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Unit 1 Project Producing a TV show 1 What do you think is the most dangerous animals in the ocean 2 What do you know about sharks There are nearly 400 different types of sharks which are divided into 8 orders 目 and 30 families 科 There are lots of differences in sharks Basking shark Shark Species Whale sharkGreat white Tiger shark Blue shark Shark attacks Read the article about shark attacks on page 18 to know more about sharks What will you do if a shark attacks you Fast reading 1 How many different types of sharks are there in the ocean 2 How many types of sharks attack human beings 3 What types of sharks attack humans 4 How to avoid being attacked by sharks 5 If a shark attacks you what should you do Fast reading 1 How many different types of sharks are there in the ocean Nearly 400 types 2 How many types of sharks attack human beings About 30 types Fast reading 3 What types of sharks attack humans great white shark tiger shark bull shark Fast reading 4 How to avoid being attacked by sharks Do not swim in the dark Do not go swimming in the ocean if you have a fresh wound Do not wear bright clothing or jewellery stay in groups Fast reading 5 If a shark attacks you what should you do keep calm Do not panic Hit the shark on the nose Stick your finger in the shark s eye 完成基训P20 The wonderful world of pigeons Read the second article The wonderful world of pigeons and answer 1 What does the article begin with 2 Why does the writer begin with this story in his article 3 How do pigeons find their way 1 What does the article begin with It begins with a story 2 Why does the write begin with this story in his article To arouse readers interest 3 How do pigeons find their way Pigeons appear to have a compass inside them that tells them which way is north they also appear to use their sight and even their sense of smell to tell them which way they should go useful expression 1 人类 2 与 相反 3 把 误当做 3 适合于做某事 4 保持镇静 5 大量 6 数以百计 7 卷起 8 把 附在上 9 a sense of direction 10 be employed by 11 迷路 human beings contrary to mistake for be fit to do keep calm large numbers of hundreds of roll up attach to 方向感 被雇佣 get lost 1 Contrary to what many people might assume evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans 11 be contrary to 与 相反 2 stay in groups as sharks usually avoid large numbers of people 43 avoid 避免 逃避 n prop doing 1 We should avoid the same mistake A make B to make C making D made 2 He was extremely angry but cool headed enough to storming into the boss s office A turn B avoid C prohibit D prevent C B 3 Don t be frightened by sharks you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark 56 不要惧怕鲨鱼 因为你被闪电击中的几率要比 被鲨鱼攻击的几率大30 倍 30 times more likely than 比 大30 倍 倍数的表达法 1 A 谓语 times 形容词 副词 比较级 than B 2 A 谓语 times as 形容词 副词 原级 as B 3 A 谓语 times the 性质名词 width size length height weight of B 4 The 名词 be times what it was 过去的时间 1 The box is once big than that one 2 The river is twice the long of that one 3 Elephants are ten times as heavy lions 4 The production is now three times it was ten years ago bigger length as what 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大 1 Asia is three times larger than Europe 2 Asia is four times as large as Europe Asia is four times the size of Europe 单项填空 Is this stick long enough No I need one A twice so long B so long twice C twice as long D as long twice 高考链接 2 05上海 Nigeria 尼日利亚 is Great Britain A three times the size as B the size three times of C three times as the size of D three times the size of 3 04广西 It is reported that the United States uses energy as the whole of Europe A as twice B twice much C twice much as D twice as much Sb sth be likely to do sth 可能干某事 It s likely for sb to do sth 某人可能干某事 It s likely that 很可能 他可能睡着了 He is likely to fall asleep It is likely for him to fall asleep It is likely that he has fallen asleep 1 In the main type the shark attacks you because it mistakes you for a fish but when it tastes human flesh it decides to give up and swims away L15 本句是并列主从复合句 连词but连接两 个复合句 在第一个复合句中 because 引导一个原因状语从句 第二个复合句 中 when引导一个时间状语从句 句中 mistake for 指 把 错当为 2 In the second type the shark pushes you with its noses to find out if you are fit to be eaten and then bites you if it thinks you are L19 3 Though it may seem hard to believe the bird the officer uses is the same bird often seen in public parks the pigeon L11 句中的though引导让步状语从句 其 中it 代指主句的内容 主句中的the officer uses 是定语从句 修饰主语the bird 而often seen in public parks是 过去分词短语 作the same bird的后 置定语 4 Pigeons appear to have a compass inside them that tells them which way is north L26 句中that 引导定语从句 修compass 在该句中 tell后接双宾语 直接宾语是 which引导的宾语从句 这里的appear 是系动词 相当于seem 意思是 好像 似乎 e g Mary appears to be hesitating about this matter 在这件事情上 玛丽似乎还在犹豫 Producing a TV show about how the animal uses its senses Introducing the project Planning Get into groups 6 8 Decide which animal to focus on Clear assignments You can look the questions on page 19 and assign task to each group member Search information about the animal from books Internet or by visiting a zoo watchin
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