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Lesson 26 Our River【教学目标】1. 重点词汇和句子。2. 通过听力能力培养,提高听力能力。【教学重点】1. 重点词汇和句子。2. 通过听力能力培养,提高听力能力。【教学难点】To read and analyze the book extract。【教学准备】调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 学具:光盘、大卡片等。【教学过程】Step1. Greetings and revision.Step2. Warm-upWhat kinds of pollution are there in your neighbourhood? What or who is causing the pollution?air pollution water pollution land pollution noise pollutionStep3. ListeningListen to the interview between Ellie and Jeremy. Finish Ellies notes.Step4. Listening-againListen again and answer the questions.1 Jeremy says As usual! What does he mean? a He usually goes fishing at around 3 pm. b Usually they cant catch any fish. c He usually goes fishing with his friends.2 Why didnt the dog feel well? a Because he ate the wrong medicine. b Because Jeremy hurt him. c Because he was in dirty water.3 Why do you think Jeremy has got red spots on his arms?4 How did the vet try to help the dog?Step5. FunctionStep6.SpeakingRole-play Choose a situation below. Role-play an interview with your partner.Your Tum What can you do to go green?Step6. Homework完成课本对应练习。 2 / 2
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