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Unit4 Body language语法篇_要求学生掌握本单元的重点语法-动词的-ing形式作定语和状语并能熟练运用相关语法知识解决相应类型的题。一、动词的-ing形式由“动词原形+ing形式”构成,它既是现在分词形式,也是动名词形式。v-ing能在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、宾语补足语和状语,但不能单独作谓语。其时态和语态的变化为时态 语态及物动词(do)不及物动词(go)主动被动一般时doing being donegoing完成时having donehaving been donehaving gone二、动词-ing形式的作用1.动词-ing形式作定语E.g. The sleeping baby looks very beautiful. (前置定语)这位正在睡觉的婴儿看起来太漂亮了。E.g. The man sitting in the car is waiting for his daughter.(后置定语)坐在车里的男子正在等他的女儿。E.g. The law being carried out is to ban drunken driving.(后置定语,强调正在被执行的法律)正在执行中的这则法律旨在禁止酒后驾驶。名师点拨(1)现在分词短语作定语时通常后置,而单个的分词作定语时可置于被修饰词的前面,也可置于被修饰词的后面。(2)现在分词的完成时的主动及被动形式均不作后置定语。2动词-ing形式作状语。(1)作时间状语。E.g. Working in the office, the clerk heard an explosion from the street.在办公室工作时,这位职员听到街上发出了爆炸声。E.g. Having finished her homework, the girl was busy with the thing she likes.完成了家庭作业,女孩就忙于做她喜欢做的事情。名师点拨动词-ing形式一般式常表示该动作与句子谓语动作同时发生,而动词ing形式的完成式则表示该动作发生在谓语动作之前。(2)作原因状语。E.g. Lacking enough money, they had to give up the plan.由于缺乏足够的资金,他们只好放弃了这项计划。(3)作条件状语。E.g. Getting the chance to study abroad, he will try his best to improve himself.如果得到到国外学习的机会,他将尽力提升自己。(4)作结果状语。E.g. He failed to work out the last question in the math paper, making him lose the chance to enter his ideal university.他没有能够做出数学试卷上的最后一道题,致使他失去了上理想大学的机会。(5)作让步状语。E.g. Working hard all the day, he still felt energetic.尽管努力工作了一整天,他仍然感到精力充沛。(6)作伴随状语。E.g. The girls sat together in front of the house, talking and laughing.女孩们一起坐在屋前,又说又笑。(7)作方式状语。E.g. They greeted each other bowing to each other.他们鞠躬彼此打招呼。名师点拨(1)动词ing形式作状语时相当于与之对应的状语从句,并且可互相转换。(2)动词ing形式作伴随状语时,则可转化成并列谓语。E.g. Knowing what to do next, he set out to do it at once.=When he knew what to do next, he set out to do it at once.当明白下一步要做什么时,他立刻开始着手做起来。E.g. The guide showed the visitors around the pictures explaining the background of each picture.=The guide showed the visitors around the pictures and explained the background of each picture.导游领着游客参观这些图画,并解说每一幅画的背景。三、难点突破1单个的动词-ing形式作定语置于被修饰词的前面时,注意下面的两种情况对比。E.g. The old man needs a walking stick. =The old man needs a stick used for walking.(表示用途)老人需要一把用于行走的手杖。E.g. There are many people on the top of the mountain now who are enjoying the rising sun. =There are many people on the top of the mountain now who are enjoying the sun which is rising.(强调动作)现在山顶上有很多人在欣赏正在升起的太阳。2独立主格。现在分词作状语,有时它也可以有自己独立的逻辑主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构,通常用来表示伴随的动作或情况,也可以表示时间、原因或条件等。E.g. Weather permitting, we will go out for an outing.如果天气允许,我们会出去远足。E.g. The paper having been finished, the student handed it in.做完试卷之后,这位学生把它交了上去。3评论性状语。有些动词-ing形式作状语,在句中没有逻辑上的主语而独立存在,用来修饰主句,表明说话者的态度、观点等,被称为评论性状语或悬垂分词。常见的有generally/strictly/frankly speaking,judging from,considering,supposing,providing等。E.g. Judging from what he has said,he is a doctor.根据他的话判断,他是位医生。E.g. Considering that the old man is old, he needs looking after.考虑到老人老了,他需要被照顾4动词-ing形式作状语时,常将否定副词not置于分词前面。E.g. Not having finished the work, they had to work extra hours.由于没有完成工作,他们只好加班。5状语从句转化为非谓语作状语时,若从句的主语与主句的主语一致,从句谓语含有be动词时,可保留从句的引导词。E.g. When getting to the top of the mountain, they found the sun was rising.当他们到达山顶时,发现太阳正在升起。6动词-ing形式与过去分词的区别(1)语态不同:v.ing形式表示主动概念,与相关的名词或代词之间构成一种“主谓关系”。而过去分词表示被动概念,与相关的名词或代词构成一种“动宾关系”。(2)时间不同:v.ing形式表示“正在进行的动作”;过去分词表示“已完成的动作”。E.g. Seeing from the hill, you will see the beautiful city.在山上看,你会看到美丽的城市。E.g. Seen from the hill, the beautiful lake is like a big mirror.从山上看,那个美丽的湖就像一面大镜子。【巧学助记】分词短语记忆口诀分词作状语,主语是问题;逗号前后两动作,共用一主语;主语找出后,再来判关系;主动用-ing,被动用-ed;having done表先后,千万要牢记例1.(2014福建泉州期中)He waited at the gate of the hotel all the time, _to run into his favorite pop singer.A. hoping B. to hope C. having hoped D. hoped解析:根据句意“他一直等在宾馆的门口,希望巧遇他最喜欢的流行歌手。”此处非谓语动词表示的动作与句子谓语动词表示的动作相伴随着发生,故用现在分词作伴随状语。答案:A。例 2.(2014大纲全国)Today there are more airplanes_ more people than ever before in the skies.A. carry B. carrying C. carried D. to be carrying解析:根据句意“现在比以前有有更多的飞机运送乘客。”考查现在分词作定语。此处airplane和carrying之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。答案:B。例3.(2014福建)_the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.A. Spending B. Spent C. Having spent D. To spend 解析:根据句意“由于Linda过去几年在香港作交换留学生,所以她看起来比她的实际年龄更成熟。”“花费”和其逻辑主语“Linda”之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作原因状语。且“花费”的动作明显早于“看起来成熟”这个动作。表示发生在谓语动作之前的动作,用现在分词的完成时。答案:C。例4.(2014山东济宁期中)_money, his parents couldnt send him to university.A. Lacked B. Lacking of C. Lacked in D. Lacking解析:根据句意“由于缺少钱,他父亲不能送他去上大学。”此处非谓语动词的逻辑主语为his parents,故用现在分词简化句子,lack为及物动词答案:D。例5.(2014辽宁锦州月考)Titanic 3D moved all aud
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