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Module 5 Unit 1 Great scientist完成句子1大量的投资导致了这一地区经济的迅速发展。Large investment has _ _ a rapid economic development in the area.2他讲话不多,但言之有理。He doesnt talk much, but what he says _ _.3那起交通事故不该责怪司机。The driver was not_ _ _ the traffic accident.4. 不加任何保护,直接暴露在这些病毒下是十分危险的。Its very dangerous to _ _ _ these viruses without any protection.5我正专心看书,没有听到你的电话。I _ _ _a book and didnt hear you call.6. 除了这些理由以外,他无话可说了_ _these reasons, he said nothing.7让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲Lets _the lecture by professor Li from BeijingUniversity.8. 他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。He _food and clothing _the Red Cross.9.贝克博士是一位物理学教授,另外,他还是一位著名的作家。Dr.Bake is a professor of physics._ _,he is a famous writer.10. 那个医生治愈了他的病。The doctor _ him _ his disease.Module 5 Unit 2 The united Kingdom一、完成句子1张先生病了。王先生将代替他。Mr Zhang is ill. Mr Wang will _ _ _ _ him.2最大的岛叫不列颠岛,被英吉利海峡与法国隔开,海峡有一处只有20英里宽。The largest island is called Britain, which_ _ _France _ the English Channel, _ at one point is only 20 miles wide.3. 不要依据第一印象判断一个人。Dont _ a person only _ the basis _first impressions.4那些孩子把蛋糕分成4份,每人拿了一份。Those children_the cake_ four parts and then each got one.5. 八国联盟包括世界上最富裕的八个国家。The Group of Eight _ _ the eight richest countries in the world.6. The southern part of that country _ _(脱离)to form its new government.7. England is the largest of the four countries and _ _ (出于方便)it is divided into three zones.8. The word is wrong spelt;you have _ _(遗漏)a letter.9. Now when people _ _(提及)England you find Wales included _ _ (也;又).10. The beauty of the artists style _ _(在于) in its simplicity.Unit 11.led to2.makes sense3.to blame for4.be exposed to5.was absorbed in6.Apart from 7. attend 8. contributed to9. In addition 10. cure; ofUnit2二、完成句子 1.take the place of2.is separated from; by; which 3.judge; on; of4. divided; into 5. consists of 6. broke away 7. for convenience 8. left out9. refer to; as well 10. consists inBook 5 Unit 31. Ten minutes later the train _ _ (加速).2. What _ _ (究竟) do you want to talk to me?3. _ _ _ (建于1636年), Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.4. _ _ (被感动) the story, he decided to work harder than ever.5. _ _ (一旦被养成), a bad habit is difficult to get rid of.6. _ _ (多浇水), the tree would not have died.II.1. sped up2. on earth3. Founded in 16364. Moved by5. Once formed 6. Watered moreBook 5 Unit 4根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1. I cant _ _ _ _ _ (全神贯注于我所做的事情) while the noise is going on.2. Whether well go camping tomorrow _ _ _ _ (取决于天气).3. In the court the old lady _ _ _ _ (控告他杀害) her daughter. 4. _ _ (被通知) the flight would be delayed, we made other arrangements.5. The old man _ _ _ _ _ (要求见经理) .6. Twenty years later we met at the airport _ _ (偶然).2. He _ _ _ (专心致志于) his book, so he didnt hear the doorbell. 3. In the street he ran over and _ _ _ ( 保护我免遭) the robbery. II. 1. concentrate on what Im doing 2. depends on the weather 3. accused him of killing 4. Informed that 5. demanded to see the manager 6. by accident/chance 7. got / was absorbed in 8. defended me against Unit 2,Book61. The committee _ _ _ _ (组成)12 members2. There is enough time_ _ _ .(别着急)3. I dont _ _ _ the telegram.(理解)4. The problem is really difficult to _ _(解决) so we have to give it up.5. Certain buildings _ _ (屹立着)after the terrible earthquake.6. The pop singer _ _ _ (受到喜欢)the young.7. She _ _(发出) a cry of surprise.8. The scientists _ _ (测试)Shenzhou very carefully before it was sent to space.9. I am going to travel abroad, so I go to _ some RMB_ dollars in bank.(兑换)10. In the discussion, some people _ _(同意)the plan, while others _ _(反对).Unit3,Book61. She _ _ (感觉像是)a princess in that dress.2. Have the things to be bought _ _(决定)?3. He _ _ _ _(已经习惯)the life in the mountains since his childhood.4. He saved my life _ _ _ _(冒险)losing his own.5. We _ _
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