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几个蔬菜种植的小窍门There are a number of vegetable gardening tips that can help make gardening easier and a better experience. But, because all gardens are not the same, not every vegetable gardening tips will apply to all gardeners.Implementing flowers and herbs with vegetables, can add interest, variety and health to your vegetable garden. Flowers or herbs that have strong odors, for instance marigolds and garlic, are known to repel pests and help prevent disease. Some vegetables will create exceptional borders and can be used for ornamental purposes.Easy Maintenance and Soil ImprovementOther tips to help with your vegetable garden include the use of corn stalks or sunflowers as interesting, biodegradable poles for beans to climb on. Providing a ladder for vine-growing plants, such as pumpkins, to grow on provides the same effect. Just use the rungs and sides of the ladder as support for the vines. Let the pumpkins grow on the steps for further support.If you have any branches lying around, these can make a good, inexpensive vegetable gardening tool. Select the branches that are the strongest and use them for staking up your climbing or bushing plants. Place the branches in the ground and use pantyhose to tie the plants. This will prevent damage to the plants. Pantyhose are very pliable and will stretch as the plant grows.Here are a few other interesting vegetable gardening tips to consider for improving the soil and increasing production. Planting onions throughout the garden helps soil stay loose and keep weeds out. Many crops will grow better when you use large leafy plants to provide mulch. This also aids in retaining soil moisture.A way to encourage larger yields and fertilize the soil is to help the production of nitrogen. One way is to plant alfalfa grass or clover prior to each garden season. Then turn these plants into the ground before blooming to use as green manure for healthier soil.There are many suggestions for keeping your plants properly watered. One easy way to do this is to use plastic gallon-sized jugs or two-liter bottles. This is a also a good way to recycle. Just poke some holes around the bottom of the empty container and bury it in the ground up to the bottle neck. These should be placed near the plants. The water will then be slowly released into the ground. This will provide an appropriate amount of moisture to plants. Keep an eye on the water levels and refill as needed.Another tip for watering; dont water at night in hot or humid weather. The moisture and humidity may combine with the high temperatures to promote plant diseases. This may happen when water gathers at the roots or the foliage is allowed to become excessively wet and causing diseases to spread.有几个蔬菜种植的小窍门可以使你的园艺更容易,并获得更好的体验。可是既然每家的花园各不相同,蔬菜园艺的窍门自然也就不可能适于所有的花园。将鲜花、草药和蔬菜一起种,能增加你的兴趣、使作物品种多样,还能让花园中的蔬菜长得更健康。鲜花和草药有很强烈的气味,如金盏菊和大蒜,有驱赶害虫预防疾病的功效。一些蔬菜能长成特别的花坛,可以作为装饰用途。易于维护改良土壤其它能帮助你蔬菜园艺的窍门包括,让豆子攀爬玉米秸和向日葵,它们样子有趣,还能生物降解。用梯子供蔓生蔬菜,如南瓜,在上面生长、攀缘,能起到同样的效果;就用梯级或梯子的侧面作为藤蔓的支撑物,让南瓜在梯级上生长,获得支撑。如果你的花园里有树枝,可以用它们做成好用、便宜的蔬菜园艺工具。选出最结实的树枝,用它们作桩,撑起你的攀缘植物或灌木。把树枝叉到地里,用袜裤来系植物。这样就能避免损伤植物,因为袜裤容易拉伸,能随着植物生长拉长。还有几个有趣的蔬菜园艺窍门能改善土壤,增加产量。在花园里种满葱头,能使土壤松软,不长野草。如果你用大叶植物当作“覆盖物”,许多作物都能长得更好;这也能起到保持土壤潮湿的作用。一种增加产量肥沃土壤的方法,就是帮助氮肥的产生。有一种办法就是在每年园艺季节开始前种苜蓿或三叶草,并在它们开花前,把其埋入土里用作“农家肥”来给土壤增加营养。还有许多给植物适当浇水的建议。一种简便的方法就是用一加仑大小的塑料罐子或两升大小的瓶子;这也是一种很好的循环利用。在空罐子底下扎几个洞,把它埋到土里,齐瓶颈深,靠近植物。罐子中的水就能慢慢地渗到地里,给植物保持了合适的湿度。注意看着罐中的水位,需要的时候再把它注满。还有一条浇水的窍门,就是在湿热的季节里不要在晚上浇水。水气和潮气加上高温增加植物患病的机会,因为当水在植物的根部或叶部聚集过多时,就会导致疾病的传播。
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