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五年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠17615-16人教版(无) 一、 单词 1 我的_2 你的_3 争吵_4 事情,麻烦_ 5 拿走(过去式)_6 穿_ 7 她的_ 8 他的_ 9 绳子_10 洗(过去式)_11干净的_ 12 谁的_13 毛衣_ 14 帽子_ 15 蛋糕_16 飞机_17 自行车_ 18 米饭_19 男孩_ 20 指向_ 21 房子_22 花_ 23 (跳) 绳_ 24 船_二、词组 1 想要做某事_2 发生了什么事_ 3 在绳子上_三、找出划线部分的读音与所给音标相同的单词 ( ) 1 A take B name C cake D apple( ) 2 i: A see B letter C leg D cake( ) 3 ei A can B apple C snake D bag四、 选择 ( ) 1 Whats _matter ? A a B an C the D /( ) 2 He wants to _it ? A wear B wears C wearing D wore( ) 3 Your red T-shirts are _the line. A on B in C at D of( ) 4 I washed them _you. A for B on C in D at( ) 5 Did you _Linglings T-shirt ? A wash B washes C washing D washed( ) 6 It isnt _. A you B your C yours( ) 7 Sam _ to wear my T-shirt. A wants B want C wanted( ) 8 _ T-shirt is this ? A Who B Whose C Whats( ) 9 Is it Sandys coat ? Yes, it is _. A her B she C hers( ) 10 Did you wash Linglings T-shirt ? No, I _. A did B didnt C dont 五、选择合适的答句 ( ) 1 Is this your dress ? A Tom wants to wear my coat.( ) 2 Are they on the line ? B Yes, its mine.( ) 3 Whose t-shirt is it ? C Its Linglings.( ) 4 Is this her bag ? D Yes, they are.( ) 5 Whats the matter ? E No, it isnt. Its his.( ) 6 What are you doing ? F She went to London.( ) 7 Did you play football yesterday ? G Im reading a book.( ) 8 Where did Sam do ? H We saw some big mountains.( ) 9 What did you see ? I Yes, she did.( ) 10 Did she listen to the radio yesterday ? J No, we didnt.六、改错 1 This T-shirt is your. _2 They are in the line. _3 Sam wants at wear my T-shirt. _4 Mine book is new. _5 Who book is this ? _七、按要求完成句子 1 This dress if Linglings.(对划线部分提问) 2 Is this her bag ?(做出肯定回答) 3 Are they clean ?(做出否定回答) 4 I did my homework yesterday.(对划线部分提问) 5 She went to the park yesterday.(对划线部分提问) 八、选词填空 1 This skirt is _ ( mine, my ).2 _T-shirt is red . ( my, mine )3 Is this _cap ? ( your, yours )4 Are those _bag ? ( their, theirs )5 This hat is _( her, hers )九、写作请以“My good friend”为题,介绍一下你的一位好朋友。可以介绍他或她的外貌、年龄、爱好、周末活动以及喜欢的学科等。要求:条理清楚,标点正确,意思连贯,语句通顺,语法规范。不少于5句。_
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