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. . . .Text comprehensionIV 1. Nowadays, people believe that they can have fun whenever they want it, and that they should have fun; otherwise they would be leading a dull and bitter life as a puritan.2. We have long assumed that fun was easy to have, but now we are paying a price for that shallow-mindedness, i.e., our party is hardly as much fun as it is intended to be.VocabularyI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. we should be morally too strict with ourselves to enjoy life; 2. that made all other questions less significant; 3. counting fun as the most important quality of life; 4. the best example of having fun; 5. by nothing more than simple exposureII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.1-4 overshadows; traipse; fetish; flunked; 5-8 swilling; flicked; epitome; licentiousness; III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.insured; underserved; generosity; benefits; regrettable; mirthful; blasphemy; reverenceIV. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.turn into; occurred to; end up; step up; pay back; look forward to; look for; managed toV.1. excursion; 2. failing; 3. irreverently; 4. advertisements; 5.quintessence/embodiment; 6. grief/sadness/melancholy; 7. profane; 8.examine/scrutinize;VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.1-4 drew attention to;represents; fully explain; challenged by; 5-8 support; bored; be well understood; visited;GrammarI.1. Since everybody says Woody Allens latest film is good, I think Ill go and see it.2. All of us were very excited because the departure was approaching.3. The excitement will be so great that nobody will be able to sleep.4. As Mr. Jordan liked Morocco very much when first went there, he wants to go there again.5. This album of Bruce Springsteen sounds exciting, so we are thinking of buying it.6. My wife coughed a lot last night. As a result, she is thinking of giving up smoking for a while.7. Seeing that the students were not interested, Professor Jones ended the seminar.8. I feel much better now that Ive talked to you. II.1.New investment has been made in order that roads can be improved.2. Being late, she took a taxi so as not to lose time.3. Audiovisual equipment is often used for language learning.4. She never walked through the park for fear that she might meet him again.5. She decided to move to London so that she could be near her child.6. Shell be at the airport in order to meet the new tourist group.7. Take your passport in case they ask for identification,8. She goes to work by bus to avoid using the car.III. 1. did it all happen; 2. because of; 3. guaranteeing; 4. such a shock; 5. they found him guilty for he had no convincing explanationfor his actions. 6. could learn; 7. about that it; 8. in order to/ in order that they could;IV 1. such that; 2. thus; 3. in that; 4. with; 5. sothat 6. Owing to; 7. for; 8. Seeing that V. Para.1 should/would like; have; heard; would; suit; doesnt apply; wont get;Para.2 saw; had/was; left/leaving; said; was going; promised; found/had found; have heard; dont know; went; Para. 3 know; should/would be; would phone; have tried; doesnt seem;Translation1.“有趣吗?”这一问题使所有其他问题黯然失色,比如:“道德吗?仁慈吗?诚实吗?有益吗?慷慨吗?有必要吗?和(我最喜欢的)无私吗?”等一些有意义的问题。2. 当乐趣成为生活中的主要内容时,随之而来必定是对乐趣的迷恋崇拜。3. 在坐待乐趣来临的时候,我发现其实并没有多少乐趣可言,我得告诉你们这一点,免得你们担心自己找乐子的能力。4. 由于我们多年来总以为乐趣无处不在,快乐之神用拒绝光临我们聚会的方式来对我们实施报复。Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout the ages.2. The Great Gatsby is commonly deemed as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the last century in America.3. It is advisable for you not to put a damper on his enthusiasm to further his studies at Harvard.4. Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles.5. They traipsed all the way to the Peoples Square for the celebrations of the National Day.6. He does not deserve such severe punishment as he has committed neither serious errors nor grave crimes.7. Every time I met him, he would talk a whole lot of nonsense.8. Reputation is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.III.有人认为, 生活中乐趣胜过生命中其他一切事情。他们甚至从不考虑任何严肃的事,从来不对这种乐趣是否道德、是否诚实或是否有必要这类问题提出疑问。当然,许多事情确实有乐趣。全家郊游有乐趣,打一场篮球有乐趣,喝着咖啡聊天有乐趣。但是,如果你把找乐子看成是生活中必不可少的东西的话,那么,你必然会追求越来越刺激的方法来从中获得乐趣,其中一个典型的方法是不断提升冒险或酗酒的程度,以设法得到一点乐趣。你应该避免亵渎乐趣,否则,过火的代价可能会是,不管你如何努力,就是没有乐趣。所以,正确的方法是带着一份敬意来看待乐趣,这样,你时常可以有一点新鲜的乐趣Cloze:1. as; 2.hands; 3.go; 4.up 5.industries; 6.or; 7.include; 8.on; 9.provided; 10.aim. 学习参考 .
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