送研究生的三年期间,本着“艰苦朴素、实事求是、严格要求、勇于探索”的校训严格要求自己,学习刻苦,工作认真,成绩优秀,年年获得奖学金,并积极参加社会实践。系统地学习专业知识的同时广泛地涉猎了大量书籍,不断拓宽知识面和社会阅历,积极参与生产和科研项目。 我的计算机和英语水平良好。计算机通过了计算机国家二级,能熟练地运用vb、vc、fortran语言编制程序
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