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专题限时检测(二十四)阅读理解D篇专练(二)(共2篇,限时20分钟)A(2018扬州高三一模)This passage is adapted from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bront.Seeing me, she recovered herself: she made a sort of effort to smile, and expressed a few words of congratulations; but the smile disappeared, and the sentence was abandoned unfinished. She put up her glasses and pushed her chair back from the table.“I feel so astonished,” she began,“I hardly know what to say to you, Miss Eyre. I have surely not been dreaming, have I? Sometimes I half fall asleep when I am sitting alone and fancy things that have never happened. It has seemed to me more than once when I have been in a doze (打盹), that my dear husband, who died fifteen years since, has come in and sat down beside me; and that I have even heard him call me by my name, Alice, as he used to do. Now, can you tell me whether it is actually true that Mr. Rochester has asked you to marry him? Dont laugh at me. But I really thought he came in here five minutes ago, and said that in a month you would be his wife.”“He has said the same thing to me,” I replied.“He has! Do you believe him? Have you accepted him?”“Yes.”She looked at me confused.“I could never have thought it. He is a proud man; all the Rochesters were proud; and his father at least, liked money. He, too, has always been called careful. He means to marry you?”“He tells me so.”She surveyed my whole person: in her eyes I read that they had there found no charm powerful enough to solve the mystery.“It passes me!” she continued,“but no doubt it is true since you say so. How it will answer I cannot tell: I really dont know. Equality of position and fortune is often advisable in such cases; and there are twenty years of difference in your ages. He might almost be your father.”“No, indeed, Mrs. Fairfax!”I protested (抗议), annoyed;“he is nothing like my father! No one, who saw us together, would suppose it for an instant. Mr. Rochester looks as young, and is as young, as some men of twentyfive.”“Is it really for love he is going to marry you?”she asked.I was so hurt by her coldness and skepticism that the tears rose to my eyes.“I am sorry to make you unhappy,” continued the widow (寡妇), “but you are so young, and so little acquainted with men, I wished to put you on your guard. It is an old saying that all is not gold that glitters; and in this case I do fear there will be something found to be different to what either you or I expect.”“Why? Am I a monster?” I said.“Is it impossible that Mr. Rochester should have a sincere affection for me?”“No, you are very well; and much improved recently; and Mr. Rochester, I dare say, is fond of you. I have always noticed that you were a sort of pet of his. There are times when, for your sake, I have been a little uneasy at his marked preference, and have wished to put you on your guard; but I did not like to suggest even the possibility of wrong. I knew such an idea would shock, perhaps offend you; and you_were_so_discreet_(审慎的),_and_so_thoroughly_modest_and_sensible,_I hoped you might be trusted to protect yourself. Last night I cannot tell you what I suffered when I sought all over the house, and could find you nowhere, nor the master either; and then, at twelve oclock, saw you come in with him.”“Well, never mind that now,” I interrupted impatiently; “it is enough that all was right.”“I hope all will be right in the end,” she said.“But, believe me, you cannot be too careful. Try and keep Mr. Rochester at a distance: distrust yourself as well as him. Gentlemen_in_his_station_are_not_accustomed_to_marry_their_governesses.”语篇解读:本文节选自英国著名小说家夏洛蒂勃朗特的小说 简爱。主要通过Mrs. Fairfax和Miss Eyre之间的对话,反映了当时社会的婚姻观,也体现了Miss Eyre和Rochester之间的爱。1The passage makes it clear that Miss Eyre and Mr. Rochester _.Awill get married because they feel affection for each otherBdo not really know each other well enough to become engagedCwill not live happily because they will be rejected by societyDhave a relationship that is not typical in their society解析:选D细节理解题。根据倒数第九段中“Equality of position and fortune is often advisable in such cases; and there are twenty years of difference in your ages. He might almost be your father.”可知,恋爱要考虑社会地位和财产方面的门当户对,而简爱和罗切斯特是属于两个阶层,再加上罗切斯特的年龄几乎可以做Miss Eyre的父亲了,所以说他们之间的这种关系在当时社会不具备代表性。2Miss Eyres feelings about her relationship with Mr. Rochester can be best described as _.AconfidentBunbelievableCsensitive Dunreliable解析:选A推理判断题。从Miss Eyre与Mrs. Fairfax的对话中,尤其是“Do you believe him? Have you accepted him? Yes.” 可知,Miss Eyre对Rochester的爱充满了自信。3Mrs. Fairfax compares Miss Eyre and Mr. Rochesters relationship as possibly being similar to _. Aa mystery that cannot be solved by herBan object that appears to be something but really is anotherCa game used to entertain the innocent and naiveDa shiny jewel that holds more value than it appears to解析:选B细节理解题。根据倒数第五段的最后一句“I do fear there will be somethin
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