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Unit 3 My friend and I 1 正确使用形容词或副词的比较级描述人物特 征 比较自己和朋友的异同点 完成题为 My friend and I 的写作任务 2 明确说明文写作方式 学习读写结合型作文 的写作策略 3 学会关心他人 了解别人 培养良好的交际 能力 1 说明文的写作线索 说明文是以说明为主要表达方式 介绍 事物的形状 构造 性质 变化 类别 状态 功能 成因 结果等特征的文章 它是一种应用性很强的文体 说明的目的 是让读者有所知 给读者提供知识 使之 了解客观世界 掌握解决问题的方法 写说明文必须注意事实正确 表达清晰 条理清楚 层次分明 语言简练和用词 准确 根据本次写作要求 可使用以下写 作方法 1 罗列法 listing 在文章开始时提出需要说明的东西和观点 然后常用 first second and finally加以罗列说明 2 举例法 examples 举例法是用具体的例子来说明我们要表达的意思 常 用for example for instance still another example is 等词语引出 3 比较法 comparison and contrast 比较法是对两个对象进行比较 从而进行说明的写作手 法 比较法又可细分为比较相同点 comparison 和比较 不同点 contrast 两种方法 2 读写结合相结合类型的写作 读写相结合类型的写作 读是为了写服务的 阅读的 篇章与写作的任务通常有许多的相关性 因此 要学 会从以下的途径分析 分析文本的语言特征 思考有哪些语言可以灵活迁移至自己的 写作中 包括适切的词块 漂亮的句式等 首先要分析阅读的主题 分析文章的篇章结构 包括整篇文章的中心句 段 支撑句 段 总结句 段 同时明晰作者使用的写作方法 1 Unit topic languages 单单元话题语话题语 言 以连线连线 标标序号等形式列举举本单单元 与本话题话题 写作相关的词块词块 句子 名词词 动动名词词块词词块 long straight hair medium build medium height the most important thing a true friend primary school Language box 语言工具箱 动词词块动词词块 have long hair work hard do well better in get better grades be talented in make me laugh enjoy studying together be different from like doing sports Language box 语言工具箱 介词词块词词块 the same as with short hair as tall as like a mirror Language box 语言工具箱 名词 动名词词块 中等身高 中等身材 长直发 小学 真正的朋友 最重要的事情 Quiz Read aloud the chunks above and try to match the meaning by numbering 取得好成绩 在 有天赋 使我笑 留长发 努力工作 在某方面做的好 更好 享受一起学习 与 不同 喜欢做运动 动词词块 像一面镜子 留短发 和 一样高 和 一样 表示时间频 率词块 I m more outgoing than Tom plays the guitar better than She works harder than It is not easy for me to do I think friends are like books Larry is much less hard working The most important thing is It is not necessary to 2 Patterns 句型 Larry is quite different from if We both That s why as long as though He work as hard as 2 Patterns 句型 2 Extensive languages 拓 展性语言 Famous saying proverbs aphorisms and Classical sample sentences 名言 谚语 警句 与经典例句 1 A friend is easier lost than found 得朋友难 失朋友易 2 A life without a friend is a life without a sun 人生在世 无朋友 犹如生活无太阳 3 A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真交 4 A friend is a second self 朋友是另一个我 5 A faithful friend is hard to find 益友难得 6 Between friends all is common 朋友之间不分彼此 7 We can live without a brother but not without a friend 我们生活中可以没有兄弟 但不能没有朋友 8 Without a friend the world is a wilderness 没有朋友 世界就等於一片荒野 Guided reading 导读导读 Reading Everyone needs friends in their lives What is a true friend like How can people make those friends they really want Reading My best friend Yaoyao my best friend is my high school classmate We were deskmates during Grade One She wore long hair and she looked the most beautiful when laughing Yaoyao who is a girl of feeling always takes much care of her family and friends Her home was far from our school so she had to live in school and go back home only once a week She missed her family very much all the time She would bring a small gift to her brother every time she went back Sometimes the gift was just a small bag of cookies However she had never forgotten the gift Reading And she would inspire me whenever I was upset It was very kind of her to spend so much time on me for everyone was very busy with their study at that time Your heart will feel warm just by sitting by her side Yaoyao is a very talent girl She loves reading especially foreign short stories by a very young age She does very well in writing and deeply thinking due to a large quantity of reading She had written her own short stories when she studied in Grade One The language of her short stories is in her own style There is deep thinking in the stories too When she completed one I always would be the first reader Now she is studying in a college that is far from here I miss her very much Task 1 Fill in the information When does Yaoyao look the most beautiful 1 How often did Yaoyao went back home 2 What did Yaoyao bring to her brother every time she went home 3 What is Yaoyao good at 4 Where is she studying now 5 When laughing Once a week A small gift Writing and deeply thinking In a college Good words and phrases from the passage Task3 好词好句 Good sentences from the passage Task4 Write a short passage about Yaoyao according to your own understanding 真挚的友情是人生中难得的财富 正 真的朋友总在我们最需要的时候向我们伸 出援手 请以My friend and I为题 写一 篇文章 从外形 性格和兴趣爱好等方面 与你的一位好朋友作比较 要求 1 内容完整 语句连贯 语法准确 2 词数70个左右 写作任务 1 审题 想一想 填 一填 审题 体裁 人称 时态 第一 三人称 一般现在时 说明文 What does a friend mean to you Who is your best friend and what do you think the best friend should be like What are the similarities and differences between you and your best friend List 2 4 points 2 内容要点 列一列 回答下 列问题 3 写一写 写初稿 用词方面 代词主格 宾格 名词单复数 动词搭配 副词位置 句子方面 篇章方面 细节方面 句子完整 主谓一致 动词时态 连词使用 内容完整 要点齐全 布局合理 单词拼写 标点符号 大小写 4 查一查 请交换习作互相欣赏 用红笔划出对 方的亮点 并对 不足的地方进行适当修 改 你能给同学什么建议 使得对方的习 作更好呢 根据worksheet上的评分标准 给同伴 的习作打分 4 同伴互赏 我欣赏 我快乐 修改习习作时时可使用这这些符号 优优美句子 漏词词 错处错处 删删除 语语法错误错误 G 人称错误错误 P 时态错误时态错误 T 拼写错误错误 Sp 请和同伴交换习 作 依据以上提示 和下列评价表 相互欣赏与修改习 作 然后给对 方的习作打分 评分表 项项目标标准 自我 评评价 同伴评评价 教师评师评 价 结构 2分 段落合理 1 分 衔接自然 1分 内容 9分 要点齐 全 8 分 谁是你最好的朋友及原 因 2分 你们之间的共同点 3 分 你们之间的不同点
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