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第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部 目录 第一篇:乔布斯辞职报告第二篇:乔布斯辞职报告第三篇:苹果之父乔布斯的辞职报告第四篇:关于乔布斯辞职第五篇:乔布斯辞职演说稿更多相关范文 正文 第一篇:乔布斯辞职报告 乔布斯辞职报告 给苹果董事会和苹果公司: 我一直都说,如果有一天当我已不能再作为苹果首席执行官履行职责和满足人们对我的期望,我将首先告诉你们。不幸的是,这一天真的来了。 在此,我宣布辞去苹果首席执行官职务。如果董事会认为合适的话,我想担任董事长,或者董事甚至普通职员都可以。 至于我的继任者,我强烈建议实施我们已定的继任计划,并提名蒂姆·库克担任苹果ceo。 我认为,苹果最光明和最具创新力的日子还在后头。我期待着在新的岗位上看护苹果的成功并为此做出贡献。 在苹果我交了一些生命中最好的朋友,我要感谢多年来与我共同努力的所有人。 第二篇:乔布斯辞职报告 致苹果董事会及苹果社区: 我曾经说过,如果有一天我不再能履行作为苹果ceo的职责和期望,我会是第一个告诉你们知道的人。不幸的是,这一天到来了。 在此,我宣布从苹果ceo的职位上辞职,如果董事会同意,我将担任苹果董事会主席。 针对接任者,我强烈建议执行我们制定的接任计划,提名蒂姆·库克为苹果ceo。 我相信,苹果的未来将更加光明,更具创造力。我期待未来苹果的成功,也将为此尽自己的绵薄之力。 我在苹果结交了一些人生中最好的朋友,能和你们所有人一起共事这么多年,非常感谢你们。 第三篇:苹果之父乔布斯的辞职报告 2014年8月25日消息,苹果ceo史蒂夫·乔布斯周三正式向苹果董事会提交辞职申请。他在辞职报告中表示,自己无法继续担任ceo,不过自己愿意担任公司董事长、董事或普通职员。以下就是这位卖苹果的老爷爷乔布斯的辞职报告范文,由好范文为大家提供,请参考: 给苹果董事会和苹果公司: 我一直都说,如果有一天当我已不能再作为苹果首席执行官履行职责和满足人们对我的期望,我将首先告诉你们。不幸的是,这一天真的来了。 在此,我宣布辞去苹果首席执行官职务。如果董事会认为合适的话,我想担任董事长,或者董事甚至普通职员都可以。 至于我的继任者,我强烈建议实施我们已定的继任计划,并提名蒂姆·库克担任苹果ceo。 我认为,苹果最光明和最具创新力的日子还在后头。我期待着在新的岗位上看护苹果的成功并为此做出贡献。 在苹果我交了一些生命中最好的朋友,我要感谢多年来与我共同努力的所有人。 第四篇:关于乔布斯辞职 【关于乔布斯辞职】乔布斯:关于生死“记住你即将死去”帮我指明了生命中重要的选择。因为所有的荣誉与骄傲,难堪与恐惧,在死亡面前都会消失。我看到的是留下的真正重要的东西。当你担心你将失去某些东西时,“记住你即将死去”是最好的解药。如你能够清空一切, 你没有理由不去追随你心。 包剑英老师微博:“乔布斯从难得有空到真空妙有!难得有空对人们来说,不仅是指时间上的空,更是指心灵上的空!现代人受到的各种成长创伤、心灵污染、积累的成功失败都需要清空归零!“如你能清空一切,你没有理由不去追随你心”乔布斯的洞见回答了很多人想去追随自己的心却不知心在哪里的困惑你愿意清空一切吗?” 第五篇:乔布斯辞职演说稿 steve jobs step down with apple on top this is the voa special english economics report. the chief executive who presented the latest, and coolest, electronics to the world has stepped down. steve jobs announced his resignation as head of apple in a letter last week. he wrote: “i have always said if there ever came a day when i could no longer meet my duties and expectations as apples ceo, i would be the first to let you know. unfortunately, that day has come.” steve jobs and steve wozniak started apple computer in nineteen seventy-six. the company sold a new kind of electronic device: the personal computer. apple computer grew more quickly than anyone could have imagined. in nineteen eighty-five, however, steve jobs resigned after disputes with managers who had been brought in to direct business operations. he soon started his own software company, next, and bought a computer animation studio. the pixar movie studio would go on to create movies (推荐打开范文网wWw.HAoWOrD.COm)like toy story and finding nemo. they are two of the most successful animated films ever made. apple struggled during the nineteen nineties. many products failed. the company began losing money and its stock price sank. in nineteen ninety-seven, apple bought next and brought back steve jobs. apple used software developed at next to create the mac os computer operating system. the next year, apple became profitable. and a series of highly successful products followed. in two thousand one, apple released the ipod, a digital music player. the iphone arrived in two thousand seven. apple has also been a leader in online marketing. the itunes music store sells songs for download. the app store sells applications for computers and mobile devices. as steve jobs has noted, trial and error has always been part of the apple model. steve jobs: "we just try to build products we think are really wonderful and that people might want.and, sometimes we are right and sometimes we are wrong." steve jobs is closely linked with the success of apple. investors were scared when he announced he had an operation for pancreatic cancer in two thousand four. his decision to leave comes as apple continues to release winning products. apple sold over four and a half million ipads in the first three months of this year. the company holds the largest share of the growing tablet computer market. on august ninth, apple first passed exxon mobil corporation to become the most valuable publicly traded company in the world. since then the two companies have traded the lead. and thats the voa special english economics report. im mario ritter. ?: http:/broadcast/201409/152176.shtml zad小编推荐相关范文: 乔布斯辞职全文中英文 乔布斯真的辞职了么? 乔布斯传读书报告 苹果ceo乔布斯为何突然辞职 乔布斯
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