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第三课时SectionA GrammarFocus 4c 单元同步语法精讲 九年级上册人教版英语 Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes 含情态动词的被动语态1 肯定句式 主语 情态动词 be 及物动词的过去分词 其他 eg Anumbrellamustbetakenwithhim 他必须带一把伞 Thedogmaybefedthreetimeseveryday 可以每天给这条狗喂食三次 2 否定句式 主语 情态动词 not be 及物动词的过去分词 其他 eg Thegamemustn tbeplayedinthewater 不能在水里玩这个游戏 Thesemoviesshouldn tbewatchedbyteenagers 青少年不应该观看这些电影 3 一般疑问句式 情态动词 主语 be 及物动词的过去分词 其他 eg Mustpapersbehandedinnow 现在必须交试卷吗 Cancarsbeparkednearhere 能在这儿附近停车吗 4 特殊疑问句式 疑问副词 代词 不作主语 情态动词 主语 be 动词的过去分词 by 疑问代词 作主语 情态动词 be 过去分词 by eg Whencanmycomputerberepaired 我的电脑什么时候能修好 拓展 不能用被动语态的几种动词 不及物动词不能用于被动语态 如 die happen takeplace等 感官动词 连系动词没有被语动态 如 feel become get look seem等 有些动词用主动形式表被动意义 eg Thispenwriteswell 这支笔很好写 单元同步语法精练 一 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1 ShouldI allow tomakemyowndecisions 2 Thestarscan notsee inthedaytime 3 Wherecanthelostboy find 4 Thewatershould notput here 5 Thefruitshould keep wellduringwinter beallowed notbeseen befound notbeput bekept 二 单项选择 6 Theteenagers tochoosetheirownclothes 2016 来宾 A allowB allowedC areallowingD shouldbeallowed7 Tomisalwayscarelesswithhisschoolwork Couldyouhelphim 2016 黄冈 Noproblem Ithinkhe tothinktwicebeforestarting A shouldbetoldB cantellC shouldtellD canbetelling D A 8 Childrenshould tobehonestfromayoungage 2016 青岛 A educateB beeducatedC punishD bepunished9 What sthemeaningoftheactivityLet sSave Papershouldn t ineverydaylife 2016 孝感 A wasteB wastedC bewastedD iswasted B C 本课时其他知识点精讲精练 1 chance名词 意为 机会 可能性 have achancetodo ofdoingsth 意为 有 机会做 2 educate动词 意为 教育 教导 常用短语educatesb todosth 意为 教育某人做某事 其名词形式为education 意为 教育 3 manage动词 意为 完成 困难的事 应付 困难局面 managetodosth 意为 设法做成某事 努力完成某事 本课时重点词组 agreewith同意 某人的意见 观点等 keep awayfrom使 避免接近 使 远离 makeone sowndecision自己做决定1 Heserved 社会 withhisinventions 2 Our 社区 hasitsownlibrary 3 Everyoneshouldbe 教育 intheschoolinourcountry society community educated 4 Jimisveryluckytohavea tostudyabroad 5 Nomatterhowdifficulttheworkis wewill tocompleteitontime 6 应该允许青少年自己做决定 Teenagersshouldbeallowedto 7 我同意你所说的话 I whatyousaid 8 如果你能远离它们 你就会安全了 Aslongasyoucan them youwillbesafe chance manage maketheirowndecisions agreewith keepawayfrom SectionA语篇训练 一 完形填空 阿凡题 1074233 Marciaisnothappythesedays Allofherfriendshaveamobilephone 1hermomdoesn twanttobuyherone Shedoesn twantMarciatoplayvideogamesonthemobilephone2 What smore sheworriesthatgoingontheInternetmayinfluenceMarcia sstudy Marcia smomsays IfMarciahasamobilephone 3doweknowwhomsheistalkingto Videogamesarebadforher TheInternetis4anduncontrollable 不可控制的 It slikehavingaguninthehouse Weshouldstopherfrom5theInternet andIwon tbuyheramobilephone6sheiseighteen Thisistheonly7wecanbesurethatsheissafe Marcia sdaddisagreeswithMarcia smom Althoughheagreesthattherearesomedangers he8theInternet andfindsitveryuseful Infact Ithinkvideogamesare9 It sagoodwayforMarciato10afterstudyingatschoolalldaylong Inaword IthinkMarcianeedsamobilephone Wecan ttakethesethingsaway hesays 1 A soB orC butD as 2 A eitherB neitherC alsoD ever 3 A whenB howC whereD what 4 A interestingB boringC safeD dangerous 5 A arrivingB takingC usingD leaving C A B D C 6 A whenB untilC afterD since 7 A wayB problemC troubleD meaning 8 A passesB likesC hasD finds 9 A terribleB crazyC funD sad 10 A remainB cheerC worryD relax B A B C D 二 阅读理解 阿凡题 1074234 Everyonehasabeautifulmemoryaboutschoolwhichishardtoforget Amongmanythings relationshipsarethehardesttoleavebehind Someschoolstrytostopstudents puppyloveindifferentways Anythingabout love relationshipisnotallowed Forexample amiddleschoolinFu an FujianProvinceforbids 禁止 boysandgirlstosittogetherformealsandforbidsboystolookatgirlsforalongtime amiddleschoolinLuohe HenanProvincesetsrulesthatboysandgirlsshouldmeetinbrightplaceswithatleast5otherclassmates andiftheymeetinprivatethey willbeaskedtogohomewithparentsformorethanaweekandevenadvisedtoleaveschool amiddleschoolinJinan ShandongProvinceforbidseveryonetosendfoodandgiftstoorreceivethemfromtheoppositesex 异性 Italsoforbidsstudentstohelptheoppositesexwithbagsandcoatsandrequiresa 44cm distancebetweenboysandgirls Somestudentsarenotsatisfiedwithsuchrules Whyshouldwehavestrictplacesfordifferentsexestoeat It snotusingbathrooms Somepeoplewhocareabouttheintelligencedevelopmentofthestudentssaythattheyshouldbemorecreativewithfewerrules Forthis I dliketosaythatmiddleschoolstudentsaregoingthroughpuberty 青春期 It snormalforthemtohavesomefeelingsfortheoppositesex Schoolsshouldprovidecorrectguidanceandeducationinsteadofgivingsimpleandcruelrulesandaskingthestudentstofollow 11 Thefirstparagraphmainlytellsusabout A abeautifulmemoryofschooltoleavebehindB somestrictrulestostopstudents puppyloveC someopinionstodealwithstudents puppylove12 InamiddleschoolinJinan aboycan t agirl A sitformealswithB meetinprivatewithC sendagiftto B C 13 We velearntabout rulesmadebyschoolsasexamplesinthispassage A 3B 6C 914 WhichofthefollowingstatementsisTRUEaccordingtothispassage A Notallthestudentsagreewiththerulesmadetostoppuppylove B InamiddleschoolinFu an boysandgirlscan tsittogetherinclass C Thoserulescanh
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