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Period1SectionA 1a 2d Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark 学习目标 Keywords phrases humorous silent helpful fromtimetotime scoreKeysentences 1 DidMariousedtobeshort Yes hedid Heusedtobereallyshort 2 What shelikenow He stallnow 3 Paulausedtobereallyquiet JiangWenusedtowearglasses butnowhedoesn twearglasses Doyouknowhim Howhashechanged Leadin ZhangYishanusedtobeshort butheistallnow Doyouknowhim Howhashechanged tall shortmediumheightstraight curlyhairlong shorthairheavy thinyoung old Fillinthechartwithwordstodescribepeople 1a Appearance Personality outgoingfunnyhelpfulcutekindfriendlyconfident Presentation Listening Listen Bobisseeingsomefriendsforthefirsttimeinfouryears Whatdidhisfriendsusetolooklike 1b 1 Mariousedtobe Heusedtowear 2 Amyusedtobe Sheusedtohave hair 3 Tinausedtohave and hair short glasses tall short red curly Lookatthepicturein1aandmakeconversations Practice 1c DidMariousetobeshort Yes hedid Heusedtobereallyshort What shelikenow He stallnow DidAmyusetohaveshorthair Yes shedid Sheusedtohaveshorthair What sshelikenow Shehaslonghairnow DidTinausetohaveredhair Yes shedid Sheusedtohaveredandcurlyhair What sshelikenow Shehasstraightandblondehairnow Lookatthesewordsandrememberthem friendly outgoing serious humorous silent active brave quiet helpful adj 有幽默感的 滑稽有趣的 2a adj 不说话的 沉默的 adj 有帮助的 1 humorousadj 有幽默感的 滑稽有趣的 e g Cartoonsarehumorouspictureswithwords 漫画是附有文字的幽默图片 humor 幽默 ous 有幽默感的 e g Peterseemssilenttoday What sthematter 彼特今天似乎很沉默 怎么了 2 silentadj 不说话的 沉默的 silentadj silencen 沉默 helpn 帮助 ful helpfuladj 有帮助的 3 helpfuladj 有帮助的 e g Hisexplanationwasmoreorlesshelpful 他的解释多少是有帮助的 Listening Listenandcheck thewordsyouhear 2a friendly outgoing serious humorous silent active brave quiet helpful ListenagainandcompletethechartabouthowPaulahaschanged 2b Inthepast 1 Paulausedtobereally Shewasalwayssilentinclass Shewasn tvery Shewasneverbraveenoughtoaskquestions 2 Shegotgoodgradein Shewasalsogoodin Sheusedtoplaythe outgoing quiet science music piano 1 Nowshe smoreinterestedin Sheplays almosteveryday She salsoona team 2 Shestillplaysthe fromtimetotime soccer sports swim piano Now 1 Whatclasswerethey 2 WhatwasPaulaneverbravetodoinclass 3 WhatsubjectswerePaulagoodat 4 WhatisPaulainterestedinnow Listenagainandanswerthequestions Theywereinscienceclass Shewasneverbravetoaskquestionstoteachers Scienceandmusic Paulaismoreinterestedinsportsnow Pairwork Paulausedtobereallyquiet MakeconversationsaboutPaulausingtheinformationin2b 2c Iknow Shewasalwayssilentinclass Shewasn tveryoutgoing Shewasneverbraveenoughtoaskquestions Butshewasalwaysfriendly Shegotgoodgradesinexams Andshewasreallygoodinmusicclass too Sheusedtoplaythepiano Butnowsheismoreinterestinsports Sheplayssocceralmosteveryday Shestillplaysthepianofromtimetotime Iknow She ssoactivenow Readtheconversationandcompletetheblanks 2d Billhaschangedsomuch Heusedtobe and Hisfacealways whenhetalkedtogirls Hestudiedhardandgotgood onhisexams Heusedtobe butnowheis and shy quiet turned red scores thin big strong Role play Role playtheconversation Thispartyissuchagreatidea 2d Iagree It sbeenthreeyearssincewelastsawourprimaryschoolclassmates It sinterestingtoseehowpeoplehavechanged Billhaschangedsomuch Heusedtobesoshyandquiet Yeah hisfacealwaysturnedredwhenhetalkedtogirls Iusedtoseehimreadinginthelibraryeveryday That sbecausehewasareallygoodstudent Hestudiedhardandgotgoodscoresonhisexams Didheusetowearglasses Yes andheusedtobethin too Butlookhowbigandstrongheisnow He ssopopularnow Lookatallthegirlsaroundhim Languagepoints 1 Iusedtobeafraidofthedark usedtodosth 过去常常做某事 表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态 暗指现在已经不存在了 强调过去与现在的对比 usedto的否定形式有两种 didn tuseto或usedn tto e g Theyusedtobegoodfriends 他们过去是好朋友 暗示现在不是了 Mrs Browndidn tuseto usedn ttotravelinsummer 布朗夫人过去夏天不旅游 Didyouuseto Usedyoutoplaytheguitar 他过去弹吉他吗 usedto用于疑问句时 可借助助动词did 也可以将used提到主语前 拓展 几个易混结构的比较 use todosth 用 做 e g Theyusetheknifetocutmeat 他们用刀切肉 e g Thiskindofwoodisusedtomakepaper 这种木头是被用来做纸的 beusedtodosth 被用来做某事 be getusedtosth doingsth 习惯于某事 做某事 e g Lucyhasbeenusedto eating Chinesefood Lucy已经习惯 吃 中餐了 Ithinkyou llgetusedtotheclimatesoon 我想不久你就会习惯这种气候的 根据所给汉语提示完成英语句子 1 Myuncle 以前是个司机 butnowheisanactor 2 Tom sfather 过去常常看书 afterlunch 3 Mary 以前常常骑自行车 towork butnowshe 习惯步行 towork 4 Thepencil 被用来书写 usedtobeadriver usedtoread books usedtorideabike isusedtowalking isusedtowrite fromtimetotime是一个固定短语 意为 间或 有时 常在句中作状语 e g Tomgoestovisithisgrandmotherinthecountrysidefromtimetotime 汤姆时常去看望住在农村的奶奶 2 Shestillplaysthepianofromtimetotime e g Hegothighscoresintheexamination 考试中他得了高分 3 Hestudiedhardandgotgoodscoresonhisexams scoren 得分 进球 such为形容词 意为 这 那 样的 主要修饰名词 so是副词 意为 这 那 么 如此地 主要修饰形容词 副词和分词 4 Thispartyissuchagreatidea Heusedtobesoshyandquiet such与so辨析 e g Doyoulikesuchweather 你喜欢这样的天气吗 I msogladtoseeyou 很高兴见到你 Hecandrawsowell 他画得那么好 当名词前有many much few或little等词修饰时 要用so而不用such e g Therearesomany fewpeopleinthehall 大厅有这么多 这么少的人 Youhavesomuch littlehomeworktoday 你今天有这么多 这么少的作业 such a an 形容词 可数名词单数形式 相当于 so 形容词 a an 可数名词单数形式 表示 如此 的一个 e g Sheissuchalovelygirl Sheis
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