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翻译练习1 一个人的外语能力有助于他的事业成功(make successful)The ability of foreign language of a person will make his career successful2 随着这座城市建设开发,大量人才涌入。(pour in)With the development of this city, a large number of talented people pour in.3可以肯定地说,英语拥有世界上最多的学习者。(it is safe to say)It is safe to say that English has the most learners in the world4这座城市逐渐成为该国的国际贸易中心。(a center of)This city is gradually becoming a center of international business5他拒绝在表格上签名。(sign)He refused to sign his name on the form6连续两次联系不上更加使他着急(add to)Twice failure in communication has added to his anxiety7这个房间可用做储藏室。(serve)This room can serve as a storeroom8我们的任务是在两年内打开海外市场。(open up)Our task is to open up the overseas market in two years9两国领导人的互访将加深双方的了解。(understanding)The mutual visit of the leaders of the two countries can increase the understanding of each other10双方谈判花了三个月才达成协议。(it takes to)It takes three months for the two sides to reach an agreement in negotiation11 你有问题要问吗?(questions to ask)Do you have questions to ask?12. 他要帮助我学习英语。 (to help me with English)He wanted to help me with English13. 他说了很多话来鼓励我。(to encourage)He said much to encourage me14. 他太年轻了,不能独自旅行。 (too, to)He is too young to travel alone15 我和他不够熟悉,不便请他来帮忙。 (enough to)I dont know him well enough to ask help from him16很多亚洲国家,直呼长辈的名字是被认为不礼貌的In many Asian countries, it is considered impolite to address ones senior with his first name17 注意到在西方,人们可以从对女性的不同称呼方式中得知她的婚姻状况He noticed that in the west, people could tell a womans marital status from the way she was addressed18 永远也不会忘记儿子当众喊她名字时的尴尬场景She will never forget the embarrassing experience of being first-named by her son in public19 一些人认为称姓而不呼名是表示对他人的尊敬Some people think that you could show respect for others by addressing them by their surnames rather than their first names20 这种情况下,你会怎么做呢?In that case, what would you do?21 他遭到女孩的拒绝,仍然一而再,再而三地约她Even though the girl refused him, he made the invitations again and again22 正式的场合下,穿牛仔服是极其不合适的In formal occasions, it is inappropriate to wear jeans23 为了表示对女性的尊重,总是把男士介绍给女士A man is traditionally introduced to a woman in order to show respect for her24要留下好的第一印象,就不得不意识到肢体语言的重要性,因为它能传递 60%左右的信息To leave a good first impression, you have to be conscious of the importance of the body language, because it can convey more than 60% information.25 你在和国外客户做生意时,了解他所在国的肢体语言可以减少误解When you deal with the foreign clients, understanding the body languages of his country could reduce misunderstandings26 你在和美国客户初次见面时,握手一定要有力;否则就会被认为性格软弱,处事犹豫不决When you meet your American client for the first time , your handshake must be firm, otherwise you would be considered as weak and hesitant27 美国人喜欢看着你的眼睛说话。如果你不看着他的眼睛,他就会认为你一定掩藏了什么,或是对他说的不感兴趣Americans like to look at the other person in the eyes when they are talking. If you dont do so, it means you are hiding something, or you are not interested in what he says28 学习一种文化里的肢体语言有时是很容易让人混淆。如果你不知该如何做,最保险的就是微笑Learning a cultures body language is sometimes confusing. If you dont know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile29 空间感对美国人很重要。两人说话时,他们不会直接面对面地站着Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually dont stand face to face directly30 朋友之间才可以把手放在对方的肩膀或手臂上Friends may place a hand on the others arm or shoulder31 在美国,你可以用手指某样东西,但绝不能用手指人A man is traditionally introduced to a woman in order to show respect for her.32 让我吃惊的是他英语说得这么好What surprised me a lot is that he could speak such a good English33. 谁来主持会议还未决定Who presides over the meeting hasnt been decided yet34. 他很侥幸还活着That he is alive is purely out of luck35. 非常明显,这样的交谈使约翰感到心烦意乱Obviously, what they have talked about upsets John36. 我们是否需要则是另外一回事Whether we need it is another matter37. 很显然是有人故意这样做的That it is intended is quite obvious38 你喜欢喝茶还是喝咖啡?(prefer)What would you prefer, tea or coffee?39 那儿有一块写着“禁止吸烟”的标记。 (sign, sayingThere is a sign saying “No smoking”40 每种文化都有不同的称呼形式。(forms of addressEvery culture has different forms of address41 我宁可不去想这次考试失败的事。(prefer notI prefer not to think of the failure in the exam42我认为用名字称呼老师并不粗鲁。 (dont thinkI dont think it rude to address the teacher by his/her name43来自不同文化的人应当学会如何相处? (interact withThe people who come from different cultures should learn how to interact with each other44当你与同来自不同文化的人谈话时,你应当知道他们的习惯。 (habitWhen you talk to those from a different culture, you should know their habits.45在你的文化中两人谈话时应保持什么样的距离才是最佳距离?(stand apart from each other, comfortable distanceIn your culture, what is the most comfortable distance for two people to stand apart from each other when talking?46 再三思考了这个问题后,他才发言He didnt say anything until he thought over the question47 孩子们一边唱歌,一边跳舞While the children were singing, they were dancing48 无论你说什么,我决不会同意你的看法Whatever you say, I will not agree with you49 万一有什么困难,请给我们一个信Send us a message in case you have any difficulty50 即使你取得了很大的成绩也不能自满You must not be conceited/ self-satisfied even if youve achieved great success51 应聘人需具备良好的英语水平,听说能力强The applicant should have a good grounding in English, with good
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