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1 选修七选修七 UnitUnit 4 4 单元话题语篇训练单元话题语篇训练 练 一 语言知识运用组块专练 练准度 限时 30 分钟 完形填空 2019 东北三省四市模拟 Shutting the door heavily seven year old Vito stormed into the room after school He 1 himself into the sofa and cried loudly Dad I am very 2 Vito s father was quietly listening while working Vito said Joaquin made me lose 3 in front of my friends I hope he 4 a few particularly bad things His father went to a corner 5 a bag of coal and said to Vito Son 6 that white shirt as Joaquin and the bag of coal as some bad things Use coal to hit the white shirt 7 that every time you hit one on the shirt Joaquin met with a bad thing When you finish hitting all the coal see what will 8 Vito thought the game 9 He picked up coal to throw at the shirt However the shirt was hung in the 10 rope He tried again and again He 11 throwing all the coal but only a little on the shirt Father asked Vito How do you feel now It 12 me but I am happy now Father saw his son did not understand his 13 so he let Vito look in a large 14 What he could only see from his face was white 15 Then the father said You see the white shirt did not become particularly dirty but you have become a 16 person You want a lot of bad luck on others the 17 is that the most unfortunate thing 18 on ourselves There our bad 19 may cause others to suffer bad luck but the stains left to us are difficult to 20 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文 作者通过七岁男孩 Vito 的故事告诉我们 你想伤害别 人时也会伤害自己 1 A threw B enjoyed C occupied D helped 解析 选 A 根据上文中的 stormed into 和下文中的 cried loudly 可知 Vito 气呼呼地冲进房间 猛地坐到沙发上 故 threw 符合语境 2 A cool B anxious C crazy D angry 2 解析 选D 根据上文中的 stormed into cried loudly 可知 Vito是非常生气的 故选 D 项 3 A heart B interest C face D hope 解析 选 C 根据下文中的 I hope he a few particularly bad things 并结合空处所在句可知 Joaquin 让 Vito 在朋友面前丢脸了 lose face 丢脸 符合语境 4 A runs over B comes across C takes up D makes out 解析 选 B 根据下文中的 Joaquin met with a bad thing 可知 come across 偶然遇 见 符合语境 run over 轧过 take up 拿起 占用 开始从事 make out 理解 辨 清 5 A found B supplied C spotted D placed 解析 选 A 父亲走到角落 找到 found 了一袋煤 6 A view B paint C wear D hang 解析 选 A 根据下文中的 the bag of coal as some bad things Use coal to hit the white shirt 可知父亲是在作比喻 view as 把 看作 符合语境 7 A Sense B Imagine C Mind D Believe 解析 选 B 根据 that white shirt to hit the white shirt 可知 此处表示想象每次你把煤扔到衬衫上时 Joaquin 就会遇到不好的事情 imagine 想象 符合语境 8 A appear B remain C happen D form 解析 选 C 当你把所有的煤都扔完了 看看会发生什么事 happen 发生 符合语境 9 A fun B silly C dull D violent 解析 选 A 根据空前的 the game 及空后的 He picked up coal 可知 Vito 认为 这个游戏有趣 fun 有趣的 符合语境 silly 愚蠢的 dull 迟钝的 violent 猛 烈的 10 A tight B long C strong D distant 解析 选 D 根据下文中的 He tried again and again 可推知 衬衫应该是挂在远 3 处的绳子上 distant 远处的 符合语境 11 A risked B regretted C considered D finished 解析 选 D 根据句中的 all the coal 可知 Vito 把所有的煤都扔完了 故选 D 项 上文中的 finish hitting all the coal 亦是提示 12 A bothers B strikes C tires D relaxes 解析 选 C 根据句中的 but 可知 Vito 累了但是感到开心 13 A intention B problem C worry D solution 解析 选 A 父亲发现儿子没有理解他的意图 intention 意图 目的 符合语境 problem 问题 worry 担心 solution 解决办法 14 A box B mirror C closet D fence 解析 选 B 根据下文中的 What he could only see from his face was 可知 父 亲让 Vito 照镜子 故选 B 项 15 A mouth B eyes C teeth D nose 解析 选 C 根据上文可知 Vito 扔完了一袋的煤 由此可推知 Vito 脸上也沾上了 煤 黑黑的 他从自己脸上只能看出白白的牙齿 16 A stubborn B black C stupid D greedy 解析 选 B 根据上文可知 煤使 Vito 变成了 黑人 17 A truth B secret C plan D result 解析 选 D 你想让很多不幸落在别人身上 结果 result 是最大的不幸会落 falls 在我们自己头上 18 A relies B passes C tries D falls 解析 选 D 参见上题解析 分号后的句子与分号前的 You want a lot of bad luck on others 形成对比 故选 D 19 A habits B manners C thoughts D words 解析 选 C 我们不好的想法可能会给别人带来不幸 thought 思想 想法 符合语 4 境 20 A return B remove C repair D perform 解析 选 B 留给我们自己的污点是很难摆脱的 remove 清除 除去 符合语境 语法填空 2019 陕西质检 In September in Britain you may see a lot of swallows They are gathering together because very soon they will be flying south to much 1 warm lands where they will find plenty of small flying insects on 2 they feed There are no such insects about in Britain during the winter as it is too cold 3 them The swallows settle fly off dash and settle again This they do many times for they are making short practicing 4 flight in order to be fit for the long journey ahead of them Flocks of these 5 migrate birds leave Britain in the autumn They fly 6 steady for hundreds of miles before they reach the warm lands of Africa But not all the birds get there for many of them die in the 7 storm weather they meet with on the way In the spring of the following year they make the long and tiring journey back to Britain They get 8 settle on the same barn or tree in the same district which they 9 leave the previous autumn Nobody knows exactly how these birds find their way there and back over such vast distance but it has something 10 do with winds and air currents 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文 主要介绍了英国燕子的迁徙历程 1 warmer 考查形容词的比较级 它们聚集到一起是因为不久之后它们将飞往南方比 较温暖的地方 根据语境可知此处应用形容词的比较级 2 which 考查关系词 在那里 它们会发现大量的小飞虫 它们以此为食物 根据语 境及句型结构可知 此处应用 on which 引导定语从句 which 代替上文提到的 insects 3 for 考查介词 因为对它们来说 英国的冬天太冷了 此处用介词 for 表示 对 来说 4 flights 考查名词单复数 它们正在做短程的飞行训练 根据语境可知 此处飞行 不止一次 所以名词的复数符合语境 5 migrating 考查非谓语动词 在秋天的
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