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范文范例参考HUBEI UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION高等教育自学考试毕业设计(论文)题目 铁路危险品运输管理探讨 专业班级 学号 姓名 指导教师姓名、职称 所属助学单位 年 月 日毕业论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交毕业论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。论文作者签名:黄昕宇 二零一六 年 六 月 二十 日摘 要近年来,随着我国经济的迅速发展,化学、原子能、电气和石油等工业对社会经济的发展起到了巨大的推动作用的同时,产生了大量的问题。工业生产中越来越多地使用到危险品作为产品的生产原料,并且在生产过程中产生许多有毒的废料,企业为了完成正常的生产活动,就必须进行危险品运输,而铁路运输则是其中最主要的形式。根据国家交通运输管理部门的相关研究表明:从 20102012 年报告国内的3222 起涉及化学危险品的事故中,54是在生产和存储过程中发生的,41是在运输过程中发生的,5是由于其他原因引起的。在所有的运输方式中,因为铁路承担的运输量最大,铁路的运输方式风险性似乎应该也最高。然而考虑到对生命和财产的危害性,由于大多数铁路穿越居民区,一旦发生事故,将危及更多人的生命、财产安全,因此铁路运输的危险性实质更大。 危险品运输都是一个对人民群众的生命、财产安全产生重大威胁的问题,因此世界各国都在积极努力地寻求控制和减少危险品运输事故的途径和方法。有鉴于此,本文主要探讨当前我国铁路部门对危险品在运输管理中存在的问题,针对这些问题,提出相应的解决对策。本文系运用规范研究方法进行的专题研究。全文分四个部分:首先(第一部分),阐述了危险品定义与铁路危险货物的概念;然后(第二部分),阐述了危险品运输安全要求和危险品运输事故类型;其次(第三部分),分析了铁路危险货物运输过程中存在的安全管理问题;最后(第四部分),提出了相应的措施对铁路危险货物运输的安全管理进行完善,维护社会的稳定秩序,保障人民群众的生活安定,同时保障铁路的运输安全。关键词:铁路危险品 危险品运输 铁路安全 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinas economy, chemical, atomic energy, electricity and oil and other industries have played a huge role in promoting social and economic development, while a large number of problems have been produced. Industrial production more and more used to dangerous goods as raw materials for the production of products, and many of the toxic waste are produced in the production process, enterprise in order to complete the normal production activities, we must for dangerous goods transport, and railway transport is one of the most important forms. According to the traffic and transportation management departments of the related research shows that: from 20102012 years reported in domestic 3222 involving hazardous chemical accident, 54% were occurred in the process of production and storage, 41% are occurred in the process of transportation, 5% is caused by other reasons. In all modes of transport, the railway transport capacity is the largest, and the risk of rail transport should also be the highest. However, taking into account the hazards of life and property, because most of the railway through residential areas, once the accident, will endanger more peoples lives and property safety, so the risk of rail transport is more dangerous. The transportation of dangerous goods is a serious threat to peoples life and property. Therefore, all countries in the world are actively seeking ways and means to control and reduce the accident of dangerous goods transport. In view of this, this paper mainly discusses the current problems in the transportation management of dangerous goods in the railway sector in our country, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to solve these problems. In this paper, the use of standardized research methods to carry out a special study. The full text is divided into four parts: first (the first part), this paper expounds the concept of dangerous goods definition and railway dangerous goods; then (the second part), expounds the risk goods transport safety requirements and the transport of dangerous goods accident type; second (part three), analysis of the existing in the course of railway dangerous goods transportation safety management problems; finally, the fourth part) is proposed the corresponding measures for the railway transport of dangerous goods safety management perfect, maintain social stability and order, protection of the masses of the people live in peace, and the protection of the safety of railway transportation. Key words: railway dangerous goods dangerous goods transport railway safety 目 录引 论6一、危险品定义与铁路危险货物的概念7(一)危险品定义7(二)铁路危险货物的概念7(三)人类社会与危险化学品之间存在着双重关系7二、危险品运输安全要求和危险品运输事故类型8(一)危险品运输安全要求8(二)危险品运输事故类型81、火灾事故82、爆炸事故93、毒气泄漏事故9三、铁路危险货物运输过程中存在的安全管理问题9(一)相关人员业务不熟、安全意识淡薄9(二)危险化学品运输车辆存在技术问题9(三)危险化学品运输管理存在漏洞10(四)由于事故救援不当造成事故扩大10四、铁路危险货物运输的安全管理相应的措施10(一)严格资质认证,加强从业人员培训11(二)强化承运管理,严把危险品运输审查关11(三) 落实安全措施,严格装车监控11(四)建立完善的铁路危险化学品应急预案12结 语13致 谢 14主要参考文献15引 论在各行各业的生产中必然要用到一些危险的化学品,这些危险化学品的铁路运输对于铁路运输安全有着非常重要的影响。铁路危险货物的运输不仅责任重、难度大,而且要求高,受到社会各界的广泛关注。在铁路危险货物的运输过程中一旦发生疏漏,将会出现非常严重的后果,不仅造成重大的经济损失,而且还会在社会中造成极其恶劣的影响。这就需要相关人员加强对铁路危险货物运输的
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