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(总分50分,答卷时间40分钟)题号听 力笔 试总分总分人一二三一二三四得分评分人第一部分 听 力(30分) 一、听音选图画。(10分)根据你听到的内容选出一幅相应的图画,把它的编号填入题前括号内,每小题连读两遍。( )1. A B( )2. A B( )3. A B( )4. A B( )5. A B二、听音填序号。(10分)根据图画和你所听到内容的顺序,把顺序号写在图画下面的括号内。每小题连读三遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) 矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔朧碍鳝绢懣硯涛镕頃赎巯驂雞虯从躜鞯烧。 ( ) ( )三、听音选答语。(10分) 根据你听到的内容,从A、B两个选项中选出听到的句子,把它的编号填入题前括号内。每小题连读三遍。()1. A. My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. 聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净祸測樅锯鳗鲮詣鋃陉蛮苎覺藍驳驂签拋敘睑绑。B. My favourite festival is the Spring Festival.()2.A. Yes, of course.B. Yes, I can. ()3. A. Collecting stamps is my hobby. B. Collecting dolls is my hobby.()4.A. Not very often. B. Not really.()5. A.To the park. B. To the library. 第二部分 笔 试(20分)一、词汇。(5分)根据括号内的汉语提示,填出单词中所缺字母。每个空格线上填写一个字母。1. What a big m p(地图) of the US.2. There are lots of Chinese sh_ps(商店) and restaurants there.残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭骒東戇鳖納们怿碩洒強缦骟飴顢歡窃緞駔蚂。3. Please stand in l_ne(长队,队列)!4. Do you often cl_ _n(打扫) your room?5.L_cky(幸运的) pandas!二、选择填空。(5分)从每小题所给的A、B两个选项中,选出一个最合适的选项,把它的编号填入题前括号内。( )1. I live in New York, I am not American.酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧荭钯詢鳕驄粪讳鱸况閫硯浈颡閿审詔頃緯贾。A. and B. but( ) 2. There a Chinatown in New York.A. is B. are( ) 3. Amy a stamp from China.A. have got B. has got( ) 4. Dont in the library.A. talk B. talking( ) 5. is the Great Wall? Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long.A. How long B. How big三、回答问题。(5分)根据问句,从方框中选择相应的答语,把它的编号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. Wheres the West Lake?( ) 2. What are you doing?( ) 3. Do you love this festival?( ) 4. Can you speak English?( ) 5. Who took this photo? A. Yes, I do B. No, I cant. C. Its in the east of China. D. Daming took it long ago. E. I am sending an email.彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑诒尔肤亿鳔简闷鼋缔鋃耧泞蹤頓鍥義锥柽鳗铟。四、阅读理解。(5分)阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的在题前括号内写T,错误的在题前括号内写F.Jack is from San Francisco. He lives in China with his parents now. He likes China and Chinese food. From Monday to Friday he goes to school. He has no time to go home for lunch. So he has it at school. The lunch at school is very good. He can eat rice, noodles and meat at home with his parents. But sometimes they go out to have dinner with their friends. They eat fish, meat, vegetables, fruit and many other delicious things. Jiaozi is Jacks favourite food. He thinks its very nice.謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點鉍杂篓鳐驱數硯侖葒屜懣勻雏鉚預齒贡缢颔。( )1. Jack is from San Francisco.( )2. Jack lives in China.( )3. Jack doesnt like Chinese food. ( )4. Jack has lunch at school from Monday to Friday.厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺癩龔长鳏檷譴鋃蠻櫓鑷圣绋閼遞钆悵囅为鹬。( )5. Jacks favourite food is jiaozi.听力朗读材料 六 年级英语试卷 第一部分 听 力一、听音选图画。(10分)根据你听到的内容选出一幅相应的图画,把它的编号填入题前括号内,每小题连读两遍。1. Lucky pandas! They love bamboo.2. Merry Christmas!3. Lingling has got a book about the US. 4. What an interesting DVD!5. The Great Wall is very old and very long.二、听音填序号。(10分)根据图画和你所听到内容的顺序,把顺序号写在图画下面的括号内。每小题连读三遍。1. Go straight on.2. I want to eat an ice cream.3. Sam always eats with a knife and fork.4. Snakes cant hear.5. Dont swim here. 三、听音选答语。(10分) 根据你听到的内容,从A、B两个选项中选出听到的句子,把它的编号填入题前括号内。每小题连读三遍。1. Whats your favourite festival? My favourite festival is the Spring Festival.2. Can you be my Chinese pen friend? Yes, of course.3. Whats your hobby? Collecting stamps is my hobby.六年级英语听力材料第1页(共1页)4. Do you often clean your room? Not very often. 新 -课-标 -第- 一-网茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀齐鈞摟鳎饗则怿唤倀缀倉長闱踐識着純榮詠。5. Where are we going, Simon?To the library.参考答案第一部分 听 力(30分)一、1-5 A A B B A51324二、三、1-5 B A A A B 第二部分 笔 试(20分)一、1. a 2. o 3. i 4. e a 5. u二、1-5 B A B A A 三、1-5 C E A B D四、1、T 2、T 3、F 4、T 5、T
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