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1 Complete the summary of the reading passage using words from the text Advertisements have become part of our everyday life and so it is important that we ourselves about them to avoid being fooled by them educate The aim of advertisements is to persuade people to do something and so advertisers spend a lot of time deciding what kind of things will to their group The kind of advertisement depends partly on because it costs a lot more money for advertisements in such as television than it does in others such as newspapers appeal target budget media So why do advertisers spend so much money on advertisements Are they really worth all that The advertisers think so or they wouldn t waste their money expense 2 Complete the sentences using words from the box in their proper forms 1 When I get home I always take off my business clothes and change into something casual garment attach inform association conscience worthy corporation refresh basis casual 2 They decided she was the best one for the job on the of her exam marks 3 You need to a small photo to your passport application before you send it in 4 She is a very person who is always doing good things for our city basis attach worthy 5 I belong to an that goes cycling in the country every weekend 6 I would rather work for a small business than a large 7 After our long walk we swam in the river to ourselves association corporation refresh 8 She gave back the watch she stole because she had a guilty about it 9 He was wearing a strange that went all the way down to his ankles 10 The school sent home a notice to parents that there would be no classes on Friday conscience garment inform 3 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition 1 We are exposed hundreds of different advertisements every day 2 She is a remarkable woman who is worthy your admiration to of 3 If you keep copying everything she does you ll turn her one day 4 The police appealed the public for any information about the murder into to 5 You cannot rely him to arrive on time because he is always late for meetings 6 You ll soon fit your new job and start enjoying yourself 7 Please attach this label your suitcase on into to Complete these sentences using the correct form of these verbs or phrases as the object complement 1 Through the window I could see the rain in sheets 2 2 Mother made Charles his bedroom before he went out coming down tidy ing形式 不带to不定式 burn have tidy murder deliver hand over become come down 3 Can you smell something It must be coming from the kitchen 4 When the police arrived they found the actress in the bathroom burning murdered ing形式 过去分词 burn have tidy murder deliver hand over become come down 5 The boss ordered the typist all the documents ready 6 The robbers forced the man the suitcase to have to hand over 动词不定式 动词不定式 burn have tidy murder deliver hand over become come down 7 A lot of practice helped the spokesman a more fluent speaker 8 The hostess had the invitations a week before the party to become delivered 动词不定式 过去分词 burn have tidy murder deliver hand over become come down Use the words in the text to take the place of the words in red 1 This shop sells clothes of all kinds 2 Advertisements are everywhere in our daily lives 3 The teacher told us that the school would be closed for one day next week garments adverts ads informed 4 We have a desire to become respectable citizens 5 Only big companies can afford television ads 6 What is the cost of putting an ad on the Internet worthy corporations expense 7 Most shampoo products depend on an ad with good visual effects 8 Advertising cigarettes is not allowed in China 9 Not all advertisers are honest 10 I ve known Ben for many years He is worthy of trust rely banned decent trustworthy Finish Ex 1 2 3 on Page 85
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