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. . . . .高中英语2017复习题库1、 单选题 (共125题)1. Yesterday evening we had a lovely evening at _D_.昨天晚上我们在塞特和海伦家度过了一个愉快的夜晚A.Peters and HelensB.Peter and HelenC.Peter and HelensD.Peter and Helens2. He is a friend of _A_.他是我姐姐的朋友A.my sisters B.I sister C.me sister D.me sisters .3. Its only _C_ walk from here to the cinema.从这里到电影院只有半小时的路程A.half an hoursB.half a hoursC.half an hoursD.half a hours.4. In Britain the _A_ are all painted red.在英国,字母的盒子都是红色的。A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letters boxes D.letters boxes .5. They sell many kinds of _C_ in the shop.他们在商店里卖许多种手表。A.watchs B.watch C.watches D.watchs .6. By the end of last year, they_B_ a new railway station.到去年年底,他们已经新建了一个火车站A.built B.had built C.has built D.would build .7. Who _A_ the picture? Its upside-down.A.hung B.hang C.hanged D.hanging .8. There is going to _D_ a film tonight.A.are B.is C.have D.be .9. _C_ a few sheep behind the house.A.It is B.They are C.There are D.There is .10. Where have you _D_? Tom is looking for you.A.gone B.been to C.gone to D.been .11. These kinds of shoes _A_ well.A.dont sell B.are not sold C.wont be sold D.were not sold .12. Two of the boys _C_ while playing football.A.hurt B.were hurting C.got hurt D.had been hurt .13. Im sorry you cant go in now. The room _A_ yet.A.hasnt been cleanedB.hasnt cleanedC.isnt been cleanedD.hasnt being cleaned.14. All the desks in the classroom _A_ dust. 教室里所有的课桌都蒙上了灰尘A.are covered withB.are cover withC.are covering withD.covered with.15. Its hot today. The temperature _D_ to 35.A.has raisedB.has been risenC.has been raisedD.has risen.16. Paul is working hard these days. He _C_ pass the exam this time.保罗这几天工作很努力。他这次可能会通过考试A.has to B.shall C.may D.need .17. _A_ you please _ a minute?A.Wouldwait B.Dowait C.Shallwait D.Maywait .18. It is a fine day today. You _D_ take a raincoat with you.A.mustnt B.cant C.may D.neednt .19. You _D_ water in the garden. It looks like rain.你不必在花园里浇水。看起来要下雨A.must B.may not C.dont need D.neednt .20. “_B_ I go out and play now?” “No, you mustnt.”我现在可以出去玩了吗?”“不,你不能。”A.Need B.May C.Shall D.Will .21. Help _D_ to the cake, John and Mary.A.yourselfs B.yourselve C.yourself D.yourselves .22. _C_teacher has gone to America. _ of them are still in Shanghai.两位老师都没有去美国。他们两人都还在上海。A.BothBoth B.BothNeither C.NeitherBoth D.Neither.neither .23. _D_ of the boys has got a pencil and some paper.A.All B.Every C.Everyone D.Each .24. Last night Li Gang kept doing the maths exercises _ after _.A.oneanother B.onethe other C.onethe others D.someothers .25. “Does she speak English or Russian?” “She doesnt speak _.”A.neither B.none C.either D.all .26. Many students think foreign languages are _ science subjects.许多学生认为外语比理科难A.more difficult asB.less difficult thanC.much difficult thanD.so difficult as.27. Pan Hong studies very hard, so she makes _ mistakes in her study.A.a less B.fewer C.less D.a fewer .28. Everybody looked _ at the sick boy.A.sadly B.sad C.unhappy D.worried .29. I am _ grateful for the advice you gave me.A.deep B.deeply C.depth D.deepen .30. Alice isnt the tallest girl in her class, but she is taller than _.爱丽丝不是班上个子最高的女孩,但她比其他女孩高A.any of the girlsB.any other girlC.some the other girlsD.some of the other girls.31. “Do you have enough chairs in your classroom?”“No, I think we need _.”A.three other B.more three C.three another D.three more .32. Mr. Smith will stay in China for _.A.one and a half yearsB.one and a half yearC.one and half yearD.half and one year.33. In _ many people in _ thirties went to university for further education.A.1980sthe B.the 1980s/ C.1980stheir D.the 1980stheir .34. In _, my grandfather joined the Red Army.A.the 1930s B.1930s C.1930s D.the 1930s .35. “When were you born?” “I was born _.”A.on October twelveth nineteen sixty-fiveB.on October the twelfth nineteen sixty-fiveC.in nineteen sixty-five October twelvethD.in nineteen sixty-five October twelfth.36. “Would you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?” “_.”A.Yes, Id like to watch TVB.No, I do not watch TVC.Yes, to listen to the radioD.Id like to watch TV.37. “_ paper do you read?” “I
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