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人教课标 高二 选修 8 Unit 1 1 California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population population 1 对人口提问用 what 不用 how many how much What s the population of the city 这个城市有多少人口 2 population 作主语时用单数 但前有 分数 小数 百分数时 谓语动词用 复数 The population of China is larger than that of America 中国人口比美国人口多 80 of the population are farmers 百分之80的人口是农民 is are 3 人口的增加或减少用 grow increase 和 fall decrease 人口的多少用 large 和 small The population of China large And 70 of the population of China peasants is are 2 The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home 这些移民的风俗习惯以及语言在他们的新家都得以 延续 live on 继续存在 继续生存 运用 完成句子 The lonely old man 靠 生 活 charity Mozart is dead but his music 得以流 传 The soldiers camped in the open and 靠 为生 wild plants lived on lives on lives on lived on 3 Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California no one really knows 分析 a 本句是一个主从复合句 也是个倒装句 b 主句是 从句是 c 在宾语从句中 what引导的从句作介 词 in 的 no one really knows when引导的宾语从句 宾语 4 However it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago It is likely that 运用 完成句子 很 可 能 he has already arrived at the station 她可能 to ring me tonight It is likely that She s likely a 本句的主句是 从句是 that 引导的 b 宾语从句中 which 引导定语从句 修 饰先行词 5 Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times land bridge Scientists believe 宾语从句 means n 方式 手段 单复数相同 运用 完成句子 He crossed the river 借助于 a raft I will 决不 act as a waitress You should 务必 warn him before he leaves for Hong Kong by means of by no means by all means 6 Of the first Spanish to go to California the majority were religious men majority 大多数 n 1 the majority of the people most of the people 大多数人 2 majority 常与 a the 连用 most 后接名词或 of n The majority were was for the plan majority 大多数 n The majority for the budget The majority of students hard working The majority of the damage easy to repair was were are is 7 By the time California elected to become the thirty first federal state of the USA in 1850 it was already a multicultural society 到 1850 年加利福尼亚通过选举成为美国第 31 个联邦州 时 它已经成为一个有着多元文化的社会了 elect vt 选择 决定做某事 选举某人 运用 完成句子 The whole class 选举他做班长 The manager 决定 go on business in March The girl elected 选择做一名老师 after graduation elected him monitor elected to to be a teacher 8 Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period it was the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s 虽然中国移民在淘金热时期就开始到 来了 但是更大批量的中国移民却是在 19世纪60年代为修建贯穿美国东西海 岸的铁路而来的 1 It was last night I see the comet A the time B when C that D which 强调句的结构是 It be 强调部分 that who 主谓句 强调句的连 词只有两个 that 和 who 当强调的 部分是人 且为句子的主语时 才用 who 其余用 that 9 which today still keeps up their Danish culture 阅读下列句子 观察keep up在句中的 意思 1 Today the people in the village still keep up their original culture 2 The snowstorm kept up for five days 沿袭 风俗 传统等 保持 持续 3 Those houses are so strongly built that they would keep up even in a violent earthquake 4 I see you re getting along well with your English studies Splendid You must keep up the good work 坚持 维持 坚持 维持 10 It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups 分析 a it is believed that 表示 人们认为 其中 it 是 真正 的主语是后面的 b so that 如此 以至于 其中 that 引导结果状语从句 形式主语 that从句 1 What n are you I am Chinese 2 Only a few of them thought highly of the plan The 大多数 were against it 3 The Taiwan 海峡 separates Taiwan Island from the mainland I 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母 或汉语提示 写出各单词的正确形式 nationality majority Strait 4 移民 in the 1980s was very high 5 Radio and television are important m of communication 6 The unemployment 百 分比 keeps rising 7 R 种族的 conflicts still exist in many countries Immigration means percentage Racial II 根据句意 选择适当的词填空 1 Spanish Spain a He chose Germany but personally I d prefer to go to b Apart from English we study Russian and Spain Spanish 2 Mexico Mexican a Many regard the United States as a land of milk and honey b In they were able to live high on a moderate income Mexicans Mexico 3 Danish Denmark a He was born in but he became a British citizen at the age of 30 b The body of law was established by the invaders and settlers in northeastern England in the ninth and tenth centuries Denmark Danish 4 Korean Korea a The capital and the largest city of North is in the southwest central part of the country b We re going to have a history course glancing at the conflict Korea Korean 5 Pakistan Pakistani a speak their own language not English b He is on the way to via the Silk Route Pakistanis Pakistan 1 He crossed the river a raft 2 She hopes to from writing children s books III 用所给词组的适当形式填空 by means of make a life make a life by means of declare war on in and around fight against keep up settle in be forced into doing 3 I taking a taxi because the last bus had left 4 They the enemy bravely to gain their freedom 5 We re a little disorganized a
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