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Lesson 33教学设计与反思 教学目标:1. 能够听、说、读、写四会单词:tiger, cat, dog. 2. 能听说读三会单词并掌握句型Whats that in English ? Its a/an.3. 能够在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。4.能够养成关心小动物的良好品德。教学重点:掌握句型:Whats that in English? Its a /an教学难点:掌握seal, dolphin, hippo等一些动物单词,能够用The.is doing sth.来描述动物。学情分析:四年级的学生对动物单词已经不陌生了,并且掌握了大量的动物单词,在学习新单词时比较容易。在句型方面,之前已经学过“Whats that in English? Its a .”,大部分学生能够较熟练地表达。本节课新句型The dolphin is dancing对于学生来说刚刚接触,在表达时经常忘记“ing”,为了能使他们更好地掌握这一句型,我在课中穿插了其他小动物的动作图片,这样能吸引他们的兴趣,扩充他们的语言输出量,丰富了课堂内容。教学策略选择与设计:通过欢快的歌曲歌谣将学生带入课堂,创设情景,在学习中,以图片,声音,动画等形式帮助学生理解课文,并在操练中,巩固所学知识。学生通过感知、自主学习、小组合作、提升训练等方式,掌握教学目标。 教学活动:【导入】Warm-up1Find the animals【讲授】Presentation1 Game:Guess animals. See or listen . Learn the four skill words.2 Show the pictureT: Whats this in English?S:Its a cat. T: Whats that in English? S: Its a dog.Teacher tells the Ss the differences about the “this” and “that”3 Show the Zoo picture T: This is a zoo. Look! Some animals live on the land ,some animals live in the water . Today lets learn the new words about animals living in the water.4(1)To learn the new words :seal,dolphin,hippo(2)Test of your memory5 Show the video. Watch the video and answer the question . Whats the dolphin doing? The dolphin Teacher show the sentence meaning. Then practice some pictures about The _is doing sth.6. Learn the text.Today Miss Liu takes her students to the zoo. Lets see together.T: How many animals are there in the zoo? What are they?S: There are two. They are seal and dolphin.Then read after the video and the teacher.After that, read by themselves and try to remember the text.7. Finish the textFill in the blanks about the text.8 Make a new dialogue【游戏】1 Animal Sit. 2 Act the actions and let the students say _is doing sth.Animals are our friends and we should protect them.2. Write【练习】Make the sentences.【作业】Homework:1. Make a new dialogue with your partner.2. Introduce your favorite animal to your parents.
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