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五年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠20615-16人教版(无) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的字母组合或单词,将序号写到题前的括号内。 ( )1、A、EFG B、ABX C、REG ( )2、A、KLP B、TIC C、ZWQ ( )3、A、hpd B、mnf C、vsi ( )4、A、lat B、odc C、yvs ( )5、A、yesterday B、today C、race ( )6、A、first B、ninth C、fourth ( )7、A、chimney B、roof C、street ( )8、A、lamp B、ring C、television ( )9、A、wait B、hand C、help ( )10、A、road B、corner C、cafe 二、 听录音,把你所听到的句子的序号填在题前的括号内。 ( )1. A. Dont put your hand in the rubbish bin, Its dirty. B. Dont play on the road.( )2. A. Is there any car at the corner? B. Is there a bus on the road? ( )3. A. Why didnt you finish your work? B. Why didnt you hand in your work?( )4. A. They are waiting for a bus. B. They are going home.( )5. A. Where were you on Saturday? B. Where were you on Sunday?三、 找出各题的正确变化形式,并把它们的序号写到相应的题目后的横线上。 was came dont 3rd 9th1.third_ 2.come_3.is _ 4.do not_5.ninth_四、选出不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. rabbit B. fifth C. ninth( )2. A. post office B. near C. shopping centre( )3. A. road B. race C. sports( )4. A. seat B. tea C. sugar( )5. A. above B. finish C. in front of五、单项选择,从所给的答案中选出正确的一个,将其序号填在题前的括号内。 ( )1、This is _ good picture.A、an B、a C、the( )2、_ a cat on the roof.A、Drawing B、Draw C、Draws( )3、Please draw a well(井) _ my house.A、at B、on C、in front of( )4、Dont _ on the road. A、play B、playing C、plays( )5、Is there any car at the corner? Yes, _ is.A、there B、they C、them( )6、Where _ you yesterday? I was in the zoo.A、were B、was C、are( )7、They are _ a bus.A、waiting for B、wait for C、waiting on( )8、There _ a policeman near the post office.A、is B、are C、be( )9、Lingling got the gold medal(金牌) in the race. She was _.A、last B、second C、first( )10、Why _ you hand in your work yesterday?A、didnt B、dont C、wasnt六、从第II栏中找到第I 栏中的答语,把答案序号填写在题前的括号内 第I栏 第II栏( )1.How are you? A. Yes, there is a car at the corner.( )2.Who was first? B. Im sorry.( )3.Is there any car at the corner? C. Peter was first. ( )4.Dont spill the sugar on the table. D. Im drawing a picture. ( )5.What are you doing? E. Im fine.七、阅读理解。 There was a poor boy. He liked to draw. One day, an old man gave him a magic brush. The brush could turn everything he drew real. He used the brush to help the poor people. He drew the well, the food, the clothes and many other things.根据短文内容,判断正误,对的打(),错的打()( )1.The boy was poor.( )2.His grandfather gave him a magic brush.( )3.The brush could turn everything he drew real.( )4.He used the brush to help the poor people. ( )5.He drew some clothes with the brush.八.、根据提示完成小作文。 假设你是Peter,你想去礼品店买礼物,在路上遇见了Jack,问他礼品店的位置。他告诉你要走过两个街区,就能在你的左边找到它。礼品店就在图书馆旁边。要求:语句通顺,没有语法错误,不少于30字。词汇提示:where, present, gift, shop, straight, blocks, left, library.
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