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五年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠1815-16人教版(无) 一、用英语表达下列短语 1、爬山-2、去远足-3、去购物-4、寻找-5、醒来-6 刷牙-7、体育锻炼-8、赶快-9、做早操-10、在周末-二、单项选择:从下列每题中,选出能够完成句子的最佳答案。 1、I cant play football-the rain.A .at B. under C .in D with2. Thank you for telling me -your day.A. for B. at C. about D. on3. I like playing -piano .A. the B. a C. an D. /4. I cant go hiking. I cant climb mounts, -.A. too B either C. also D. /5. Can I ask you-questions?A. some B .any C. much D all6. What do you do ? - .A .Im a teacher. B. I go hiking .C. Yes, I do. D .Im playing football.7. Can you tell - about your day ?A . I B .me C. my D. /8. I often read English-7-the morning.A. at; on B .at; in C. in ; on D in ;at9. Thank you for -helping me.A. help B .helps C helping D. to help10. Li Jie - TV every day, but I dont.A. watching B .watch C. watches D. to watch三、补全对话 。从下列对话选项中 ,选出相对应的选项 ,从而使对话完整与通顺. ( R=reporter ,T=teacher) R: _ _ ?T: Of course.R:_ _?T : Im a teacher.R: What do you teach ? T: I teach English.R: _ _?T:I work in a primary school.R:_ _?T: I go to work at 7:30 in the morning.R: Thank you T:_ _. A. What time do you go to work ?B. Thats OK.C. Can I ask you some questions?D. Where do you work?E. What do you do ?四、阅读下列短文,然后判断正(T)误(F) Im Rusty. I am Mikes dog .I go with him everywhere. He gets up. I get up.He does morning exercises. I do morning exercises ,too .He goes to school, I go to school.He sings. I bark.One day, I wake up. Its late. I bark at Mike. But he doesnt wake up .How can I Help him. Mike wakes up .He searches for his bag. Oh, Mike ,come on ! Hurry up !Mike hurries to school. Of course I am waiting for him. He can always depend on me .( ) 1. mike goes to school, Rusty goes with him.( ) 2.Mike gets up, Rusty gets up, too.( ) 3 Mike can do morning exercises ,Rusty can too.( ) 4.Mike can sing, but Rusty cant .( ) 5One day Mike gets up late ,Rusty too.五、作文 暑假就要到了,你准备去哪里旅游呢?请把你需要的物品列个清单,(例如:衣服、鞋子、票、等,并把你打算要做的事情介绍两三件如:游泳、参观名胜。看望朋友或远方亲人等。(不少于8句话)
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