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Unit41. He had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him and which _ led to the good position he now held. A) consequently 因此 B) continuously C) constantly D) consistently 答案:A2. Bruce Stephen gripped the _ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.A) stirring B) driving C) steering 操纵、掌舵 D) rotating【参考答案】:C3. Accuracy 精度 is _ to the programming of computers.A) elementary B) fundamental 基本原则 C) principal D) typical【参考答案】:B4. Perhaps the price of the wine will be much higher next year because the _ for this years wine harvest are poor.A) prospects 前景、预期 B) promises C) proposals D) privileges【参考答案】:A5. Because of my poor eyesight I am _ to wear glasses all the time.A) obliged 要求 B) compromised C) committed D) threatened【答案】:A6. This new book has received several reviews since its publication; but none of them have made a just _ of the book.A) summary B) calculation C) evaluation 评价、评估 D) account【参考答案】:C7. We are offering a substantial _ for information leading to the capture of this murderer.A) compensation B) treasure C) share D) reward 报酬、酬谢 【参考答案】:D8. The former mayor of the city was always holding a _ against new immigrants and made life difficult for them there.A) prejudice 偏见 B) priority C) discomfort D) disadvantage【参考答案】:A9. Why this otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is _ me.A) without B) outside C) beside D) beyond 超越【参考答案】:D10. I cant drive this car, as Im not _ with its controls.A) accustomed B) aware C) familiar 熟悉 D) informed【 参考答案】:C11. People in New York City_ that their city is the most vital 有活力的 city in the world.A) announce B) claim 宣称 C) describe D) pronounce【 参考答案】:B12. Some plants are so sensitive 敏感的、灵敏的_ pollution that they can only survive in perfectly clean environment.A) from B) against C) to D) with【参考答案】:C13. Reporters asked the Congressman to _ his position on welfare reform.A) evolve B) clarify 澄清 C) imply D) quote【参考答案】:B14. This terrorist attack has been _ by the entire international community.A) condemned 已被定罪的 B) scolded C) criticized D) blamed【参考答案】:A15. At the same time we have to _ longer-term plans to guide us towards sustained economic growth in the future.A) set out B) put up with C) build up D) draw up 起草、草拟【参考答案】:D16. As he had worked in the army as an electrical engineer for many years, he had every _ for the job.A) privilege B) obligation C) qualification 资格、条件 D) commitment【答案】:C17. Out of _ revenge 复仇, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.A) perfect B) total C) sheer 绝对的 D) thorough【参考答案】:C18. We are preparing a dinner for twenty people, but this table is not _wide for our purpose.A) sufficiently 充分的 B) considerably C) enough D) indeed【参考答案】:A19. The rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but Jane was _ behind as usual.A) declining B) delaying C) lacking D) lagging 落后的【参考答案】:D20.This PLA soldier _ personal danger when he jumped into the icy water to save the drowning child. A) refused B) declined C) ignored 不顾、忽视 D)neglected 【参考答案】:C21. The cost of the war has _ national development by ten years.A) pulled off B) set back 推迟、使 受挫 C) backed down D) called off 【参考答案】:B22. His nationality isnt _ to whether hes a good lawyer.A) attacked B) relevant 有关的、关系重大的 C) associated D) regarding【参考答案】:B23. Surprisingly, the sixty-year-old man has acquired _ in a foreign language through practice.A. deficiency B. sufficiency C. proficiency 精通、熟练 D. efficiency【答案】:C24. If you _ bright sunlight _ dry wood with a glass, it will start burning.A) expose toB) concentrateon C) aim atD) focus on 焦点 在【答案】:D25. A well-written composition _ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.A) calls on B) calls for 呼吁 C) calls up D) calls off 【参考答案】:B26.The price of beer _ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.A. altered B. ranged 分类 C. separated D. differed【参考答案】:B27.The boss managed to _ the discussion away from the subject of money and into the topic of environmental protection.A. attach B. steer 控制、引导 C. associate D. stir【参考答案】:B28. The worlds governments have done _ nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accidents.A. specifically B. vitally C. virtually 事实上 D. identically【参考答案】:C29. We as a company feel that it is _ to maintain good worker-management relations.A. moderate B. special C. absolute D. essential 本质的,基本的 【参考答案】:D30. After so many years in the military service, Im glad to get back to _ clothes.A. civil B. civilized C. civilian 民用的,平民的 D. citizen【参考答案】:C31. President Bandas background as a doctor has given him _ into the medical problem that face the country.A. a view B. a vision C. an insight 洞察 D. a sight【参考答案 】:C32. A sweet smile is a figurative expression(比喻用法) , but sweet coffee is a _ one.A. literal 无夸张的,文字的 B. literary C. literate D. illiterate【参考答案】:A33.While th
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