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精通英语四年级下册Unit 6 Lesson 36教学设计一、教学目标1.知识目标:引导学生复习本单元动物单词及句型,学会区分“at the zoo” 和”on the farm”,同时理解本课故事内容。2.能力目标:能够在真实的情境中利用所学句型进行交流,并且运用到生活中。3.情感目标:培养学生合作意识、参与意识,进一步提高对英语学习的热情,培养锻炼学生的口语交流能力。二、学情分析 四年级是小学低年级向高年级的过渡期,孩子开始从被动的学习主体,向主动的学习主体改变,教学内容的设计以生动活泼,浅显易懂,学生易于接受和运用为主导思想。同时四年级学生对身边的事物已有一定的认识,学习积极性很浓,具有探索的欲望。而且学生活泼、好动,乐于参与,很少有羞怯感,善于表演模仿。3、 教学重点:引导学生复习本单元动物单词及句型,学会区分“at the zoo” 和”on the farm”,同时理解本课故事内容。四、教学难点:1. 学生能够灵活运用相关句型并在真实情境中学会运用。2. 通过学习对话,提高学生口语表达能力,同时培养学生团结合作的意识以及主动参与课堂的意识。五、教学过程教学流程教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图(一)激发导入感受新知Pre-reading 1. Lets watch the video.(Review the words of animals at the zoo)2. Quick ask and answer.S1:Whats this/ that?S2:Its a . .3. Lets look at the picture.There are some animals on the farm.Quick ask and answer.S1:What are these/those?S2:They are . .4. Lets watch the video.(Review the words of animals at the zoo)5. Quick ask and answer.S1:Whats this/ that?S2:Its a . .6. Lets look at the picture.There are some animals on the farm.Quick ask and answer.S1:What are these/those?S2:They are . .帮助学生快速进入主题,同时及时评价学生,对于大胆参与活动的学生教师给与语言鼓励及奖励。(二)创设情景探索新知While reading1. Watch the whole part of the video.2. Look at the questions and watch again. Then answer the questions.Q1: Where are they?Q2:What animals do they see?3. Read the dialogue.The boys act Micky and the girls act Mimi.The girls act Micky and the boys act Mimi.4.Two students act the dialogue. 4. Watch the whole part of the video.5. Look at the questions and watch again. Then answer the questions.Q1: Where are they?Q2:What animals do they see?A1:They are at the zoo and on the farm.A2:They see a camel and giraffe at the zoo.They see the cows,sheep and cats on the farm.6. Read the dialogue.The boys act Micky and the girls act Mimi.The girls act Micky and the boys act Mimi.4.Two students act the dialogue.通过视频播放,猜图画等方式学生在自然的语境中习得单词及句型。使学生对课文的理解由浅入深,同时也培养了学生语言能力和合作意识,同时为下一环节训练做好埋伏。(三)巩固操练Post-reading1. Say more and more.The students act more animals at the zoo and on the farm, and talk with partners2. Guessing game.According to the sentences, the students guess what kind of animals they are.1. Say more and more.The students act more animals at the zoo and on the farm, and talk with partners2.Guessing game.According to the sentences, the students guess what kind of animals they are. 课堂的表演可以激发学生们学生语言的兴趣以及提升对目标语言的操练的能力,同时猜动物游戏可以提升学生们对语言问题的提炼能力。(四)真实交际运用新知1. Lets act!The students act different kinds of characters in different movies.2. Read more and more.The students read the story books about animals in groups. And share with the partners.3. Lets act!The students act different kinds of characters in different movies.4. Read more and more.The students read the story books about animals in groups. And share with the partners.学生们扮演不同电影里动物,通过创设情境可以帮助学生培养了学生团结合作主动参与课堂的意识以及对目标语言的操练。学生们分享故事书,是对所学知识的一种输出,同时也培养了学生们团结合作的能力。(五)课后延伸巩固新知HomeworkTodays homework:1. Use the cards in this unit to see more and more.2. Make a mind map of this unit.根据本班学生学习水平的情况,作业可视个人能力发挥,体现出课后延展程度的层次性。6、 教学板书Lesson36Whats this/that in English?-Its a/an . .-What are these/those in English?-They are . .7、 教学反思 本课的教学我基于小学英语学科素养,在每个环节中都培养学生的语言能力及逻辑思维能力,同时始终将文化品格的培养润于全课中。在开始阅读之前进行视频头脑风暴,激发学生兴趣,帮助学生快速进入主题,同时及时评价学生,对于大胆参与活动的学生教师给与语言鼓励及奖励。通过视频播放,猜图画等方式学生在自然的语境中习得单词及句型。使学生对课文的理解由浅入深,同时也培养了学生语言能力和合作意识,同时为下一环节训练做好埋伏。同时运用了一系列的情景表演,课堂的表演可以激发学生们学生语言的兴趣以及提升对目标语言的操练的能力,同时猜动物游戏可以提升学生们对语言问题的提炼能力。学生们扮演不同电影里动物,通过创设情境可以帮助学生培养了学生团结合作主动参与课堂的意识以及对目标语言的操练。最后的熊猫视频及其他国家的动物的微课视频,以及评价的世界地图,培养了学生的文化品格及文化意识。在最后的拓展训练环节,学生们分享故事书,是对所学知识的一种输出,同时也培养了学生们团结合作的能力。 4
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