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. . . .B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.Now listen to the story:We met on a blind date. For me, it was love at first sight.He was perfect. He was my Prince Charming. (1)(I was a terrible romantic when I met him and I gave up my heart)the day he smiled at me. The first time I saw him, he was dressed in a tuxedo. His skin was dark like brown sugar and his black hair was combed into carefully casual waves over his forehead. His cheeks were high and broad and his jaw was strong. When he smiled at me, the smile spread across his whole face and (2)(lit his eyes so that they turned to golden honey).He was strong, thoughtful, and quiet. When we were dating, he was such a gentleman, opening doors, letting me pick the movies, and stuff like that. He was sweet. He brought me flowers sometimes, or he would get my favorite ice cream, and sometimes he would bring me lunch from my favorite Chinese place down the street. He isnt quite the talker that I am, and (3)(I think thats why we hit it off). As they say, opposites attract! We dated for about a year before he proposed, and were married six months later. (4)(I believe that fate or destiny brought us together). He was Mr. Right.Things were so great. We got a cute apartment, bought nice furniture, we entertained friends, we went out to eat all the time, and I got a new car. (5)(Marriage wasnt the big adjustment everyone said it would be). It was exactly what I wanted: great guy, great apartment, great furniture, great car, great friends. Life was great!B. Ask and answer the questionsAsk and answer the following questions with a partner.1. Do you think it is justified to succeed by making a victim of someone else?Your answer:Reference answer:No, no one has the right to sacrifice others for their own purposes.2. Do you know anyone who often defames others? How do you deal with such people?Your answer:Reference answer:Yes, one of my classmates seems to enjoy defaming anyone that displeases him. I always stay away from such people.1. in(the 3rd century)2. in(the 90s)3. in(the early 1770s)4. in(the late 1590s)5. in(the 18th century)6. (year)(2010)7.(378 B.C.)8. (year)(1609)9. (year)(1998)10.(789 A.D.)Section Two Special English programsA. Item 12. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which parts of the womans face were severely injured by her dog?(b)a.Her eyes, cheeks, and lips.b.Her lips, chin, and nose.c.Her ears, nose, and forehead.d.Her nose, mouth, and ears.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Why wont some doctors perform a face transplant?(d)a.They might lose their job if they did.b.Its cruel to cut tissue off another person.c.A face is an important part of a persons identity.d.There are medical and moral issues.Section Two Special English programsB. Item 22. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following is the most serious example of plagiarism?(c)a.Stealing another persons words as your own.b.Cheating in an examination.c.Buying a whole paper from someone.d.Copying sentences from a book without giving credit.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following punishments for plagiarism is NOT mentioned?(a)a.Being expelled from school forever.b.Being given a failing grade on the paper or in the course.c.Being taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages.d.Having the students degree withdrawn.Section Two Special English programsC. Item 32. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following about the shocking news is NOT true?(a)a.Emperors Club VIP operated in six big cities in the USA.b.The governor spent tens of thousands of dollars on sex services.c.The governor has resigned.d.The governor had impressed the public as a crime fighter.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.What will the governor most probably be charged with, according to legal experts?(c)a.Paying for a high-priced sex service as Client Nine.b.Operating Emperors Club VIP in many cities.c.Moving large amounts of money from two banks for sex services.d.Bringing a 22-year-old woman into a hotel in New York for immoral purposes. 无提交答案Refer
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