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Unit5 Travelling AbroadPeriod Two Reading教案I. Teaching aims:1.To raise the students interest in studying life in a foreign country.2. Develop the students speaking and reading ability 3. Help the students to summarize the benefits and difficulties of living in a foreign countryII. Teaching procedure:Step1. pre-readingDo you want to go abroad for a further study?Give many famous universities pictures in the worldOxford University; Cambridge University; Princeton University; Harvard University; Yale University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Step 2. Discussion:What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country? Advantages Disadvantages 1. help us to be independent 2. easy to learn a foreign language3. easy to learn advanced knowledge and technology4. learn about different customs and views5. have new experience1. have communication difficulties2. cost a lot of money3. it would be tiring to live abroad4. may feel alone5. its not easy to take good careStep 3: scanningscan the whole passage as quickly as you can to tell whether the following statements are true or not. For the false ones, point out the mistakes and give the correct sentences.1 It was the first time that Xie Lei had left her home country.2 She has come to the England University to complete a literature qualification.3 Most foreign students must complete the preparation course before entering a course. 4 Xie lei lives in student apartments with her students.5 Now ,Xie lei doesnt feel much more at home in England Key:TFTFFStep4: Read again and number the main idea of each paragraph.3The difficulties Xie Lei met in London.7The newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions.2 Introduction to Xie Lei and her study.4 The advantages of living with a host family.6 Xie Lei feels much more at home in England now and is living an active life.1 Xie Lei , a Chinese girl , is studying in a foreign country . 5 Xie Lei is getting to the Western Universitys way of learning.Step5. Choose the best answer.1)Who does Xie Lei board with in England? A. Her classmates B. Herself C. A host family D. Her family2) Why does Xie Lei have such a decision that she would like to board with while studying in England? A. She feels lonely while staying in a foreign country. B. She is afraid to get used to a new life in a new country. C. She can make good preparations for her courses. D. She can have opportunities to learn more about life and customs in a new country.3) How does Xie Lei try to get used to the new life in England? A. She tries to avoid rising a feeling of homesick.B. She tries to join in a few university clubs to share more social activities and meet some people she had much in common withC. She tries to put her heart into her preparation course.D. She tries to protect herself from the strange environment and does nothing to make herself familiar with the culture.4) What can we learn from Xie Lei according to the passage? A. She is timid. B. She is brave. C. She is determined. D. She is honest.Step6. Read carefullyand answer the following questions:1. What is Xie Lei in England for? How long has she been in England? Xie Lei is in England for a degree course. She has been in England for six months.2. Why is she doing a preparation course first? Xie Leis preparation course can help her to get used to academic requirements of a Western university. So she first finished the course.3.Why did Xie Lei feel like a child when she first arrived in England? Because when she first arrived in England, she had to face the difficulties of daily life, for example, how to use the phone, how to pay on the bus. She had to face the difficulties of learning at the university, eg, she cant understand the expressions others say.4. Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?When she came to England, she lived with a host family, so the members of the family always helped her. The other type of people, I think, is her tutor and classmates, especially her tutor.5. Why has Xie Lei decided to join a few clubs?Because she thought it was important to have a balance between study and social life, so she decided to join a few clubs.Step7. Read the text again and fill in the diagram below:Benefits:1. Her preparation course is to help her to get used to academic requirements of a Western university.2. She thinks living with a host family can give students the opportunity to learn more about everyday life and customs in their new country.3. She thinks having a tutor is to encourage you to express your own ideas with reasons. Difficulties: 1.at the university-Studying here is quite different from studying in China and she needs some preparation first, either here or in China .2.Of a new life -She has to get
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